
1883 Words
Adeline "Adeline, sweetheart, wake up." I woke in a cold sweat. I peered around the room trying to remember where I was. My mother's worried face stared down at me. "Oh Addy." The sympathy in my mother's eyes shone brightly. It had been years since the plague of that day had filled my dreams. My father, Adam and I decided to tell my mother or Alec. My father said no good would come from it. Adam said it was because my mother knew how to kill someone and dispose of a body. Making it look like an accident. "Sweetheart, are you alright? I heard you whimpering all the way down the hall." She brushed my hair back from my face. I suppose I would always be a little girl to my parents. "I'm fine, Momma. Just a bad dream is all." My mother gave me a look that said, "I know there's more to it than that but I'm gonna let this go." "I promise Momma. I'm fine! Go back to bed." She narrowed her eyes at me, but I saw her resolve crumble. "Fine, but if you need me..." "You're right down the hall." I gave her a small smile. She returned it and leaned down placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you, little one." She whispered into my hair. "I love you too, Momma." After she had gone, I laid down, staring at my ceiling. It still had the little glow in the dark stars and planets I had Adam and Alec put up when I was seven. I missed when life was simple, and my brothers and I were close. The boys were five years older than I was. By the time I came along they were in kindergarten. My father laughs when he tells the story of how after I was born the boys wanted to bring me to school in their backpack for show and tell. "She looked like an alien! She would have made the best show and tell!" Adam and Alec would argue. That was before that day. After everything happened, Cassandra spread the rumor that Justin and Caleb were killed because I cried wolf. Their actions were never mentioned, and we were sworn to secrecy by the alpha. That's why when the option to leave pack land came, I jumped at the opportunity. My father and Adam understood. I think Poppy found out what happened and encouraged me to go. I lay in bed until the sun peaked over the horizon before I got up and dressed. I headed down the stairs to make some coffee, but my father had beat me to it. "Good morning pumpkin. Coffee?" My father was always the first one up, and the last to go to bed. Mt mother said it was because he wanted to make sure we were all safe before he could rest. "Yes, please. I didn't sleep well." My father nodded as he poured me a cup. I added my cream and sugar before taking a sip. I fought the urge to wrinkle my nose. Folgers. They always bought cheap, shitty coffee. Not wanting to be rude, I hummed my appreciation. My father just snickered. "It ain't that fancy crap you buy in Montana, but it's what I got." I guess I didn't hide my disdain as well as I thought. "It's fine, Daddy. I appreciate everything you do." I smiled warmly. "You gonna go see Poppy this mornin? I figured the old man's already awake. He don't ever sleep no more." My father had a long drink of his coffee. "I suppose so. I thought I would have some coffee and head over there." He grunted his agreement. "Well, if you're gonna go, you better hop to it. You know when your Momma gets up, she ain't gonna let you leave til you eat a big breakfast. I know how much you don't like eatin breakfast." He said knowingly. What can I say? The man knew me. I tipped my cup up, finishing the last of my coffee before rinsing the mug and placing it in the rack. "All right then. I'm going to head there now." As I started to walk out the door my father gently grabbed my arm. "Be careful pumpkin. I know you can take care of yourself now, but... just be careful, ok?" Worry blazed in his eyes. I reached up and caressed the stubble on his worn face. "I'll be fine, Daddy. I promise. It's just a little way down the road." I patted his cheek and walked out the door. The fresh morning air was crisp. There was a cleanliness to it that felt like a fresh start. As I padded down the road, I could hear a ruckus coming from my grandfather's little cabin. "God dammit Jean! I said I don't need your damn help. I'm not a God damn invalid! Get the hell out of my house!" My grandfather's loud bellow cut through the morning air. "Mr. McCloud, you know Lee sent me over here to help you get cleaned up and fed. Now, stop being a pain in my ass!" Jean's stern voice crackled along the breeze, and I quickened my pace. Poppy was a proud man. So it would be obvious he would struggle with being cared for. "Don't touch me you old bat! I can clean my own ass! Lemme go! You lemme go right now!" I opened the door to find my grandfather in his underwear on the floor swiping his cane at poor Mrs. Jean. "Ow! God dammit Wayne! You just hit me in my bad knee!" "Well, you’re lucky I didn't take a chunk out of you! Go on! Git!" He growled out. "Poppy! Now, that