
1393 Words
(Alpha Brandon's POV) "Where is Destiny?" I asked my brother and Beta, Calvin. He looked up from the document he is working on. One of the reasons why I have three working desks in my office is because we three, and by we three I mean us triplets, Me, Calvin, and Destiny, like to stick together. It helps our bonding time and we can share our problems with others. "She is in her room, probably f*****g one of her whores," he shrugged nonchalantly. I raised my brows at his statement. He is fifty percent true. If Destiny isn't with us, she is probably f*****g someone or is on a trip. Where are you? I asked Destiny through the mindlink. There was no response from her for a while. Maybe she is out of the pack for a little space. It is not uncommon for her to get away for a little adventure. Between Maya's legs, why? Wanna join in for a threesome? She asked and I chuckled. That is Destiny for, she likes to share her whores with us and we have no problems with that as her whores are always tamed and know their places. It helps us enjoy their p***y without worrying about them being clingy. Unfortunately, it's a no for me and for you too. There is something I need to discuss with you. I said in a serious tone. If I'm using this tone when I'm with them it means I want to discuss something important and she knows not to argue at that time. Fucking fine. She grumbled before cutting the link. It wasn't long before she barged into the office, looking all professional. If I didn't know better I'd have said she has just come out of the shower, not from between someone's thighs. "What is it that you want to discuss?" she asked straight to the point. Calvin looked up and smirked at her. "You didn't invite me for fun," he said and she rolled her eyes. "I invited Brandon but he refused so I thought you'll refuse too," she commented, picking up a pen and playing with it. "I could never refuse a wet p***y," he said leaning forward and looking at me. "Enough with the suspense, what do you want to tell us?" He asked with a serious voice. "Government refused our proposal for the alliance," I said before adding, "once again." Their faces contoured with anger. We have been trying to be patient and offered them alliances because they see us as a threat and that is not good for our species. I can sense an upcoming war. They don't want to be our friends, even when we have told them we held no threats. Humans live far away from us so there is no reason for them to eliminate us, but humans are vile creatures, if they sense danger they eliminate it without thinking through. If this continues, it'll end up badly for them. If it's a war they want then that's what they'll get. "f*****g humans," Destiny spat out. "What do we do now?" Calvin asked, exchanging a glance with Destiny. "We wait," just a simple word but with a lot of hidden meanings. Destiny and Calvin smirked as they knew what I meant. I want the humans to decide where they want a treaty or a war. Goddess, bless their soul if they choose war. They may be more in numbers and have technology but they lack the strength and strategies that can match with us. I'm sure half of them will faint when they see us in our Lycan forms. "That's a good idea," Destiny said. "But I don't want any innocent humans involved," she added after an afterthought and I agree with her. We'll only retaliate to those who have harmed us, there will be no loss of innocents. "I'll make sure to pass down to all the Alphas that no innocents will be harmed if it comes to war," I said, already guessing how their reaction will be. Not all of the werewolves species care about the lives of these filthy humans. It'll be difficult to look out for those who want the whole human species gone. She nodded, "that's a good idea". It got silent for a moment, each one of us lost in our thoughts until Calvin broke it. "Did you hear?" Calvin asked in an excited voice. Destiny and I raised an eyebrow at him. Calvin is one of those who knows about everything and anything, he has more information about what is happening around us than me and Destiny. And if he is smiling like that there has to be some new information. "Alpha Sapphire is mated to the Rouge Alpha," he said looking at me then Destiny. Destiny and I watched him with stunned silence. Alpha Sapphire is one of the few female Alpha and now it seems she is a natural-born Luna too. She doesn't know it or maybe she does but the other Alpha's from all over the world seem to respect her, except a few sexist ones. She is known for her cunning mind and her wise nature. She is one of the calmest and emotionless women, yet she takes care of the people around her well. According to her pack members, she doesn't mistreat them or punish them for no reason, which is a good trait of a fair Alpha. "And that's not all, he is a Lycan wolf," he added, looking at our expressions closely. "A Lycan Wolf?" Destiny and I asked together. He smirked and nodded his head. "Wow," Destiny commented. Wow, indeed. Lycan wolves are myths only existing in books. It seems they're not myths at all, they exist. "Her dad didn't make a fuss about it?" I asked. Her dad is one the most stubborn Alpha I have ever known, he wouldn't have handed over her daughter to the Rogue Alpha without a fight. "I don't know, yet," he said, shrugging. I'm sure he'll dig into the matter for more information. "Enough about others, we need to find our Luna soon," I said, massaging my forehead. How our dads waited for more than seven hundred years to find our mom, I'd never know. We're thirty five years old and already going crazy to find our mates. "Don't worry, you'll meet her whenever the moon goddess wants you to," Calvin commented before going back into working mode. "What if our mate is the same person?" Destiny asked with a raised brow. Before either of us can reply she threw out her second question. "Or what if it's a male?" She asked, smirking at us. Calvin and I scrunched our nose. We may not be against gays but that doesn't mean we will turn into it. "Then it'll mean you're going to have a d**k in you," Calvin deadpanned and I chuckled. It was her turn to scrunch her nose up. Destiny only does girls, she was never interested in boys, never will be. "Hell Nah, my mate is going to be a girl," she licked her teeth and commented. "Sure," Calvin commented, giving her a pointed look. "What the f**k is that expression?" Destiny growled and Calvin wiggled his eyebrows. I shook my head at them, they may be old enough to parents but they're childish when it comes to their behaviour. "You're going to get a male as your mate," Calvin commented, chuckling. I smiled and went back to work. "And our mate will be the same person and he's going to f**k your ass," she growled back, throwing her pen at Calvin who easily caught it between his fingers. Calvin opened his mouth to retaliate but I have had enough of their childishness for the day. "Okay, it's enough for today. Calvin, focus on the work and Destiny, It'll be great if you help us out," I said without looking up at them. They immediately stopped their banter and started working while glaring at each other. From time to time their eyes glazed over, indicating they're continuing their arguments through mindlink. I glared at them when I had enough and they looked at me innocently before seriously working this time. *** A little POV of our Alpha. Comment what you guys think about the chapter. Like. Comment. Share. ××priya××
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