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(Alpha Destiny's POV) your mistress is here. "If there is anything you need help with the trials, you can always ask us. We will be there to help," Brandon said to the Rogue Alpha/ Maverick. "We should get going if we want to reach home before dusk," I said to Brandon. He looked at me over his shoulder and glared. I guess he didn't like me interrupting his little talk. Too bad I don't have time for his friendliness. He can get friendly anytime else. My priority is to get back home. Mom and dads will be visiting us today. I can't miss nagging my old men. "We'll get going now. It was nice meeting you," Brandon and Maverick shook their hands. Maverick then shook Calvin's hand and next mine. I was surprised he even considered shaking his hands with me and Calvin. I didn't let it show on my face though. What a way to get on the friendly side. Cunning b***h. "Do call if you need anything." He nodded his head in acknowledgement. We shifted into our Lycans forms once again. The trip back home was uneventful and boring. If it weren't for the mindless talks of Calvin, I would have died out of boredom. In between everything, something is urging me to go home. Something is pulling me like never before. Must be because of dads. That is the only plausible explanation. "Alphas, welcome back," our best friend/ gamma for other packs/ Beta, Rhett, greeted us near the pack borders. "I can't bear any longer pretending to be your Beta. I just can't f*****g understand these rules. Why is it that a pack can only have one Alpha? Why do the Elders have to make a rule against more than one Alpha?" Calvin grumbled the moment we stepped into our territory. "Elders are powerful but not unbeatable. They need to make sure they don't get overthrown. Twin and Triplets Alphas are a threat to their existence. We have more power than them. And that's why they are doing what they can to prevent their place from getting snatched," Brandon explained. "Talking about Elders. How is your planning of getting a place as an Elder going? "I'll be crowned as an Elder in a few months," I didn't get into the details. It's not necessary either. What matters is that I become an Elder. Don't mind the dirty tricks I'm going to use. Brandon gave me an impressed nod. Be careful. He added through the mindlink. I didn't give any response. I'm always careful. "Ahhh, yes. Yesterday we found human trespassing on our lands. I couldn't decide if I should punish her because she was clueless. She also treated us like some batshit people after we told her that we are Lycan," Our gamma said. "Not a spy then. But with the war coming up we have to keep our guards high. Bring us to her. We'll interrogate her." "This way, Alpha. I have put her in one of the guest's rooms. She is a human. A fragile creature. She wouldn't have been able to survive the night in our dungeons," he stated and led us to the guest's house. "You sure there wasn't any other reason you put her in the guest house?" I raised the question. He looked guilty and averted his eyes. Seems like there is another reason. "Actually, something is weird about this human. We felt a strange protectiveness towards her." "Interesting." I stated. Brandon threw me a questioning glance. "Don't even think about it," he warned me. He is a fool if he thinks I'll give a second thought to his warning. "Why? She willingly walked into our den. I can't let her go without making her pay the price, now can I?" I winked at him. "By price you mean, she'll have to let you eat her out, let you use her as your toy, and be your submissive," Calvin sniggered. "You know me, brother. And don't make it sound like I'll rape her. She'll willingly submit to me." "What if she is straight?" Calvin questioned with a raised brow. "Your ex was straight too, wasn't she? But what happened to her? She said, I quote "please mistress, let me eat your p***y" the moment I started flirting with her. They all submit, brother. I know how to work my charms on women." "For the millionth time, she wasn't my ex. She was my w***e until you decided to f**k her lesbian, that is," he growled in frustration. "Ahh yes, my dear maya turned lesbian especially for me. How forgetful I am," I commented, not giving a f**k if she has turned lesbian especially for me. She knows how to satisfy my hunger to some extent. That's it. She is my w***e until I get tired. And it seems the time is nearing, given the fact she is claiming I will mark her as mine. Poor thing. I guess I wasn't clear when I had warned that only my mate could bear my mark. No one else can. No one could ever compare to my mate. "Stop acting like you give a s**t about her," Calvin sneered. "I never acted like I do." "Alpha, no offence but you should put her in her place. She has been spreading rumours that you confessed your undying love for her. She even threatened your other *cough* whores *cough* that you belong to her," Calvin chortled a laugh. "I see," I let the topic go. Now is not the time to discuss the topic. I will deal with her my way. Are you going to break her poor heart? Calvin asked with fake concern. Yes, but you can mend it by being her b***h. He growled at me. You… he stopped abruptly. My legs shook when the smell of Cocoa butter waffled through my nose. My Lycan pushed to the surface, urging me to step into the house. The time seemed to stop as we walked through the door. My amber eyes connected with chocolate ones and my breathing stopped for a second. My Lycan howled "mate" inside my head. I stood awestruck as I looked at the most beautiful creature in my life. *** (Elsie's POV) I woke up, fuming. How dare these lunatics kidnap me? I'm going to sue every one of them for this. My eyes darted to the breakfast placed on the table. For a second I weakened before I hardened my heart. Damn you, food. Wait… so they entered this so-called guest house while I was asleep. Those perverts better not have tried something inappropriate while I was out like a light. Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror, dude? Those gods wouldn't cast you a glance and you think they will try something with you? Dream on. My conscience mocked me. No, I won't let the truth hurt me. So what if they look like a God? They are sick in the head. And I'm not bad to look at, I think? Yes, I have plain brown eyes, brown hair to match, pale skin which reddens immediately and makes me look like a ghost, a nose that seems too big on my face. So what? At least I'm not hideous to look at. That is a relief. The footsteps from outside rang in my ear and I braced myself for the upcoming argument. That said argument flew out of the window as two Gods and a Goddess stepped into the house. I watched tongue-tied as their eyes found mine. Their eyes seemed to flash as they landed on me… what the f**k? I snapped back into reality. I must have imagined it. It seems like they are influencing me. I have to get out of here before they convert me into crackheads like them. "L-l-listen her-re this is considered kidnappin-g-g…." Of course, I couldn't go long before shuttering. This is so embarrassing. I couldn't even get my points across looking intimidating. The woman stepped forward, tilted my chin up and asked, "Is that so?" "What would you do about it?" She purred, her lips getting closer to mine. I gulped loudly. Damn it. Why am I tongue-tied? I'm not interested in women but this goddess here is making me question my sexuality. And it's only a few minutes since we met. What if I'm turning into a lesbian? No, that's not it. It's been so long since I had gotten laid. Is that the reason I'm attracted to her? Because I'm sexually frustrated? Sensing my inner turmoil, she backed up. I sighed in relief. My mind was a mess with her being close and that raised red flags. I have to avoid getting too close to her in the future… What the f**k am I thinking? There is no future. I'm getting out of here as soon as possible. I'd prefer to leave right away but my escape route is blocked by two enormous men. They look scary. Unconsciously I took a step back, intimidated by their presence. The two Gods noticed the change of my expression and turned their head to the two massive men. "Get out," they barked at the same time. The two men looked hurt as they cast a glance in my direction. They looked at me as if I had abandoned them. What the heck? These people are batshit crazy. All the more reason to escape this place. But why is my heart aching at the thought of leaving? Why does it feel as if I belong right here? ***
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