is no way to treat Mrs. Jean!" I admonished. His eyes flicked up at me and a gummy smile spread across his face. "Addykins! I knew my girl would come see me! Look Jean, it’s Addy!" His mood instantly changed, and Jean threw her hands in the air. "Addy, welcome home sugar. Do you think you can get this old bird cleaned up? He's hit me with that damn cane one too many times this mornin." Her mocha skin pinked around her cheeks. Mrs. Jean was a widow, who helped the elderly around the pack. She was a short plump woman with soft poofy graying hair and soft mocha brown skin. Her eyes were a warm coffee brown and her kindness radiated off her like a beacon for lost souls. "Of course Mrs. Jean. I'm sorry Poppy hit you." "It's quite alright, child. I appreciate you taking over. He's getting ornerier. He's in a lot of pain I think he's just been holding on for you." She patted my shoulder and walked out the door. I quickly walked over to my grandfather, pulling him up off the floor. He had lost so much weight, lifting him was like lifting a feather. "Addykins! I missed you, my girl..." He cupped my face, his eyes shining with unshed tears. My heart constricted. "I missed you too Poppy." I leaned into his touch. His warm cinnamon scent floated around me. "Will you let me clean you up? Maybe get some food in you?" I pleaded with my eyes. He pursed his lips together and I could feel his stubbornness radiating off him. Eventually, his resolve crumbled. "Alright Addykins. I never could tell you know. Just promise me you won't tell no body. Tell them I did it myself." He cast his eyes down and his cheeks burned crimson. My heart broke for the once strong, tall mountain of a man, who once upon of time was the proud Beta of the pack. Time is cruel to all of us. "Of course, Poppy. It's doctor patient confidentiality anyway." I shrugged. His eyes sparkled back up at me as I pulled him to his feet and, together, we got him bathed, shaved, and dressed. I sat him down at his small kitchen table while made him his breakfast of eggs and bacon. I placed his plate and coffee in front of him. "I heard a ruckus down at your Momma and Daddy's house last night. What was that all about?" He eyed me knowingly. "It was nothing Poppy." I whispered. "Bullshit. I already know. Adam told me. He come in here last night, laughin his ass off." He grinned a sadistic grin. "I just wanna hear it from you." He took a drink of his coffee. "I found my mate." "And..." he pushed. "It was Zeke." "And..." "I rejected him." "And..." His eyes were glittering as he probed me for information. "I beat him until he accepted the rejection." My grandfather threw his head back, smacking his thigh as he erupted into a cackle that ended in a cough. I grabbed him some water, but he waved me off. "Oh! I needed that." He wiped the tears that had wet his eyes as he laughed. "Serves that little s**t right! Levi did a s**t job if raisin' that little piss ant." "Poppy!" He looked shocked. "What? I hate that little son of a bitch..." he gritted out. "After what he did to you! He's lucky he's breathin'." "You know about that?" My voice was barely audible. His eyes softened as he patted my hand. "Kinda hard not to. Your Daddy and Adam came over here absolutely fumin'. Poor Adam just sat there on the couch over yonder... cryin' like a baby. I thought your Daddy was goin to slaughter that boy." My grandfather shook his head. "I didn't know that." I whispered softly. "They was so mad they didn't protect you. What was you doing over there in them caves anyway?" He asked. "I used to go hide there to get away from the kids from school. They were mean to me. I wasn't aware that they knew about my secret spot." He hummed his understanding. "Well, it don't matter now. You got the little fucker back. I hope it hurts." I had never seen the animal that lurked inside my grandfather, but at this moment his eyes turned a brilliant bronze. "We love you with everything we have, Addy. I don't know if Wayne ever told you, but you look just like Grandma McCloud." My mother fell open. "What's your name?" I had never met my grandfather's wolf before. "My name is Adam, little one." He said with a smile. My eyes grew wide. "Adam... like my brother?" "One in the same. It's tradition to name pups after your Momma and Daddy's wolves. You didn't notice with your brothers’ pups?" His head c****d to the side. Haven was the name of my mother's wolf. The moment realization hit me Adam laughed a growly laugh. "Alright now little one. This is the last and only time you'll talk to me. Our time on this earth is over. I've helped Wayne hold on as long as I could. But it's bout time for us to rest." My grandfather's eyes returned to their cloudy hazel brown. "Addykins, I’m pretty tired. You wanna help an old man to bed?" Tears pricked my eyes as I took a deep breath. "Of course, Poppy. I'd love nothing more."
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