
1141 Words
Adeline "I understand your reasonin’ behind your rejection, but after this thing with your grandfather, you will no longer be welcome here. Do you understand?" Zeke's words rang out in the night. I nodded my head and turned my face back into my father's chest. Athena was cursing me. She was furious that I had rejected our mate, but I couldn't be mated to Zeke. Especially after what he did, what they did. Their actions still plagued my nightmares after all these years. I would be doing myself a disservice by accepting that bond. My father lifted me up in his strong arms and took me into the house. I was in a daze as he carried me through the house and up the stairs. I didn't realize I was back in my room until my father sat me down. I had no idea that rejecting your mate would cause as much devastation to you as it did to them. "Adam, go run your sister a bath." Adam didn't say anything, he just turned and went into my bathroom. I felt completely oblivious to my surroundings as I was undressed and lifted before being gently sat in the tub. "You're quite the warrior." Tawney whispered as she poured water into my hair. I hadn't a clue where she came from, but I was grateful for her soothing presence. She grabbed the shampoo before lathering it through my thick locks. "I wish I was brave like you... and strong." She murmured as she rinsed the suds out of my hair and began lathering a washcloth to clean my body with it. I just stared off into space as she cleaned me. "I'm sorry I didn't help you in school... I just didn't want them to bully me more than they already were." Her words tore me from the emptiness that was left inside me. "What? They bullied you too?" I asked. "Yes. They used to go through my locker and shred my homework. They would wait for me in the parking lot and beat me up. It's really unfortunate Cassandra was mated to Alec." Her beautiful face scrunched up into a frown. "You know, she kept trying to bully me? Even after Adam and I were mated. Emily stomped that out pretty quickly though." She said with a smirk. "I'm so sorry Tawney. I had no idea they were treating you badly too." I reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. She gave me a soft smile. "How could you have known, Addy? We both suffered in silence. But… I want you to know, it was me… you know, who got Adam." She looked away. "You what?" I peered up at her and noticed tears brimming in her eyes. "I was the one who told Adam that I heard you screaming out by the falls. I heard you while I was walking home." The memory of that horrendous day crowded my vision, and I began to get lost in the nightmare all over again. "Addy? Addy? Are you alright? Hey, come on let's get you out. I'll make you a warm tea before you go to sleep." Tawney lifted me carefully from the tub. She laid out my silky Scooby-Doo pajamas and a pair of fuzzy brown socks. I got dressed while she disappeared out the door, no doubt getting me the cup of tea she promised. I was crawling under the covers when I heard a soft knock at my door. "Come in." My parents opened the door and crept slowly into my room. It was almost as if they were entering the cage of a dangerous animal. "Hey pumpkin. How are ya feelin’?" My father's words were all it took for me to break down into a puddle of sobs. Both my parents swiftly made their way to my side. Each of them taking a side on my bed as they wrapped me in their arms. "Why him? Of all the assholes in the world, why that asshole?" I cried. My mother rubbed soothing circles on my back as I buried my face in my father’s chest. "Oh my sweet girl... who are we to question the plan of the moon Goddess? Hmmm? I'm sure she had a reason." My mother soothed me. "A fuckin’ terrible reason if ya ask me." Adam stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over is broad chest. "Adam Lee McCloud! You watch your damn mouth!" My mother hissed. My father coughed to hide the chuckle he almost let out. My mother shot a glare out of the corner of her eye at him. "I'm serious, Momma! What reason does the Goddess have for cursin’ Adeline with such a rotten mate?" Adam fumed. My mother's cheeks blazed with her anger. Just when she was about to erupt on Adam, Tawney pushed by him with a steaming mug of lavender chamomile tea. "No matter the reason, my love, I'm sure that this experience will strengthen Addy in ways that otherwise she would have never been. Perhaps that was the moon Goddess' reasoning." Tawney smiled kindly at me as she handed me the hot mug. "Thank you, Tawney dear. I don't know how my brute son wound up with such an angel like you. But I thank the Goddess everyday she did." Tawney blushed profusely at my mother's praise. "Thank you, Momma Emily. That's very kind of you to say." "You're a million times better than that walking venereal disease, Cassandra." I whispered. "Adeline Elizabeth McCloud! What an awful thing to say about your sister-in-law!" "Well, she's ain’t wrong Momma. Didn't Cassandra have to see you in the clinic because she caught the clap from that Davies boy down in Woodstock?" Adam added with a wink. "You know I can't discuss patients with y'all!" "I'll take that as a 'yes' then." My mother hopped out of the bed chasing Adam downstairs with her house slipper while my father’s chuckle shook the bed beside me as he gazed down at me. "I'm not sure why the moon Goddess paired you with that boy, but she did give you a choice about whether you accepted the bond or not. And you chose not to. Which is ok, and understandable. Just don't dwell on it too long. It won't do you no good. Now, I got a feelin’ your second chance will be someone worthy of your love and affections." My father's eyes crinkled as he smiled down at me. "Who knows? Maybe he'll show up sooner than you think." My father sent me a knowing wink that confused me. He stood up before leaning over and placing a kiss on my nose. "Keep in mind pumpkin, we're right down the hall." He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.
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