Prank 02

1889 Words
The hallway was filled with chatters and was crowded with a lot of students coming in and out of the classrooms. Some were fixing their things in their respective lockers which are placed on both sides of the hallway a few meters away from the entrance. Some were with their circle of friends talking about how their weekend went. It's the start of another week in school again. Other students stepped aside as Timothy and his friends walked along the hallway. No one dared to block their way. A number of pairs of eyes followed them as they pass other students. They were like celebrities from the way their schoolmates look at them. They went straight to their respective lockers. Timothy just threw his bag inside his locker and made his way to Shenna's which was just a few meters away from his. Beside Shenna's locker was Milo's and next to it was Nikki's. He did not even know why his locker was not next to them. Timothy leaned his left arm on one of the lockers as he faced Shenna who’s preparing her things for the first period. His legs crossed as he tiptoed his left foot on the right side of his other foot. He folded his arms on his chest, waiting for his girlfriend to give him the attention he needed. "Guys, we'll be heading to our classes first," Milo called their attention. He waved his hand to Timothy and Shenna as the couple glanced at him. Milo and Nikki we're sharing the same class. Well, both of them had the same schedule on all of their classes which made Timothy wonder how they did it. Timothy and Shenna were only together in some of their classes and some with Milo and Nikki. Timothy moved closer to Shenna as she closed her locker, turning to his direction. He trapped her in between his arms, pinning his hands to the cold metal on both sides of her shoulders. With a smile plastered on his lips, he leaned forward to give her a peck on her lips. But he stopped suddenly when they both heard the loud murmurs of other students. They knew they're not the cause of the gossips. It's not new to their schoolmates to see them make out at the lockers every single morning before the bell rings. Shenna moved her head to see what the other students were talking about. Yet, Timothy took it as a chance to crush his lips to her. It only lasted for a second since she pushed him by his chest, making him move back. Timothy hissed, turning his head to the direction where Shenna was looking. He was stuck on his foot for a second in shock as his eyes landed on the girl he saw last Saturday on the porch of the house next to them. The girl was walking through the hallway with her head down and slightly covered with the hoodie she’s wearing. Timothy knew it was her; from the way she dressed in the same black hoodie jacket that was evidently big for her size. His eyes focused on her. No, she wasn't wearing the same hoodie. He could tell that it was a different cloth but it just had the same black color and similar design. He followed her with his eyes. Well, it was not only him but also the other students standing by at the hallway. The girl was new to their eyes. She's new in the school. And that explains why she was the center of attention as of the moment. Timothy's eyebrows curved, connecting to each other, as the girl stopped in front of a locker two slots away from his. He couldn't stop his eyes to scan her whole figure, from head to toe and back to her head. He noticed her timid legs. Looking at her closely, he could tell that she stands just his shoulders’ length. "Aww," he winced as a hand pinched him on his arm. He averted his gaze to his side. Shenna was giving him a questioning look and a raised brow. "You seem to know her, baby?" Shenna's eyebrow raised a centimeter higher. "I thought so." Timothy shrugged the topic off. Then, he grinned at her. "Are you getting jealous, baby?" he teased. He touched her chin using his right hand while his left hand rested above her head on the locker behind her. Shenna ran her eyes to the girl for a second. Then, she rolled her eyes. "Is there any reason why I should get jealous?" "Is there?" Timothy asked back. He moved his head closer to her as he pushed her chin upwards. "Baby, you know you are the only one I'm thinking of. No need to worry." He smiled and he smacked a kiss. "Really?" As if Shenna wasn't believing him. "Them, why are you looking at her like that?" "Seriously, baby?" Timothy exclaimed. "Really, it's nothing. I'm just surprised I saw her here," Timothy muttered, chuckling. Shenna's eyebrow raised from what she heard. She tilted her head, asking Timothy to explain further. Timothy softly laughed at Shenna's reaction. "Do you remember the house next to ours?" "The house no one lives?" He nodded. "They just moved there this Saturday. I saw her that time wearing a black hoodie jacket. That's why I'm surprised she's here and add that she's wearing a black hoodie jacket again. That's all. Nothing much." Shenna laced her hands around Timothy's neck. She tiptoed, closing the gap of their faces. "If that's the case, I have something in mind. I'll share it with Nikki and Milo, and you