Prank 01

2088 Words
The rays of the sun were seeping at the window beside the bed. Timothy covered a pillow above his ear as he repositioned his body, laying on his side. The noise from outside of their house was disturbing his sleep. The noise wasn't that loud. It's just him being sensitive to things due to his lack of sleep. He changed his position once again. He laid down on his stomach. Then, he pressed both of his hands on the pillow on his head, covering both of his ears, hoping that it will block or just lessen the noise he's hearing. He closed his eyes when he heard nothing. Yet, after a few minutes, he heard the incoherent sound coming from the outside. Annoyed, he scratched his neck and hair as he sat on his bed, crossing his legs into a meditating setup. His messy hair got even messier, pointing to different directions. His eyes were slightly opened just enough for him to see. The noise stopped. And he slammed his back to the bed, laying. He put his right forearm at the top of his now-closed eyes when a loud bang echoed. Feeling like he wasn't able to get enough sleep, he threw his forearm beside him, bouncing his fist on the soft mattress of his bed. He stared at the ceiling. His brows furrowed. If he will still hear this noise for the next minutes, for sure, he will not be able to get some sleep. One more loud banging sound blustered and he took a deep breath. He reached his right hand on the side of the pillow beneath his head, searching for his phone. When his hand didn't find it, he stretched his arms towards the edge of the table on the left side of his bed. He then grabbed his mobile phone. He placed his finger on the sensor on the right side of the phone. He squinted as the phone flashed an image of him and Shenna as a wallpaper. He moved his head, adjusted his eyesight from the sudden brightness, seeking for the time at the upper right corner of the mobile phone's screen. The clock said it's ten o'clock in the morning already. Yet, he still feels the need to sleep. Last night was fun for them. And for the very first time they reached the thousand viewers mark. It was an achievement for them ever since they started their live stream show. No one knew that they were the ones doing it even though they are notorious for doing such things in school. They kept their identity hidden online with the help of Milo's knowledge and skill in technology and computers. Timothy finally stood up from his bed when he heard another loud sound from the outside like something heavy suddenly fell to the ground. He walked closer to the window next to the table. He set aside the curtains with his one hand while the other scratching his nape. He pushed the window upwards, opening it. Then, he poked his head out of the window with his hands on the window frame. There was a truck parked in front of the house next to theirs. There were a number of people unloading the boxes and a few pieces of furniture from it. He turned his gaze at the house where the window was facing. It was still in a good shape but it had been empty for a quite some time. No one lived there not until now as he saw some guys carrying the boxes inside the house. The house wasn't that old yet it was even renovated recently. That made sense to him now why the house has been renovated in the past month. And it was just finished last week. Blinking, he watched the people transferring the things from the sidewalk to the front door and inside the house. He wondered who will be living there. He only saw laborers doing their job, carrying the boxes first before the pieces of furniture. Timothy yawned. He gently covered one hand on his mouth as he shook his head, waking himself up. His eyes landed on a girl wearing a thick black hoodie standing on the porch, watching the guys carrying big boxes. He focused his eyes on the girl. He couldn't tell if he knew her since it was only her back he could see. Maybe she's one of the persons who will live there --- their new neighbor. The girl turned his back and raised her head. Surprisingly, their eyes met. The girl's eyes widened for a second but she recovered quickly. But, their eyes were stuck for a minute. Timothy could tell that she was just at the same age as his. From its youthful face and how she reacted, they might be on the same year. He smiled thinking that there's a new girl in their neighborhood. For sure, she will be studying too in their school. Yet, his thoughts stopped when he realized that it was already in the middle of the term. Is it still possible to transfer from one school to another in that case? He saw the girl look down as his smile did not fade from his face. He must have scared her. He waved his right hand as if welcoming her and him being a good neighbor. Instead of waving back to him, the girl swiveled her body and walked to the other side of the porch. Weird. He thought to himself. His eyes traveled back to the road where the truck was parked. He sighed. There were still a lot of things to be unloaded. With this situation, he couldn't put himself back to sleep especially that his room was located in front of their house on the second floor. Still, with sleepy eyes, he went out of his room. He got himself to the dining area. There was still no one in their house other than him. His parents were on a business trip for this weekend. He sat on the stool on the small bar counter separating the dining area and the kitchen. He grabbed an apple from the basket full of fruits. He's too tired to move his body and cook himself