Prank 03

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The bell rang loudly reminding the students and teachers that it was time for lunch. Chitchats started to fill the place as the teacher stepped out the classroom. Timothy sighed, letting out the boredom he feels during the class discussions. He stretched his arms upwards as he stood on his feet. He was just there physically staring at the board when his teacher lectured them about math which he really didn't give a damn. For the whole duration of the morning class, he rested his left cheek on his left fist. His left elbow rested on his desk. For some reason, he glanced at the girl who sat beside him. Jade remained unmoved even though it's lunch time already. Her eyes were fixed on her hands on her table. Her hoodie was still on her head. Their school and teachers don’t really care whatever you wear in class as long as you are present. Timothy shook his head. Why is he even giving Jade attention? It's obvious that the girl doesn't want attention from anyone. Timothy pushed his chair backwards for him to be able to have some space to stand up. His seatmate looked like she does not have a plan to move. He slung his bag on his shoulder as he strode his way to the door. He threw one last glance at Jade before he completely left the classroom. He asked, shaking his head. Why can't he stop himself from looking at her? Timothy went to Shenna's classroom first. He peeped at the door, looking for his girlfriend but there was no one left inside. She must be with their friends already, he thought. Shrugging his shoulders as if it was nothing, he took the hallway leading to the canteen. The canteen was crowded with students the moment he got there. He almost couldn't enter the canteen due to the long line of his fellow students. He turned his head, scanning the place. With his towering height, it wasn't that much difficult for him to spot his friends at the table where they usually took their seat. It took him some time to finally step his feet in front of their table. "You're late, bro," Milo instantly commented. Timothy momentarily looked at him before he shrugged. He sat on the vacant seat in front of Milo which was beside his girlfriend. There were food on their table that was set for each of them. He assumed the girls bought it before he could even get himself out of their classroom. He set his bag on his lap. Then, he glanced at Shenna who snaked her arms on his right arm. "What took you so long, baby?" Shenna pouted. She brushed her thumb gently unto his biceps, gently pressing it. "I waited for you in our classroom." Timothy placed his hand on top of Shenna's. He chuckled. "You don't have to worry, baby. I just waited for the hallway to be cleared. You know I don't want to pass through a crowd and bump to someone I don't know." He gave her an assuring smile. Shenna looked at him like there's something he isn’t telling her. "Are you sure?" "Hundred percent." "Okay. That's enough love birds. Let's eat already. My stomach is already growling for quite some time now," laughing, Milo interjected as if his girlfriend was not beside him. Nikki giggled at his side, grabbing the spoon and fork on the plate. Timothy smacked Milo's arm jokingly. Then, they started to consume their food. "I heard there's a new girl in our school," Nikki started a conversation. "I heard our classmates this morning talking about this girl. Did you see her?" She looked at Shenna and Timothy. Her eyes were anticipating to get some answers from the couple. Shenna smirked. "Yes, Nikki, we saw her at the locker just right after you left us there. I think Timothy knows her more than anyone else in here." She glanced at Timothy, throwing a knowingly look. "How does she look like? Is she pretty or is she a big-thick-glasses-wearing nerd?" Nikki covered her mouth as she imagined how Jade would look like in a nerd get up. Shenna joined Nikki's laughter. "Well, one thing I'm sure of, Nikki," she said with full of self-confidence. "What is it, Shenna?" "Both of us are way much prettier than her." Shenna turned her head to Timothy who was busy chewing his food. "Am I right, baby?" she asked him. "Right of what?" confused, Timothy asked back. He wasn't listening to the girls as they talk. He was busy taking his time eating his food. "That I and Nikki are way prettier than the new girl in town; way prettier than your new neighbor who lives next door from yours," she gave emphasis to the last words she spoke. Timothy's face lightened up as his mind processed the thought. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I don't see her face that much," he lied. He knew he saw Jade's flawless facial features during their classes this morning. It's just that he doesn't want to argue with the girls. "But I'm sure that you're beautiful, baby." A wide smile plastered on his face. He touched Shenna’s chin, playing it carefully, pinching it lightly. Shenna bit her lips from inside of her mouth. She held herself to giggle. While on the other side of the table, Nikki was visibly giggling to herself. She even pinch Milo's arm as she held it. "You know, Shenna. I'm really jealous of you. You have Timothy as your boyfriend who always talks sweetly to you." She then faced her boyfriend, Milo. "Unlike with my so called boyfriend who doesn't even utter a single sweet word whenever we're together," rolling her eyes, she complaint. Milo stopped from taking a bite of his food. Unbelievably, he looked at Nikki. "As if you don't love to call my name whenever I'm on top of you," Milo murmured just enough for the four of them to hear. He earned a loud thud as Nikki's hand hit on his shoulder blade. He laughed in return thinking that he once again won against his girlfriend. "I never thought you have that side, bro. Good job!" Timothy chuckled together with Shenna. Nikki rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. She