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Adeline I was walking home from school. It was the last day of my senior year and, as is tradition, we were released early. It was a beautiful spring day and instead of waiting for Adam to pick me up, I decided to walk through the forest to my secret spot. A waterfall ran down into a small pool at the top of the mountain. I should have known better. I should have waited for Adam, and none of it would ever have happened. I stood admiring the beautiful view of the water rushing down the mountain, pooling into the blue-green ravine at the base of the mountain. I breathed in the fresh pine scent that mixed with the rotting leaves that covered the forest floor. The smell was comforting because it smelled like safety from the cruelness of the world. It was like my own little secret world here. I stripped my clothes off and giggled before jumping into the frigid mountain water. The freezing water steadied me and quieted the raging inferno of anxiety that was always bubbling just under the surface. I swam and floated around the serene pool, before swimming to the waterfall and climbing up the rocks that led to my sanctuary. Behind the waterfall was a small cave hidden away from the rest of the world and I often came here to escape from the hell that was my life. I climbed up the slick rocks and laid myself on the floor of the cave. Here I found my peace. Here there were no people mocking me or hitting me. Here, I was blissfully alone. I closed my eyes and dreamed of a future away from the pack. A future where I had friends that accepted me and liked me for the little nerd that I was. I was pulled away from my thoughts by the sound of stones tumbling down the rocky incline that led to the little cave. I froze as my stomach dropped. The sound of laughter echoed through the cave. Zeke and his minions had found my little hiding spot. "What do we have here fellas?" I jumped to my feet, covering my body with my hands the best I could. "Looks like a little runt got lost in the forest, Zeke. " The tall dark-skinned man said with a laugh. Justin was one of Zeke's best friends and part of the junior warriors. I looked around to find Zeke and Cassandra's band of rabid followers. "I don't know, Zeke. She looks like she's just waitin’ here for someone. Is that it little runt? Are you waitin’ for someone to keep you company?" Caleb's words caused fear to scorch through my body as his eyes sparkled with a cruel mischievance. "I don't know, Caleb. Is that what you're doin’ here runt?" Zeke said with a smirk. "No!" I whimpered out. I could feel the burn of tears building up in my eyes. The boys standing before me looked unhinged as their eyes raked over my naked body. Before I could take another breath, Justin pounced. He pulled me from the wall and threw me down on the ground. My head bounced painfully on the floor of the cave, causing little multicolored dots to dance across my vision while laughter filled the small cave. "Please! Please don't do this! Just let me go!" I pleaded. A large hand ricocheted off my face, splitting my lip and leaving stars clouding my vision. "Shut up you stupid runt!" Justin spit out as he held my wrist to the floor, causing the rocks to dig painfully into the sensitive skin. I sobbed quietly as I lay helplessly on the cave floor listening to the rabid dogs laugh hysterically at my misery. Like every other time I found myself at the mercy of these animals, I tried my best to disappear into the depths of my mind. Please, God if you're listening, please, let this end, I prayed. To my surprise, for once, my prayers were answered. A loud guttural roar resounded around the cave and Justin was ripped off of me. I covered my ears as the sound of screams and howls bounced around the walls of the cave. I felt him before I heard his voice. "What in the f**k is going on here?" Alpha Levi boomed as his aura rushed out of him. Everyone froze and dropped to their knees. I lay whimpering on the ground, tears still pouring from my eyes. I felt a warm gentle hand on my shoulder, and I jerked away. "Hey, hey pumpkin. Daddy's here. It's ok." I slowly gazed up into the eyes of my father. Uncontrollable sobs racked my body as I threw myself into his arms. "Adam, bring me that blanket. It's alright Addy. You're safe now." Adam draped the scratchy blanket around my shoulders. "What the hell happened here?" My father's face became one of stone as his wolf came forward and shot deadly glares at the four teenagers on their knees. "What the f**k kind of question is that?" my brother growled out. "Adam!" My father warned him. "No, Dad! Look what the f**k they did to my sister! Fuckin’ look at her Alpha!" Adam roared. I shook at his rage. Alpha Levi loomed down at me with pity in his eyes. "Ezekiel, explain. And I encourage you to choose your words carefully. Somethin’ tells me that Adam and Lee are murderous. And quite frankly, I'm not sure if I'd stop them." Alpha Levi's voice was low and full of disgust. "We were just havin’ some fun. Weren't we runt?" Zeke's smirk sent shivers down my spine, but he didn't get to say another word. Adam launched himself at him as he landed a powerful blow to the side of Zeke's head. Alpha Levi just stood there. "Her name is Adeline, you arrogant, self-righteous prick!" Adam spit out. "I'll fuckin’ kill you!" "Mr. McCloud, that's enough." My father shot the Alpha a deadly glare. "Is it Levi? Your son and his friends defiled my baby girl! I can smell their arousal and her terror all over this fuckin’ cave. Now, we've been friends a long time, but if you let these little shits walk away Scot free, I'm done. I'll pack up my family, and we'll leave." My father's voice held the promise of his words. Adam stood like a deadly statue with his fist clinched down by his sides. Alpha Levi stood staring daggers at the boys kneeling on the floor before he walked over to me and took a long deep sniff. I cringed back, burying myself in my father's chest. "Adam, come get your sister and take her home... and tell the McDowell's and the Montgomery's their sons won't be makin’ it home." Adam walked toward me and lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck before catching a glimpse of Zeke. Anger swarmed in his eyes as he stared up at my father and the Alpha. "Dad, you can't do this!" Zeke pleaded. Alpha Levi reared his arm back and struck Zeke in the face, sending the boy flying into the cave wall. Alpha Levi stalked toward his son and kicked him repeatedly in the stomach. "I can and I fuckin’ will! You're lucky I don't string you up alongside them! You fuckin’ dogs! Look at that girl! My fuckin’ Beta's daughter! I can smell her innocence on the fuckin’ floor!" Alpha Levi's roar caused a ringing in my ears. "But Alpha, they didn't-" Cassandra started, but she was cut off by Alpha’s mighty roar. "Shut the f**k up Cassandra! Don't think for a second, I didn't smell you on Adeline too! You fuckin’ disgust me! You will be branded, so everyone knows exactly what you are!" With that, the Alpha extended his claws and ran them slowly, painfully down Cassandra's bare chest. The screech that left her soothed my freshly damage to my soul. "Adam, take your sister home." My father said quietly through the mind link. "No. I want to watch them suffer. Addykins, close your eyes and cover your ears." I did as Adam said. I could hear the muffled screams as the stench of coppery blood assaulted my nose. With a grunt of satisfaction, Adam turned and carried me out of the cave.
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