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Stop that Alina, that's not how we should treat our guest, remember his the first mortal to step foot on this land, be nice ok? Olim said smiling, oh don't patronise me, you know it is strictly forbidden for a human to cross, so why did you pull him here from his realm, do you want to get us in trouble with the elder gods? Oh relax they can't find out, I want to see him in the flesh, ain't you curious too?, Besides we are his gods, we are supposed to help him on this journey, you heard the prayers, or are you turning your back on your people now? I will do no sure thing!!!, Fine then let's just help him figure out his path and guide him to his spirit animal, and return back to the city ok? That's so sweet of you, his gonna need your help as the goddess of war and mischief if his to even make it pass the first gate, oo stop making me feel special you know I hate it... While both gods were having their conversation, obinna was speechless, who are those talking? why can I hear them but can't see them? He looked around him countless time but can only see the dry desert land, I need to get back home he said, but I don't know the way, he turned to another direction and tried running but suddenly found himself been hooked by the waist by what seems to be an invisible robe. And where do you think you are running off to young man?, Fancy yourself dead? Come on Alina, the boy is confused he can't even see us, cut him some slack ok, saying that Alina released her grip on obinna, am sorry mortal, my name is obinna not mortal obinna shoot back immediately, oh his a lively one too, obim said laughing, he waved his scarf round obinna's face, and obinna saw that he was standing at the very entrance of the city of HYDRAI (city of the gods), he saw that he was standing in the presence of the two spiritual beings, Obim the god of wisdom and Alina the goddess of war and mischief.. See the way he stares at us obim, hey mortal have you got a death wish? Alina screamed at obinna and gave him a scary looking look with eyes suddenly blazing, obinna quickly noticed that a sword was materializing magically in her outstretched right hand, he got scared but obim noticing the tension faced alina and she instantly calmed and the sword disintegrated into ashes, lets help him, his not resposible for your woes with izuna ( king of the gods) our father... My apologies obinna, please stretch out your right hand that hold the stone and release them, obinna did as instructed and the stones instantly became pebbles of different colours ( green, red and blue) they flew towards obim, and as if they were communicating obim responded with nods and giggles, alina on the other hand seems not bothered by them she just had her arms akimbo and just wished she could return to her abode, obinna please pick one of his floating stones, make sure your heart calls to it, a wrong choice can be very fatal for you on your journey. Obinna moved closer and picked the stone with the blue colour, the other two pebbles instantly disappeared, ah a wise choice you made, its name is doma, it will serve, protect and guide you on your journey, you must also protect it from harm is that understood?, yes sir, as obinna held the stone it started glowing and instantly became a blue coloured cat like fairy, with scales of a fish, the wings, it flew and looked at obinna and yawned, then he disappeared. Obinna was shocked and looked at obim's face, but obim laughed and said to him, you can relax he will be back when you need him, here take this bag, it contains all you will need on your journey.
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