averted her attention to Shenna. "Anyway, did I hear it correctly? Timothy and the new girl are neighbors?" Shenna crossed her arms. "Ask Timothy for details, Nikki." She pointed Timothy using her lips. "He knows better than me. I barely knew anything about her for now." Shenna, Nikki and Milo patiently waited for Timothy's words. Timothy took a gulp from the water bottle first. "I don't know a thing about her, guys. I just know that they moved to the house next to ours last Saturday." "Wait!" Milo popped his head up. "Was it the reason why you came over to my house that day? Was it the cause of the noise why you can't get a proper sleep?" Milo asked nonstop. "Yeah," Timothy replied, souding uninterested. But his drifted on thinking how would Jade look like if she's not wearing a big and loose jacket. *** Timothy's head turned around as he followed Jade with his eyes. Shenna seemed to notice his action. She put some weight as she clang on Timothy's arm which made him turn to her direction. "What are you looking at? Or must I say, who are you looking at?" Shenna interrogated. Her lips pursed on one side. "Nothing," Timothy answered. He opened his lips again when he saw that Shenna did not seem to believe him. "Seriously, baby, it's nothing." He leaned forward to give her a kiss yet before he could crash his lips into hers, he was stopped with a hand. Shenna took a deep breath. "Okay. If you say so. Just make it sure it's really nothing." She raised one of her eyebrows. They continued to walk in the corridor. The four of them will be in the same class this afternoon. Timothy suddenly stopped when he saw Jade walk inside to the door they were headed to as well. What a coincidence, she will be his classmate for the next class again. A smile crept to his lips. Timothy's smile did not past through Shenna's observant eyes. She had this feeling that something is really happening within Timothy's mind that she needs to know. She followed where he was looking. There, she spotted the same new girl she saw early this morning at the lockers. She twitched her lips as an idea popped to her mind, adding to the one she had this morning. She moved her body closer to Timothy, pressing her breasts to his arm. She, then, smiled at him innocently as he looked at her intently. Even with furrowed brows, Timothy let Shenna pull him, entering the door. Shenna suddenly acted weird which puzzled him. When they got inside the room, his eyes immediately spotted Jade standing at the back. He sat on his seat with Shenna on his side but his head was still fixed on Jade’s direction. Nikki and Milo were sitting in the pair of chairs in front of Timothy and Shenna. Nikki twisted her upper body to face Timothy. "Hey, Tim, is that her? She's a new face to my eyes." Nikki pointed Jade who was patiently waiting for everyone to have their seat. Timothy paid attention to Nikki's question. He followed her finger. Jade doesn't know which chair is unoccupied and where she should take her seat since she was new to this class. "Yes. That's her," Timothy confirmed. "She looks..." Nikki examined how Jade was dressed. "She's dull. Wearing a big black hoodie looks so cheap on her." "I know, right?" Shenna seconded as she also ran her eyes on Jade. She could clearly see Jade's whole look now compared to when they were in the lockers with a lot of people passing every now and then, blocking her sight. As the two girls were giving side comments to the innocent girl who doesn't have an idea that was being backstabbed, Timothy was also observing Jade's movements. The little fidgets of Jade's fingers and legs was noticeable to his keen eyes. He smiled as Jade walked to the chair left unoccupied at the back just a few steps away from where she was standing. "Tim, are you listening to us?" Nikki caught his attention, waving her hands in front of Timothy's face. "Yeah. What were you saying again?" Timothy asked, averting his gaze back to his friends. Milo turned to look at them from his seat. "God, baby. Are you okay? You're always not in your mind this day. Is there something bothering you?" Shenna brushed her hand from Timothy's shoulder down to his arm repeatedly. "Yeah. I'm okay. Don't mind me." "Okay. As what we were saying, I think Shenna and I got the same idea in our heads." Nikki laughed, smirking whilst her and Shenna's eyes were talking as if they had telepathic powers. Both of the girls' mouth swung open but was cut in mid air when their teacher for this period came in telling them to open their books. "I think we'll talk about it later," Nikki suggested. She positioned herself back to face their teacher. "I was also planning that awhile ago," Shenna agreed. "Then, it's settled. Let's talk about it after school at Tim's place," Milo chimed, chuckling. Timothy's house was their kind of headquarters if they are an organisation planning for something fun. Timothy scratched his head. He doesn't have an idea what they were planning but one thing he was sure of, his friends got something in mind for entertainment. He c****d his head as excitement rushed into his nerves. Timothy noticed the wide grin on Shenna's lips. This must be big. He will only see this kind of grin from Shenna every time she was plotting a big plan in her head. He grinned leveling the intensity of Shenna's grin as their eyes met. "Prepare yourself, babe. This will be so much fun for us and our viewers," Shenna muttered. Unintentionally, Timothy's eyes jumped to the silently sitting Jade at the opposite side of the classroom. He smirked. He thought he already got what his friends are into even though he still doesn't heard a word about it. Excitement rushed in his nerves. If what the girls were planning is as big as what he has in mind, he will surely be happy to do his part. It's been a long time since the last time they had so much fun.
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