food. Pressing his left elbow on the counter, he slumped his left cheek on his palm as he took a bite on the apple. His eyes were a bit closed. How will he be able to have some rest if it's noisy outside? He moved his head to find a solution to his restlessness until his eyes were totally closed. It lasted for a minute when his phone rang loudly on the counter. He hissed as he opened his eyes. His mind got fully awake seeing his friend, Milo, calling him. He could go to their house and have some good and sound sleep there. Milo's house was not far from them. It's just a few blocks away. He swiped the call to the right, answering it. "Hey, Milo, can I come over?" He immediately asked in a tired voice even before Milo could speak a word. "Sure, bro. But that's not the reason why I called you." Milo chuckled. Timothy stood on his feet and he took another bite of the apple. "Yeah. Why did you call?" Munching, his words almost inaudible. "I forgot my laptop in your living room last night. Can you bring that when you come here?" Milo asked. Timothy walked out from the dining area, going to the living area. He ran his eyes to the couch and to the table where Milo was sitting last night. There, at the top of the small center table, Milo's laptop was resting, flipped closed. "Sure thing, bro." "Thanks, bro!" "Don't mention it. By the way, I'll be there in a few. I can't sleep here now. There's so much noise from outside." He went back to the kitchen and he threw the eaten apple with only the spine left to the trash bin placed along the side of the door and the sink. Milo laughed on the other side of the line. "Sure thing." Timothy ended the call. He made his way to his room. Then, he grabbed his jacket hanging at the door. Slipping his arms on the sleeves of the jacket, he wore it as he took the stairs. Sliding his hands inside the pockets of the jacket, he checked if he has their house key with him before he took the laptop. Squinting, Timothy covered his hands on his eyes, blocking the direct hit of the sun when he opened and stepped out on their front door. He locked the door from inside the house before he gently slammed it, closing. He looked down on his feet. Then, he stroked the steps in front of their door. He placed his one hand inside his pocket while the other gripped the laptop on his side. Out of his curiosity, he looked at his right where the unloading of things from the truck was still unfinished. He thought he made the right decision to go to Milo's place for the meantime. They might take more hours getting those things inside the house next to theirs. His eyes darted on the girl he saw a while ago. She was now sitting at the chair on the further corner of the porch on the other side. He wasn't sure of how she really looked like, her physique, since she was still wearing the big and loose hoodie. Wasn't she feeling hot wearing those kind of clothes. He laughed to himself. He was also wearing a jacket under the scorching heat of the sun. But the difference was he's only wearing a jacket that was made of thin and soft fabric. He held his temple, massaging it, as he suddenly felt it aching. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head gently. He then took his eyes off the girl and he continued making his way to Milo's place. The moment he stepped his feet in front of Milo's house, he knocked on the door. No one opened it for him. He knocked on the door again with force to make it sound louder. "Milo! It's Timothy," he called. He continued knocking like he's going to break the door until it swung open. His fist stopped mid-air Milo came into his view with messy hair --- looking like he just woke up. Timothy pushed the laptop to Milo's chest, giving it to him harshly. Milo was taken aback for a second before he held the laptop. Timothy walked past his side. "I'll just take some sleep in your room." He tapped his shoulder. He did not bother to wait for a response. He made himself feel at home as he climbed the stairs and entered Milo's bedroom. Dropping his body, he laid on his stomach, undressing the jacket. Then, he threw it on the headboard. He crawled his way to the middle of the bed, finding a comfortable spot and position. Milo placed his laptop on his study table. "What are you doing, bro? Get out of my bed." With disbelief, Milo uttered at the side of the bed. His hands on his waist. Timothy gripped the nearest pillow. He threw it to Milo which the latter caught. "Shut up, Milo. My head still hurts from lack of sleep." Milo pushed him to the side. "You're not alone, bro. So move your ass aside. I'm gonna take some sleep too." Timothy retained his spot. He didn't move his body even a single inch. Instead, he kicked Milo's hand as if he's the owner of the bed. Milo scratched the back of his head. "You're unbelievable, bro." He grabbed the excess pillow on his bed. And with a sigh, he let Timothy take over his bed. "Thanks, bro!" Timothy mumbled with closed eyes. He brushed his face on the pillow under his head, pushing his head more to the soft cotton of the pillow, as he hugged it tight before he finally got the sleep he was deprived of at their house. As Timothy's consciousness drove off to the darkness of sleeping, the image of the girl in a black jacket popped out in his mind. The girl was giving him a weird look that he couldn't read and understand. And a sweet and genuine smile formed on her lips that pulled him closer to her as the darkness eating him whole.
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