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Adeline We arrived at the airstrip at 9:30. I had called my boss Stacey and let her know I wouldn't be in for a week or two. "I understand. Take all the time you need Dr. McCloud. I will manage things on this side." She had said. Adam grabbed my large suitcase and Alec grabbed the small one. We walked up the ramp to board and I got myself comfortable in one of the seats of the plane. I stared blankly out the window as I settled in for the nine-hour flight. Adam dug around in the little compartment by the door before appearing triumphant with his treasure. He plopped down in the seat next to me as Alec took the one across from us. Adam poured three large glasses of the Jameson and handed one to each of us. "To Poppy. He's one hell of a good man! Tink!" Adam said as he turned up his glass. He pour himself another before offering more to us. "A little early for alcohol, isn't it?" I asked. "Nope." He said, popping the "p". Alec sipped his drink slowly as I took a long sip from my own. The smooth liquid burned as it slid down my throat. Alec stared scrutinizingly at me from across the plane. "What?" I said taking another sip of the whisky, letting it warm me. "You've changed, Addy. You're not a scrawny little s**t anymore." I rolled my eyes. "That happens when you get older." I returned my gaze to the clouds out the window. "Naw, it ain't just that. You've come into your own." His head c****d to the side. "It's like... you got stronger somehow." I cut my eyes at him. "Well, that also happens as you get older." "Naw, Addykins. You did get stronger. And you have gotten a lot purdier, too. Damn, you was a ugly little thing." Adam said thoughtfully. "Thanks asshole. I'll remember that for my headstone. 'Here lies Adeline McCloud. She was an ugly little thing, but somehow, she grew up to be moderately attractive'" The snide words flowed out of my mouth like lava. "I didn't mean anything by it, Addykins. I'm just saying, time away did you good. Zeke will be happy to see you." Alec said hesitantly. "f**k Zeke!" I groaned, taking a drink of the fiery liquid. I think I'm starting to feel it. "Watch your mouth runt! He’s, our Alpha!" Alec spit. Bipolar much? "Don't f*****g call her that!" Adam shot out. If looks could kill, Alec would have dropped. "She's the disrespectful little s**t who started it!" Alec was fuming. "Well, maybe Zeke should have been less of a f*****g menace, and I'd show him more respect!" I growled out. Alec stood, looming over me with his claws extended and drawn back like he was going to hit me, but Adam was faster. He grabbed Alec by his shirt and threw him back in his seat. "Alpha or not he treated Addy like she was lower than garbage. She's allowed to be bitter. So sit your happy ass down and shut the f**k up!" Adam roared as he let his aura wash over Alec. Everyone knew out of the two of them Adam was stronger. He was meant to be the Alpha’s true Beta, but he refused. Alec sat staring daggers at me as Adam pulled his aura back and sat down. "Don't sweat it Addykins. I got your back." Adam said with a wink. I grinned broadly back at him as I stuck my tongue out at Alec and threw back my drink. I nestled myself down in my seat and settled in for the long flight. "Addykins, wake up kid." Adam gently shook me as I slowly opened my eyes. I must have dozed off due to the alcohol and the lingering effects of the sleeping pills. I sat up, throwing my arms up to stretch, not realizing my brother was hovering over me. "Ow! Jeez Addy! I was just tryin’ to wake you up!" Adam said wryly while rubbing his eye. Athena just chuckled in my head. "Sorry Adam. I didn't mean to." He just waved me on. "It's fine. Come on little one. Mom and Dad are waitin’." I shuffled out of my seat and down the aisle. As I exited the plane my eyes caught sight of the bouncing little blonde woman standing beside a mountain of a man. I smiled brightly at them as I raced down the ramp. My mother’s honey and wildflower scent wrapped around me as I threw myself in into her arms. "Hello my sweet girl. Oh how I missed you!" My mother crooned into my hair as she took a deep breath of my scent. "I missed you too, Momma." I whispered into her hair. I pulled back to see her eyes were misting over. I turned to my father and buried myself in his broad chest, inhaling his warm pine and sandalwood scent. "Welcome back, pumpkin." He whispered into my hair as he, too, inhaled my scent. I pulled back to gaze up into my father's honey brown eyes that twinkled down at me. He leaned down and kissed my nose. I giggled. "Come on, pumpkin. Let's get you settled in.” My brothers hopped in the back of my father's old beat-up green Ford while my mother and I crammed ourselves into the cab with my father. My mother grabbed my hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of it as we drove down the road towards pack lands. My mother chirped away about the goings on in the pack. Alec had found his mate. And it was none other than Cassandra Johnson. She was one of the main people who bullied me all through elementary school and well into high school. Adam on the other hand, had mated with Tawney St. James. She was a quiet, studious girl who always sat at the back of the class in school. It was, no doubt, to avoid being picked on like me. She was nice enough but mostly just stayed to herself. Cassandra mating to Alec, I understood. But how Adam had gotten mated to Tawney was beyond me. We pulled into my parent's farm-style house. Two twin little girls came charging out of the house while a tall chocolate haired woman wearing a yellow sun dress came chasing after them. "Daddy!" They sang out in unison. Adam hopped out of the truck bed and scooped up the little pups. "Hey munchkins! Are y’all givin’ your Momma a hard time?" They laid their little heads on his shoulder as Tawney drew closer to him. Her eyes shone brightly with love and adoration for my brother. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. "I missed you." She said. Her bell-like voice ringing out into the warm afternoon sun. He smiled down at her. "I missed you too, my love. But I come bearin’ gifts! You remember my little sister, Addy?" Tawney turned her ocean eyes on me. I blushed under piercing gaze as she smiled softly at me. "Of course I do. Welcome home, Addy. You were quite missed here." I'm not sure why, but I reached out and threw my arms around her. I felt like I was seeing an old friend for the first time. "Oh!" She was startled, but soon pulled me in closer to her. She stood back and looked me over. "You've grown into yourself and what a lovely woman you've become." she said kindly. "Thank you. You have too. I'm glad to be home." To my surprise, I meant it. Just as I was about to grab my bags, a nasally voice called out from behind the house. "Alec, did you get the runt? I've been tired of waitin’ on you to get home." Cassandra called out. To my surprise, both Adam and Tawney growled at her. My mother pursed her lips and rolled her eyes before plastering on a fake smile as she turned around. "Cassandra, dear, what a surprise. You remember our daughter, Adeline?" Tawney stepped to the side, making me visible to the blonde-haired beauty. Cassandra stopped in her tracks. Looking me up and down. Alec jumped out of the back of the truck and raced up to her, but she put her hand on his chest and continued to stare me down like some strange specimen in a lab. She glared at me before remembering who she was around. She slapped a fake smile on her face before waltzing up to me with her arms extended. "Addy, how wonderful to see you!" When she got to me, I took a step back. She humph and stomped her foot like an insolent child. "Come now, Addy, don't you remember me?" She purred. "I do." I turned to Adam. "And who are these little princesses?" I said sweetly. Cassandra's face screwed up with fury, but she didn't dare speak a word around my parents. "This one is River, and the other is Haven." My brother said proudly. "Girls, this is your Aunt Addy." The girls perked up. "Like, the Aunt Addy you always talk about?" Haven said brightly. "One in the same." He smiled broadly at me. River leaned over, trying to jump into my arms. I caught the giggling little girl just before she crashed to the ground. She wrapped herself around me. "Aunt Addy, Daddy says you make the bestest cookies. Can we make cookies? I promise not to stick my fingers in them. Nanny says it's gross to do that." She said while rubbing my face. My heart melted. How could I say no?
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