
740 Words
POV: Eliina My alarm blares in my ear. I look over at it, 5:30 am the day my junior year begins. 8 months and 9 days until my 16th birthday. Everyone knows from a pup that’s when you find your mate and you shift for the first time, it is also the day I absolutely am dreading. I pull myself out of bed and get dressed. Putting on my new school uniform, it’s dark blue with a crescent moon in gold. I always wonder if the human world has to wear uniforms like ours. My mom yells up the stairs that breakfast is ready. I head down the stairs to see what she made. “Ready for your first day of school?” She asked genuinely. “I guess, as ready as I can be. Summer never seems to be long enough.” I responded. She has made me waffles with fresh fruit and whipped cream. It is my favorite breakfast. She always makes it for me on my first day of school. I’m sad summer is ending, it means I have to go back to being the omega with no father. My mother found her mate and he was killed by a rogue before I was barely one. My mother worked hard to give me the best life she could, but I was still always teased. This year will be the worst, sophomores year is the first year of high school for us and it is also when all of the members who live in the pack house, including the alphas twins Nyko and Kadee. Twins are rare in wolves, their even rarer when it’s a female and male twin. Nyko and Kadee look identical except for the fact that their female and male. Naturally, Nyko will become alpha when he comes of age, I feel kinda bad for Kadee because she gets pushed into the back burner. I finish my breakfast and head to school. Kadee My alarm went off a hour ago, I still haven’t dragged myself out of bed to get ready. My brothers probably up and already at training, but really what was the point in me training, he’s becoming the alpha. Sure I’ll be helping him run the pack but he’ll have the title along with whoever he is mated with. “Hurry up and get ready mom is waiting for us” Nyko linked me. “Fine” i responded and rolled out of bed. First day of high school, first day of stares and rumors. All of the things I am not looking forward too. I throw some gel in my hair and head down to breakfast. Nyko I’ve been up training since 3:30am, I started with book reading and working on my alpha training and then worked with our warriors. I went upstairs to change when my mom linked me that breakfast was ready and she was waiting for my Kadee and I. I linked my sister and finished my shower. My mom had an omega make a large breakfast feast for all of the members in the pack house to celebrate us starting highschool. Im ready to be out with other pack members and not just in school with packhouse members. I walked into the kitchen to see my mother impatiently standing behind the counter drinking her coffee. “S**t” I thought and linked my sister. “Goodmorning, I can’t believe you beat me this morning” my best friend and future beta Asher said laughing. “Well I guess you better get used to it or train harder” I responded laughing. We’ve been best friends since we were kids, the last year and a half we’ve been training to take over our future positions as alpha and beta. 4 months and i turn 16 a year. Kadee finally strolled into the kitchen. She’s always been a tomboy, but this summer she decided to cut her hair short and wear more comfortable. No matter what she is my sister and I love her as long as she’s comfortable with herself. “About time you strolled in” called out to her. She just stuck her tounge out at me. We all thanked my mom for breakfast and headed to school.
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