Prank 04

1936 Words
Timothy sat on the driver's seat as Shenna took the passenger seat. Milo and Nikki occupied the backseat. They were in the same class on their last period of the day that is why they instantly got together in Timothy's car after they got their stuff from their respective lockers. The car was given by Timothy's parents to him as a birthday present during his eighteenth birthday last year. It still looked as it was back then; no scratch and the color was not depreciating. Ever since he got the car, it served as their service going to school and anywhere they wanted to go for a joyride. The ride from school to the subdivision where the four of them live only takes fifteen minutes if there isn’t heavy traffic. Shenna turned on the music player. She played their favorite music and they sang along with it. The four of them were friends since childhood. There were only a few residents before in Fontana Heights; one factor that made them closer to each other because there were no other kids they can play with. Timothy pulled over in front of their house. He turned off the music player and followed the engine. His friends got out of the car as he pulled off the keys. He did not bother to park his car in their garage. He was used to parking the car just right in front of their house. And no one in their neighborhood cares if you park your car at the side of the road as long as it doesn't block the driveway. He clicked the key to lock the doors of the car as it beeped. Grabbed Shenna by the waist, Timothy guided her to follow Milo and Nikki who walked to the front door, opening it as if they were the owners of the house. As they entered the house, Milo immediately sat on the couch where he usually sits. Nikki followed him making herself comfortable beside him. Shenna sat on the couch facing the television while Timothy climbed the stairs to his room. After a while, he got himself back to the living room already wearing a different shirt. Timothy's parents were still not home. They were still at work. It was just four in the afternoon so it's not surprising if Timothy's parents were not around. Their house was not that big. It was just enough for a family of three to live with their daily lives. There's a garage on the left side of the house facing the road. A small porch in the front door. The ground floor was divided by the living area, dining area, kitchen, and a comfort room. There were four rooms on the second floor of their two-story house. Timothy slammed his body beside Shenna. He stretched his arms, then he laid it on top of the backrest. Shenna leaned her head on his arm, moving closer to Timothy's body. Timothy looked down at Shenna's face. "So, what's in your mind?" Shenna raised her face, meeting his questioning eyes. "Well, as we said, that Jade girl was the new kid in town. I think Nikki caught the same idea I have in mind." She turned to see Nikki on the couch on their right. Nikki gently sat properly. "You know we're sisters." She giggled. "It has something to do with Jade and what we used to do." She smiled innocently as if it was nothing. "What's the catch?" Timothy raised a brow as if he still doesn't get it. He looked at the girls with curiosity. "Yeah. What are you thinking girls?" Milo asked right after Timothy spoke. Shenna looked at Timothy with wide eyes. "Seriously, baby? You didn't get it? You guys really suck." She rolled her eyes. "But don't forget that you're the one who's sucking me." Timothy earned a slap on his chest. He chuckled. "Just spill the tea already. Drop the introduction," he urged. Though Timothy already had a little idea where it will go, he still wanted the full detail of it. For a long time, they've been dropping games from here and there, he won’t be surprised if the girls have something in mind when there's a new face in their place. "Since you're the most reliable when it comes to acting." Shenna pressed her right index finger to Timothy's broad chest. "I think, you can pull this off perfectly. Right, Nikki?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Certainly!" Nikki nodded. "And to add up, Milo is in charge of the footage and streaming as always. So you’ll be the one doing it anyway at the end. And Milo is really bad at acting." "Okay. What am I going to do? I presume it concerns with Jade since you mentioned her beforehand." Timothy smirked. He folded one of his legs and rested his foot on his other leg as his nerves felt the excitement running through his system. "What's the plan?" "But before that, I can trust you with this, right?" Shenna strictly asked Timothy. "Of course. You can always trust me. When did I let you down?" full of himself, Timothy replied. Timothy tilted his head, looking at Shenna with questioning eyes. Is his girlfriend having doubts on him? "Was that even a question, Shenna? We can trust Timothy. We’ve done this a couple of times already," Nikki reacted. Milo remained silent. He was just listening to them. After all, whatever they are planning to do, his assignment doesn't change. He will be sitting in front of his laptop. He's in charge on the technological side. Shenna shrugged off the thought that was bothering her since morning. "Okay. Anyway, it's just simple, baby. You will just make that