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(Elsie's POV) I regret it all. Regret becoming a scientist. Regret accepting the offer to develop drugs. Regret leaving the base in search of a damn flower. I trembled, damn near hyperventilating as my eyes stayed glued to a spider. It is as big as my palm and it looks scary. He seems to mock me by closing the distance between us but I may be imagining it due to my panicked state. Being alone in the dark was already freaking me out but the spider had to crawl out of nowhere and give me a damn heart attack too. I'm facing my two biggest fears at the same time. "Don't drop the light," I muttered to my shaky hand. Don't drop it. Don't drop it. Don't drop it. I chanted the same thing over and over in my head. If I lost the only present light in my life right now, I wouldn't survive the night. I'd be dead because of my panic attack or this damned thing will give me a heart attack. Move Elsie. Don't look at it. If you don't look at it, maybe he'll disappear. I thought to myself. But still, my widened and panicked eyes stayed at the thing. Move Elsie. Come on, you can do it. I toughened myself and took a small step sideways. When the spider remained in its position, I took one more step. One step at a time, Elsie. Watch out for that damned creature. I slowly moved out of the line of sight of the spider. When I was at least three metres away from the spider I let out a sigh of relief. I was so damn close to fainting. I'm not even kidding. I looked at my shaking hands. What will I do now? My anxiety seems to have skyrocketed at the wrong time. I am alone in the dark. And there is a big ass spider so damn close to me. Two metres away but still close. In my opinion anyway. That thing should be at least seventy miles away from me. Yes, that would be perfect. Murphy squeaked near my ear, making me jump out of fright. I had totally forgotten I had a partner with me. "Murphy, are you trying to kill me, baby?" I scolded him in a motherly tone. He whined in reply and nibbled my cheek as a form of apology. "You should be more worried about sleeping, Murphy," I sighed dejectedly. I planned to sleep in a sleeping bag but knowing there is a spider near me, I don't think I would be able to wink even. But the least I could do is try. Who knows, maybe I'll get tired of being awake and will fall asleep during the night. I took out my sleeping bag, opened it and crawled into it. My baby ferret climbed on me and curled into a ball. It didn't long for him to fall asleep. Whereas, I laid wide awake. Maybe I should start counting stars? Good idea. So, I started to count the stars. I didn't count much before I got frustrated. They are everywhere and it is not helping me sleep. Not at all. If anything, now I'm more awake than before. Fuck you, stars. *** I was right when I said I won't be able to sleep. Now, my eyes are twitching with exhaustion. But if I want to reach my destination in this lifetime. I'll have to move. Even if I want nothing more than to take a nap. I toughened myself for the journey. I shouldn't give up. I will not give up now. I'm already out, there is no way I will go back. If I succeed in this project I will get to work with my mentor. That has been my dream ever since I chose my career. I will not fail her. With that motivation, which didn't help my anxious mind at all, I started the journey for today. I walked for hours, only taking rest in between, not knowing my life is about to turn upside down. "Murphy, how much longer do we have to travel?" I whined, wiping the sweat off my forehead and neck. Today is the worst day for travelling. The sun is beating down at the highest temperature. It feels like someone has thrown me in an oven. Ahhhhh, why am I so unlucky? Murphy hissed, shifting from one shoulder to another. "What got you so anxious?" I asked, petting him. He didn't calm down. If anything he started to hiss even more. I was busy trying to calm my ferret down so I did notice the change around me until I was surrounded by a few men. A few naked men. I shrieked, covering my eyes. "What are you guys doing walking around naked?" I shouted in embarrassment. Don't tell me they all are gay and were having an orgy here? My ears tinted red at my thought. "The question is, what is a human doing in our pack?" One of the men asked in an authoritative voice. Damn, he has that perfect dark voice that can easily make any woman wet. I peeked at him from in between my fingers. And I didn't regret peeking. The man before me is a pure Adonis. He has the sharpest jaw, straight nose, pink plump lips, dark brown hair. And let's not forget about his body. He is buff but not too much to look like an orc. His arms look so damn strong with veins popping all around them. And those perfect six-packs are so defined, it almost looks unrealistic. My eyes trailed downwards and widened. Even his… He coughed to gain my attention. My ears once again turned red from embarrassment, but this time because I was caught checking him out. "I have asked you a question. What are you doing here?" He asked, looking down at me. Wait… "Who do you think you are to ask me that question? Is this forest yours?" I snapped at him. How dare he look at me like I'm dust beneath his feet. "Listen here human," he closed the distance between us and I had to admit he looked intimidating. I gulped, looking into his green eyes. "This pack is our territory. It belongs to us and you have just trespassed. Be grateful I haven't thrown you into the dungeon, yet," he sneered. "Did you call me a human? What are you then, a ghost?" I snickered at him. "Not a ghost. A Lycan," he growled? Like a wolf? Am I hearing things? And what the f**k did he called himself? Lycan? As in Lycanthrope, the supernatural creatures that don't exist? My mind raced as I calculated every possibility to reason with his answer. It stopped at one reason that makes complete sense... "Now I got it. You probably have been lost in these woods for a long time and lost your mind," I commented. My hands patted his shoulder in assurance. "If you want I can help you out of these woods and I can even suggest a good therapist for you," I cooed at him. Poor thing. I looked at the men in pity. Ahhh, what a waste of good looks. They could easily become famous in the modelling world. "I can't deal with this ignorant woman right now. I have more pressing matters to deal with. Lock her in the guest house until the Alpha returns," the man looked at me like I'm a fool, turned around and left. "Wait…," I screamed when someone threw me over their shoulder. "This is kidnapping. You can't just take me with you in this broad daylight," I screamed. When they didn't put me down I threatened them, "I will sue you all for this." But no matter what I did they didn't put me down. They had no response to my screams, my threats and even my curses. They just kept running like I'm not hanging down on the shoulder of one of their men. I tried to peek where they were taking me but I couldn't see anything else besides the ground. They are running so fast I feel like everything is spinning. My mind is spinning and I feel like I'll blackout any second. They put me down inside some cabin and left, locking the door. "Let me out you fools," I pounded on the door with my fist as I shouted. My screams went unheard to their ears. I finally stopped when I was exhausted. What the hell did I get myself into? These people are totally out of their minds. They need therapy. And now I'm stuck among these crackheads for god knows how long. Life couldn't get any better. I sassed in my mind. Murphy jumped from my hoodie and started nibbling me. At least I have my lovely pet with me. ***
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