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Back at the palace the Royal household, the chiefs and the people have gathered together to watch the dibias perform their magic as they consult with their various gods... First dibia: (after chanting) hmm, my king this one is very strong, your daughter in in grave danger, she is currently slaving away in a far away realm, yes that's what I see... Second dibia: ah yes that's correct she will be their for eternity that's what the bones tell me my king, it's a lost cause... Third dibia: it is Humanly impossible to visit the realm of the dead, one needs to cross the seven gates of realms to get there and it's only the dead that have the ability and power to cross, even us dibias are not that powerful to cross the seven realms, (the other dibias gave him a warning look and he kept quiet). First dibia: my king your daughter brought this upon herself, she angered the spirits and they came for her, so let her dance to the music. No! You all can't say that!! The king said getting up from his seat, he went and held the first dibia by the shoulders almost squeezing life out of the poor old man, you can't do that to me please, she is the heir to this kingdom, my only child, please find a way to save her from that evil place, she is human not a spirit!, The king let go of the garment of the dibia dusted and cleaned it's edges and looked very calm that the queen burst into tears and we of the villagers too joined in.., the dibias went out to discuss and came back in, the head of the dibias then spoke, my king this you ask will be difficult and has a very low chance of been successfully but with the gods on our side and careful preparation we can save the princess... The king and queen and the whole courtyard were glad with the new development and they eagerly await the next message from the head dibia... Ok, my king, we have decided on the next step to take, the gods have agreed to aid our quest, you will have to present to us all the able bodied young men of this land, we will cast lots and the gods will pick the chosen warrior to go on this perilous journey, but the gods have decreed only one can go... Why only one? What if something happens along the line, we all know that two heads or in this case more heads are better than one, abi my chiefs, yes my king you are right let them all go, the head dibia looked at the sky and back at the ground he picked up three stones and threw them up, surprisingly the three stones flew in the air, went round the crowd and everyone began to give way for the stones in shock, the stones went towards obinna direction and landed in front of his two feet, then the third dibia shouted pick those stones my son, you have been chosen..... Then the head dibia looked at the council of elders and told them the gods never lie and are through to their words, only one can go, or they all die, at this warning they all kept mute, but his not a warrior, his just a farmer and a young boy, his not fit to go on this dangerous journey, please my dibias consult the gods again maybe they can pick another.. But the dibias spoke and said he must go, but he won't be alone he will have a guardian animal, and he will be well fortified, he will become a half man half spirit, he will be know as a demi god... All this while obinna found that he was unable to move, he couldn't even utter a word it was like he was under a spell, he found himself in the middle of the desert, but didn't feel the heat, he looked around and saw nothing but sand, then he heard a voice..who are you and what do you want in our realm? Asked a woman in flowing white and gold robes, Leave him be Alina!! His been summoned here by me...
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