
1139 Words
Adeline "Wake up dumbass! Someone is in the house!" The gruff voice of my wolf snapped, startling me out of my light sleep. I jolted awake, my eyes scanning the room for any danger that may be lurking there. My wolf stopped speaking to me shortly after I left the pack. Aside from the occasional growl, she didn't speak. Hearing her voice shocked me more than the fear of an intruder did. "What?!? Where?!?" My frantic questioning was answered by a gravelly snicker. "Who's there?" I called out into the empty house. I heard a creak from outside the door. My heart began to race. No one came this far outside of town. The eerie creaking of floorboards drew closer. My heart rate skyrocketed as I sniffed the air trying to get a whiff of the intruders scent. My fear increased. There was nothing. Not even an inkling of a scent. My mind went wild with crazy guesses of who could be in my house. "I bet it's that creepy fucker. What's his name? Ackles? Yea! It's Ackles! You have been denying his advances." My wolf said, thoughtfully. The creaking got louder and louder as whoever it was got closer and closer. A whimper left my lips as terror overtook every cell in my body. "Athena, shift! We need to attack whoever is in our house." I whispered. Not sure why I whispered. It's not like anyone could hear me. "f**k you! I'm not taking on whatever is out there!" "What the hell, Athena!" "You shouldn't have left the pack, Adeline! We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you!" With that she turned and walked to the back of my mind. "Stupid mutt." I murmured. I was answered by a sharp growl from my wolf. The creaking got louder until it stopped suddenly outside my door. I waited on edge, for my untimely and inevitable demise as the silence grew. I tried to make myself as small as I possibly could under the safety of my blankets when my door burst open and the lights flicked on, blinding me in the process. Of all the things that go bump in the night, this wasn't even close to what I imagined. "Little sister! Oh how we've missed you!" Adam, my older brother sang out before he pounced on my bed king size bed. Before I could comprehend what was going on another body rocked the mattress before jerking my thick, warm blanket off my little body. "Gross Addy! Why are you naked!" The sound of disgust laced my brother Alec's deep baritone voice. "f**k you, Alec! You two scared the life out of me!" I shrieked. The sound of joyous laughter filled my head as Athena rolled around. "YOU!" I barked at her. It was clear the little b***h had dulled my senses so I couldn’t detect the twins. "What are you two doing here?" I demanded as I grabbed my blanket and tugged it up to my chin. "Oh what? We can't visit our little Addykins?" Adam crooned. "f**k you, Adam! And no. You can't when you come barging into my house at..." I looked at my alarm clock on my dresser. "What the actual f**k! It's three in the morning!" Alec let out a deep growl. "Maybe if you answered the damn phone, we wouldn't have had to come all this way to drag your snooty ass home!" Alec's face was cold. "There hasn't been a call, you are f*****g Neanderthals!" I bellowed. Adam chuckled. "Oh, Addykins, I've missed your little sassy self." Adam was the most loving and cheerful of the duo. He had always been my favorite. Alec was a stern d**k. I softened at Adam's words. I could never stay mad at him for long. "I really didn't receive any calls, Adam. Grab my phone and look." I whispered. He reached over and took my phone, scrolling through it. "She really didn't get the calls, man. She's ain’t lyin’." Adam tossed my phone at Alec. He scrolled through it before sighing. "Fine. At least Mom won't think you were just ignoring her, but you need to call her." He grumbled. "I will. Now, if you two will excuse me, I'm going back to sleep." I snuggled back under my blankets before, once again, they were ripped from my body, eliciting a scream from me. "Dammit Alec! She's fuckin naked and it's not somethin’ I wanna see!" Adam yelled, snatching the blanket from Alec, and covering me back up, tucking the blanket in around me. "You baby her! Adeline, you need to call Mom now!" Alec spit out. "Something’s wrong Addy..." Athena's gruff voice flitted through my head. "Why? What's wrong?" My words were laced with worry. Adam inhaled a deep breath. "Just call Mom, Addykins." Adam gave me a pleading look. I sat up on the bed and dialed my mother's number. After two rings she picked up. "Adeline! Oh thank God! I've been trying to reach you for weeks!" My mother's soft country voice gripped my heart like a vice. "I'm sorry, Momma. I didn't get the calls." "She really didn't Ma!" Adam chirped, earning him a glare from Alec. "Well, that's alright. Addy, you need to come home. It's your Grand daddy." My stomach plummeted. "What's wrong with Poppy?" "He's got stage five colon cancer. It's spread to his kidneys and liver. He ain't got much time." Tears burned in my eyes and ran trails of lava down my cheeks. As a child growing up, my grandfather was my lifeline. I spent my days after school helping him in the garden behind his house. He never missed a science fair, never missed a dance recital. He was everything to me. He was the only one to support my decision to move away from the pack. He encouraged it even. I called him every week to check in on him and he never once mentioned he was sick. "I just talked to him. He sounded fine." My voice was thick with despair. "He probably didn't want you to worry. I know you have work but-" "I'm coming home. I'll call my boss at the airport." I cut her off. Adam pulled me under his arm and close to his chest. He knew how close I was to my grandfather. "Good girl. Me and Daddy will meet y’all at the landing strip." "The landing strip?" I asked. "You didn't think we rode commercial, did you Addykins?" Adam smiled down at me. "Your brothers took the pack jet. Now pack up and we'll see y’all shortly. I love you, sweet girl." With that the phone disconnected. I sat stunned with tears streaming down my face. Alec scooted closer and my brothers wrapped me in their warm arms while I sobbed out my sorrow.
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