That evening

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Kadee “Hurry up sister, I’m tired of waiting.” Nyko pouted through my bedroom door. “I’m coming I swear.” I responded. He’s always so impatient when he’s hungry. We headed into the village to our favorite little burger joint. We’ve been so busy with training we haven’t been in months. They have the best marshmallow milk shakes, and about 6 moths ago they started having these cup cakes to die for. “Hey baby” I heard my chosen mate say from behind me. I sighed and responded with a quick “hello” Due to the the fact that we are twins and of opposite sexes, we have no idea how the moon goddess is going to bless us with mates. Our elder council decided instead we would have chosen mates. Keanu was mine, and Sage is Nykos. Where he is my chosen mate I have absolutely no interest in Keanu, I prefer she-wolfs. Which is a seceret I have to keep to myself, it it fully acceptable except when yours the alphas daughter. We all sat at the biggest table because there was 6 of us total. We all chatted while waiting for our waitress. Eliina “Eliina, there’s a table of 6 just seated in your section. Make sure to be extra attentive to them, it’s the future alpha and Luna” my hosted Karlee says. I freeze for a moment, and take a deep breath and respond with “ok”. I brace myself and walk out to the table. “Hello, my name is Elinna and I will be your server tonight. Can I start with a drink order?” I tried my hardest to sound confident but my voice still faltered. “Well if it isn’t the bastard nerd child who only grew up with a mom” Keanu spouted off, I tried to ignore the comment and he continued “the boys will take a coke and the girls will take a water he barked” I served them their drinks and took their orders. When I got done taking the orders I asked karlee for a break. She told me to go ahead and take it and I snuck out the back. I just wanted to cry. I’ve gone to school with Keanu before, he’s the same age and in the same grade. He’s one of the lord who has always bullied me for not having a father, they didn’t care what the reason was. I sat quietly outside and looked up the sky. Goddess I hope this night goes by fast. I went back in and noticed that the table with the future alpha and Luna were gone. I went to bus’s their table and found a $100 tip and a note saying to enjoy my night I was a very lovey person. It made me smile. Nyko “Dude, that’s my favorite place to eat. Why did you have to be so rude to the waitress? I asked Keanu after we left the restraint. I had left her $100 tip and a note saying to enjoy her night. “She’s just a worthless she-wolf. Everyone at school knows it. She has no father and her mom can barely take care of her that’s why she works there. On top of that she’s a nerd, she’s always reading something and she ran into my mate today.” “You have a lot learn I’d your going to be my sisters mate and that includes not being a bully to someone in my pack.” I stormed out of the room. 2 weeks and my wolf would emerge and I can shift. Me and Kadee’s 16th birthday is on a full moon. Even without my wolf fully emerged all I want to do right now is run. How could anyone treat someone the way Keanu treated that girl tonight. She was so nice and full of cheer and her eyes are absolutely beautiful Kadee was right. I need to know more about her past and what makes her eyes that color. Kadee Goddess, I can’t believe what a jerk Keanu was to her. Elinna she said her name was. I tried to stick up for her but Nyko gave me that look telling me he would deal with it. I felt so bad though. How can he be my chosen mate? Two weeks, in 2 weeks I hope I find my fated mate so I don’t have to mate with him. A/n: I did three episodes today, and will release one tonight. Then I will be updating them daily, please let me Know what your think so far!

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