
1060 Words
Beau We've been driving in this truck for nine hours. We were traveling down to the Appalachian Pack to discuss the trade of one of our doctors for two of Alpha Zeke's omegas. I had heard rumors of the mistreatment of the lower rank members of the pack. Some even said Zeke, himself, would rape and beat the poor female omegas. I had hopes of getting at least a few of them out. The doctor we were trading was aware of the situation in their pack and had agreed to be traded to do some recon for us. We were optimistic of getting enough evidence of maltreatment so we could have Zeke stripped of his title. We had heard of another in their pack with Alpha blood who would be a suitable replacement. "Hey Sammy, pour me a glass of bourbon, will ya?" My Beta nodded as she filled the little glass all the way with the warm liquid. I took a sip, letting the warm liquid slide down my throat. "We're almost there. Beau, I need to know how many we are going to negotiate for. I need to have Rebecca set rooms up for them." It was exceedingly rare that a shifter pack had a female Beta, but Samantha was as tough as they come. She grew up on the streets of Brooklyn in a worse neighborhood. She had been abandoned by her rogue parents and left for dead when I found her. She was a force to be reckoned with then, and she was a mere teenager. Now that she had grown into herself, she was revered as one of the most dangerous betas in the country. "Hell, I don't know Sammy. How many do you think we can get?" I turned up my drink. She swiped the stray dark-brown locks from her face and stared thoughtfully out the window. "I was thinking maybe five. Charlie is a damn good doctor. We could make the argument that he studied at Stanford." I hummed my agreement. "Sir, we're pulling up to the gates now." Dean, my gamma said from the driver's seat. "Well, let's get this s**t show over with. The less time I have to spend around this little prick the better." I grumbled. We pulled up to the pack house to find Alpha Levi and his son, Alpha Zeke standing resolutely on the steps. "Alpha Beau! How wonderful it is to see you!" Alpha Levi extended his hand. I took it and gave it a firm shake. "Alpha Levi. Good to see you sir." I nodded. I watched as Zeke's eyes raked up and down Samantha's toned body. "You remember my son, Zeke?" I turned my gaze on Zeke, but he wasn't paying attention. His eyes were glued to Sammy's bust. Alpha Levi elbowed Zeke, causing a hiss to leave his lips. "Beau." He nodded before returning his gaze to Samantha. "Boy, if you're smart, you'll take your f*****g eyes off my Beta before I pluck them out of your skull." I growled. Alpha Levi gulped, but Zeke just scoffed. "Female Betas don't exist and don't threaten me old timer." Before he could blink, I grabbed him by his throat and pinned him to the wall. "Listen here, you little parasite, I am here because you need something from me. Not the other way around. You can start showing me and my pack some respect or I will gut you and leave back the way I came." I spat out. His face was turning blue under my grasp, but he managed to nod. I dropped him on the ground and left him coughing. Sammy snickered as she followed me inside. "Alpha Levi, shall we?" He glanced over at his son with disappointment before leading us through the doors and to his office. We took a seat in front of the desk. "I'm sorry about my son." He apologized as he sat down, Zeke crept into the room and assumed post behind his father. "He's still rather young and naive. Not yet aware of the seriousness of disrespecting other alphas. Especially those allied to us." Alpha Levi shot his son a warning look. Zeke hung his head in shame, but not before sending me a dirty look. "Now, on to business. Dr. Cranford has quite the resume. He studied at Stanford? Is that right?" Alpha Levi stared down at the packet we had provided. "Yep. He majored in... what was it, Sammy?" I turned to my Beta. "He majored in both microbiology as well as infectious disease. He also did a stint at Emory in Atlanta as a surgeon. He's very well rounded." Sam rattled off. Alpha Levi's eyes bulged. "Wow! That's impressive. Don't you think he'd make a wonderful addition to our hospital, Zeke." Zeke turned a hateful gaze at me. "That depends. What's it gonna cost us?" Zeke ground out. "Ezekiel!" Levi swore. "It's fine, Alpha Levi. It's all business, is it not?" I smirked at the little fucker. I'd love to plant my fist in the smug little fucker’s face, but... "We feel that five omegas would be a fair trade for Charles." Sam said matter of factly. "Five! I thought you said two!" Zeke stared in shock. "Five. Charles is well accomplished, and we would be losing an asset to our pack. Five, or it's a no go." Sam was staring down at her iPad in her lap, barely paying any mind to the two Alphas before us. "I feel like that's fair." Levi said. "What the f**k, Dad! You're just giving the damn things away." Zeke thundered. Levi stood abruptly from his seat and landed a solid punch into Zeke's face, sending him flying into the bookcase. "I've had about enough of your insolence. You embarrassed me for the last time today! Get the f**k out of my office and I better not see your face for the rest of the day!" Levi thundered. I could feel his aura bleeding out into the room causing my people to lower their heads and bare their necks. Zeke shot me an angry glance before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Levi pulled his aura back. "Sorry about that Alpha Beau. Where were we? Ah, five omegas then?" Before we could resume our negotiations, the most heart wrenching howl sounded out.
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