985 Words
So obinna I believe you should be well on your way now don't you think so Alina? Oh how right you are obim, very well then, obinna get up, I must send you on your way back to your people so you can begin your journey, close your eyes and stay still, and as she said so, Alina waved her right hand and formed a big ring of light in front of obinna, and asked him to keep walking forward into the created circle of light, but obinna thinking it was one of the goddess's tricks again, was skeptical, Alina get annoyed pushed in him into the light and obinna screamed while Falling into a wormhole like vortex, until he found himself waking up to the sounds of people around him.. His awake!!!, Everyone look obinna is awake screamed his father, everyone gathered round obinna in a rush, but they all quickly pull back in fear when they noticed that one of his arm was mysterious changing into a deep white colour with black spots like that of a leopard, from the right shoulder down to the wrist, and from the right waist down to the right foot, half of his body was transformed to the skin of a leopard, his right eye had a different look, his pupil became golden coloured, and held fear for anyone that stares at it, move back everybody, do you want to throw away your life's like that, he his no longer the obinna you knew, he now possesses the power of a god, he his now a powerful being, saying that the head dibia came closer to obinna who was already up, you met with the gods didn't you?, Yes obinna replied, were you successful in gaining your guardian and fortifications?, Yes obinna replied, then you are ready to begin this perilous journey obinna. Obinna's father was sad, he was not really ready to let his son go to certain death, but obinna reassured that he will come back, don't worry papa your son is strong, brave and courageous, I will come back safely with the princess I promise father, his father sighs and agrees. Obinna has been walking in the deep evil forest for 2 days straight without locating the portal, he went thru the map and couldnt seem to understand it, how in gods was I supposed to used this rag of a map, there is no certified directions, this map is weird, he found an iroko tree and was about to sit down on it when he suddenly heard the wind rustling up dead dry winds into a whirlwind in front of him, he stood alert and positioned himself for battle, only for for him to hear a voice that said, you look lost, obinna recognised the voice in the wind as that of Alina (goddess of war) he bowed immediately and told her, i am lost, and the map looks useless to me, the map is not useless it's you that has not discovered a way to use it, have you not summoned your guardian spirit?, Obinna was confused he didn't know he had to summon it, he thought it would just appear itself, disappointed the goddess told him again, anything you need appears in the bag... And as she said that the wind drifted away.. Obinna quickly looked into the bag and found a ring he put it on, and called on the guardian spirit but nothing happened, he tried again but nothing happened, he began to pace again and rubbing the ring in anxiety, suddenly the ring began to flow brightly, obinna tried to remove it, but found out that he couldn't, what's happening now, what magic is this, it's not magic you knuckle head, it's me, doma said materialising in front of him, you look surprised obinna, were you not the one that summoned me using the ring just now??, Or are you that dumb it said flying round and observing obinna, ok then so whats the problem? I don't seem to understand the map and have lost my way obinna said to doma, hmmm, bring out the map then, obinna brought it out, doma flew under his outstretched arm and looked into the map while obinna held it, hmmm, ok, I think I understand it now... Youu do!!! Cried obinna, yes I do, we go west and let's go quickly now, it's getting dark and that's when the demons in this parts of the forest like to feed, hearing that obinna got ready and he and doma headed west... They got to a clearing deep into the forest and doma told obinna, look for any tree that has this symbol on it, doma flew down and drew a skull symbol with surrounded by a pentagram, after searching for a while, doma found it and called to obinna, obinna!!! Have found.... Doma was about to say it, when it felt a huge swing of a cugel almost hitting him, he narrowly missed it by some inches and saw in slow motion the blood stained weapon, he disappeared and reappeared close to obinna and said to him, be careful their is an ogre approaching, what's an orge obinna asked him already ready to fight, you don't know an ogre?? Ok fine, a big scary green monster with giant club or in this case a cugel and it feeds on anything it can kill, it seems to have been placed here to guard the portal, they stopped talking after hearing a loud roar, and out from the shadows step a huge ogre, green with bloodshot eyes, and pierced nose that contains a golden nose ring, he approached them taking gentle strides with weapon in hand and dragging it along on the floor to show how heavy it can be..... By the gods we are about to be ogre food doma said to obinna...
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