Jade fall in love with you. You will do everything to make her fall for you, baby. I don't like that girl. I want to see her with tears and a shattered heart." She hugged him tightly and snuggle on his chest. "Then, we scare her big time before you break her heart. That would be the most wonderful and perfect show we will be streaming so far. Right, Shenna?" Both Nikki and Shenna pointed their index, middle, and ring fingers to each other, wiggling it in a bitchy way. Timothy's grin transformed into a mischievous smile. Just like how he thought it so, it will be easy for him to act it out. They just added some spice before breaking Jade's heart. "Is that all?" he confirmed. He also had something in mind that he will do. "For now," Shenna replied. "When will I start it?" Timothy asked. A lot of possible ways of making Jade love him played in his imagination. He couldn't wait to do some of it to their neighbor. It may not take him much time to succeed knowing the distance between them is just meters away. He can simply walk through the yard and visit her in no time. "You can start tomorrow," Nikki suggested. She leaned her back at Milo. Milo wrapped his arms around her body. He locked his hands on Nikki's abdomen. He rested his chin on Nikki's shoulder. "No. He can't. We have to make sure that Jade will think that the both of us have split up already. I know she hinted that we're together especially that she saw us kissing at my locker." Shenna loosened her. She moved back a bit away from Timothy. She crossed her arms and met his eyes intently. "That is the reason why I asked you if I can trust you with this. We have to pretend that we're off already. So that she'll think that you really are interested and attracted to her." Timothy cupped Shenna's face. He put his foot down to the floor, turning his body to her. "You know that I love you that much. You don't have to worry about it. I had proved myself to you many times, baby. I'm all yours and will forever be." He gently brushed his thumb to her cheeks. "I assure you that I am only yours, baby. Okay?" He smiled. "Okay, that's enough," laughing, Milo interrupted. "You are overdoing it again, bro. We already know how much you love Shenna. You don't have to be like that." Milo's chest moved up and down as his laughter did not fade. "You really like drama, Tim. I like it! I can't wait to see how you make Jade not just fall for you but madly and deeply in love with you." Timothy chuckled at what his friends were saying. He was serious about what he told Shenna. Yet these two friends of him ruined it. He bowed his head down before he looked back at Shenna's face. He held her hands, gripping them tight. He smiled genuinely at her. "I believe you, baby," Shenna responded hiding her laugh because their friends didn't stop their side comments. She took a deep breath. She blew it, cracking up. "Stop it, guys. You two are really good at this, crashing down good moments." "One minute, we were just talking about how we will pull off our next prank. Another minute, you and Tim acted like protagonists in a drama movie. It doesn't suit you, you know?" Nikki teased. "Fine. Let's continue and focus on our plan." Shenna sat properly. Timothy went back to his position, leaning his back. "I'm listening. Go on." "So yeah. We have to pretend that we broke up, baby. So that Jade will believe to whatever you will say to her. We can still hang out together but we need to set limitations between us especially when Jade is around," Shenna explained. Timothy his brows and asked. "No kissing?" "No kissing in public. We can still kiss and get touchy if it's just us and when no one other than the four of us is around," Shenna cleared. Timothy sighed. "Do I have a choice? Yet I'm still good at it. I thought I can't totally touch you. Is that all?" "For now," Shenna and Nikki replied in unison. After they talked about their plan, Milo and Nikki stood up. Nikki grabbed her sling bag she placed on the coffee table. Milo wore his slim backpack. After a while, they bid their goodbye to Timothy and Shenna. Timothy simply nodded to them as his way of saying goodbye. "What will we do now, baby?" Timothy pinned his hands on both sides of Shenna on the couch right after he heard the front door close. Shenna was now lying on the couch with him in a push-up position on top of her. Shenna smiled at him, clinging her hands to his nape. She pulled him close. Timothy slid his right arm at Shenna's back. He used his strength to pull her body to stand. He made her sit on his lap with her knees folded on both sides of his hips. He locked his arms on her body, smiling widely. Shenna gave him the same smile. Without taking more time, Timothy pulled Shenna to make their bodies rub. Then, he launched his lips to her, crushing it with need. Shenna grasped Timothy's jet black hair with her fingers, deepening their kiss. But it was stopped after a second when a not so loud sound coming from the window disturbed them as if there is something just dropped. "What was that?" Shenna gazed to the window. She saw no one there. "Maybe it's just a dog, baby. Don't mind it," Timothy whispered. He then pulled Shenna's head, claiming her lips once again.
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