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Your highness!!! Are you alright??, Asked chief okade while helping the king up from behind the mud erected throne, alright you asked?, Are you insane?, do I look alright to you?, Those people are not human beings at all see the way they were shooting fire out of their hands, have never seen such in my life, your highness it was horrible I can't believe it too, I had to hide behind the throne, I watched as one of them even ate the dibia!!! I lost faith and peed in my wrapper, please leave that aside chief okade where is my queen??, Have you seen her?, Guards!!!! What guards are you talking about your highness?, The ones that were tossed around like doll baby?? or the ones that were eaten?.... The king gave chief Okade a sinister look, hissed and said to him, how I wish you were eaten too, better leave before I kill you myself (chief okade quickly hurried away out of the throne room), The king looked around in dismay at the mess in his throne room and said to himself (by all the gods who have we offended) (THE COURTYARD) (Villagers are seen trying to look for survivors, Obinna and his father are among them), I can't believe this happened, you better believe it father, thank the gods we went to mother's village to look for a buyer for your land, am sure we would have met the same fate, tufiakwa!! the gods forbid!! Don't say that again, Obadike! Obadike!! Is that you, thank the gods you are alive, I thought you were dead??, What is wrong with you both talking about death in my ears, I won't die, am still young he said facing obinna and giving him the power flexing muscle moves, well whichever the case am glad, but this is so sad, the council is been conveyed or what's left of it that is, can you imagine they say the princess has been taken, taken?? To where?, we don't know yet, we are gathering at the palace right now, the others are on their way, let us go he said. (The king addresses the subjects) this is an unfortunate and unforgettable incident in the history of Idila, we were attacked by an unknown enemy under the disguise of been our princess husband, our queen, my wife is still yet to wake up from the shock and my daughter the princess is missing, few are dead, many are injured, we are in a time of mourning, but we need to ask fast and now, we must find out princess and if she is still alive which I pray she is be rescued immediately, let messagers be sent to all the kings of our neighboring villages and request the presence of Thier dibias as you are aware our dibia's sad to say but he was not strong enough to protect us, let's us request help on finding our lost princess.... You may all go now, let the dead bury their dead, as I will also tend to my household... *(They all depart to their various huts, while the chiefs and elders stayed behind to send the messagers forth)...*
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