The first day

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Eliina When I got to school, I joined the rest of the sophomores in line to get their schedule. I looked around, I didn’t see my best friend yet. I don’t have many friends but Serafina has been my best friend and the only person who’s been there since We moved into the village when I was 3. our moms are best friends too. “Girl” Serafina yelled “I already picked up your schedule” I walked toward her. I took the paper out of her and and looked at it. “1st-English, 2nd-p.e, 3rd-yearbook, 4th-social studies, 5th- math, 6th science” not the best schedule but I guess it’ll work. I was excited to p.e, yearbook and science with Serafina. I said my goodbyes and headed off to my English class. I wasn’t the most popular girl, in fact I am classified as nerdy really. I prefer to read over anything. Abs I loved photography which is why I am in yearbook. I’m a loner so it makes it easier to just take photographs at school events like games and and dances. I started walking to my first class. Looking down at my paper. I ran smack dab into someone, dropping my books and paperwork. A hand reached down. I slowly looked up into the most gorgeous green eyes I’ve ever seen. I suddenly realized it was alpha Dixon’s daughter Kadee. I stumbled backwards after grabbing my stuff. “I’m so sorry ma’am” I stuttered and bowed and walked away quickly. Kadee I was standing next to the lockers talking to some friends when someone suddenly ran into me. I heard their books, I turned around and saw a cute little girl picking up her books and papers. I reached down to help and locked eyes with her they were a beautiful purple that I’ve never seen before. “I’m so sorry ma’am” she stuttered and bowed and walked away quickly. I linked Nyko to find out what my classes were since our schedules are the same trying to put the girl with purple eyes out of my mind. “English, training, yearbook for your stupid photos, science math and social studies” he linked back. I ignored his photo comment and headed off to English. Eliina Before I could even get a word out she disappeared down the hall. She caught my curiosity. I’ve never seen eyes like hers before. Pushing it to the back of my mind, I walk into English and scan the room to find a seat, that’s when I see Kadee sitting next to her twin brother. I stopped in my tracks, I tried to make my self as small as possible to sneak to the back of the class and avoid Kadee. I can’t help but wonder what color Alpha Nyko’s eyes are seeing as how their twins. I tried to focus on English but found I was having a hard time. “Hello, I’m waiting for you out here” Serafina linked me. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even realize the bell had rang. As I went to get out of my chair I caught alpha Nyko giving me a curious look. I looked down at the ground and hoped he was looking at something on the wall, I walked out of the class to meet Serafina. Nyko Our first day back at school and already my sister has her mind on conquests. She told me about the girl she ran into in the hall. She thinks she’s intriguing. Kadee told me she has purple eyes, I’ve never seen a werewolf with purple eyes, I tried to get a look at her but she saw me and put her head down. I need to look into the purple eyes, I wonder what makes them that color. I followed her out of class and headed toward my alpha training hoping that my sister actually shows up. She may not be a alpha but she will be the one my beta turns to when I’m not around, this pack is as much her responsibility as it is mine. “Did you see her” Kadee linked me “Yes but I didn’t get a good look at her eyes, she looked down at the ground as soon as she saw me looking at her” I linked back. “Hey bro, are we going out to the little diner in the pack village for dinner still? I got a girl I want to ask out” Asher asked coming up beside me. “Yeah we’re still on for dinner I’d we ever make it through this school day, would be best if we start training today focusing on treaties since there’s a couple summit meetings coming up” I responded Asher sighed and we both went to reading about the different treaties for the different packs surrounding our silver falls pack. I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to the girl my sister is so infatuated with all the sudden. I need to research later and find what causes the purple eyes. I do have to admit Kadee was correct when she said she was very nice looking girl. I soon got lost in my thoughts. Eliina “I can’t believe your just walked into Luna Kadee, how did you not see her? Serafina asked as we were walking around the track. This was the year that we all prepared for our first shift, the warriors and those in the pack house have an advantage and don’t have to do physical education because they already train 3-4 hours a day. “In my defense I was just trying to memorize my schedule, I didn’t realize someone would be just standing in the hall. I was so shocked when I looked up, and saw her looking down at home. Did you notice she cut her hair short? I’ve always heard she was more of a Tom boy then a Luna but I guess I never noticed.”’ I kinda babbled to Serafina when all the sudden I felt her punch my arm and stopped dead in my tracks. Standing right in front of me was Luna Kadee. Oh my goddess did she hear what I was saying? She just looked at me with those gorgeous eyes. “Hi, we didn’t get a chance to meet properly earlier. I’m Kadee, I don’t think we’ve actually met before” she said to me. “Uh, hi Luna Kadee” i said shyly “I’m so sorry about earlier, I should of been watching where I was going. I didn’t mean to run into you.” “Please just call me Kadee, my brothers mate will be Luna. I just wanted to come make sure you were okay after this morning. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before, and that’s hard to say because I usually recognize all of the pack members” she responded. “Oh, I don’t go to the pack house much. I’ve always been working to help my mom out since she’s a single mom. I have to leave for my next class” I told her. She just looked at me for a second and said ok and walked away. I moved on to my next class finding out she was also in yearbook and math with me. The rest of the day I managed to avoid her without it seeming like I was avoiding her. I had finally made it through the day. Though the start of it was slightly embarrassing, the rest went well and I was overall pleased with my first day of school. When I got home my mom had tons of questions for me, I answered them all and reminded her I had to work tonight so she stopped questioning me and let me go get homework done before my shift. I couldn’t help but wonder to my self if humans got homework in their first day of school like werewolves do.”
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