Chapter 25

1066 Words

CHAPTER 25 PARKER RETURNS TO his quarters and finds an unidentified package addressed to him on his coffee table. He calls Taylor. “Did you send anything to my quarters?” “No.” “Odd. I found a package in my living room. It has no identifying markers except my name. Peculiar.” The general says, “I’ll send the bomb squad in to check it out.” Parker waits. Two minutes later, a knock comes at the door. “Sir, we’ve come to check out the package.” “Come in.” A squad enters and performs a visual of the box. “Sir, step outside.” Parker leaves the house and stands in the driveway while the team checks for explosives. When the men exit the house, they declare the box safe, saying it holds nothing more than paper. “Thank you for your help. I’m sorry to have taken your time.” “You can’t be

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