later this day, after school." Timothy let go of Shenna's chin. He wrapped his arms around her waist, colliding their bodies. "Give me your stuff. I'll walk you to your first class." He loosened his arm on her waist. Then, he gripped her bag to his side as he intertwined his fingers with hers. The bell rang right on time as they got in front of Shenna's room for the first period. Timothy gave her the bag. He waited for her to enter the classroom before he decided to walk to his class. It was really not that far from where Shenna's first class is. There were just three classrooms in between their classes. He took a seat on the further back row near the window where he usually sat. Well, it's where he sits in every class he has. Their teacher was still not there. So, he decided to rest his arms on the table and he placed his forehead on top of it while waiting for their teacher. After a minute, Timothy popped his head up. He threw his sight to his side where he heard the seat move which for the past months no one dared to sit on right next to him. He got tongue-tied seeing his new neighbor sit beside him. He’s lost for words for a moment of total surprise. "Is it okay if I sit here?" the girl hesitantly asked him. Timothy scanned the place if there's still any vacant seats where she could sit before he replied to her. He smiled a little when he returned his eyes to her. It's the only remaining chair that was not occupied. "Sure. No problem." "T-Thank you!" the girl stuttered. He closely watched her as she gently placed her things on the table and her bag on the chair before she took her seat. He could definitely say that she's taking her time slowly. Her hands were a bit shaky, seemingly having a shy moment. He didn't afford to pocket his chuckle which made her stiffen her back and dart her eyes on her hands resting on top of the table. "You're the one I saw this weekend, right? I saw you move to the house next to ours last Saturday," Timothy started a conversation. Their teacher still wasn't there which was unusual. He saw how the girl jumped an inch before looking at him. "Y-Yes. I think so?" she replied, unsure. Timothy stalled his left elbow on his table. He twisted his upper body facing towards the girl. He rested his head on his left hand, balled into a fist. "Hey, just relax. We're just living at the same place." He stopped, realizing what he said. "I mean not literally on the same roof but as neighbors. So loosen up. No need to be nervous and self-conscious." He showed her his charming smile just like he does every time he makes friends, alluring her with his good looks. "Ahm... O-okay," she answered shortly. Timothy shook his head. "By the way, I'm Timothy. And you are?" He lends his right hand in front of her. The girl just stared at his hand. She still did not know what to say. She was still overwhelmed and a bit uncomfortable on her first day. "You are?" Timothy repeated with a bit louder voice. Some of his classmates heard it and turned their heads to their direction. He noticed it so he moved his hands closer to her. The girl might have noticed it too so she finally opened her hand. "I-I'm Jade." She took his hand as if sealing their newly found friendship. Timothy gripped her hand. He was surprised that her hand was so soft, even softer than Shenna's. The girl pulled her hand yet he tightened his grasp. He still wanted to feel the softness of her hand. For him, it was very comfortable and it's as if he was in heaven. "T-Timothy, my hand," Jade muttered in a low tone. They were getting so much attention from their classmates which she wasn't fond of. Loosening his hold, Timothy let her hand go. "Sorry. Anyway, you can call me Tim if you want. Timothy is too long to pronounce," he joked. Yet, she didn't laugh. She simply nodded and bowed her head, covering her head with her hoodie. Silence overpowered between them as the other students in the classroom started to gossip to themselves. Timothy introducing himself to someone as they all know meant trouble to the person he talked with. Timothy enjoyed the situation he was in. With the murmurs on the sides, he continued to stare at Jade. He couldn't help himself but to smile. He's wondering why she needed to cover her face even though she had this beautiful and symmetric facial features. Any guy that could see her might fall for her. His shoulder gently moved together to his soft chuckling from the thoughts his playing within his mind. He'll admit that it's not difficult for any guy to fall for her with that face. But, except for him. He will not fall to a girl who dresses like Jade. It's too plain for him. And he's already in love with his red-headed girl named Shenna. He assured himself of it. There's really something with Jade that made him stare at her. Timothy couldn't even take his eyes off her which was only disrupted by their teacher's entrance that made the other students quiet. "Jade. What a nice name." Timothy talked to himself, mouthing in silence. A smirked curved on his lips from the thought suddenly popped out.
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