Prank 05

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Holding the curtain on his side just enough for his face to peep at the window, Timothy examined the house next to theirs. No one from outside will know that he's watching from his room since his room was swallowed by darkness. He did not bother to turn the lights on after he got out from the bathroom inside his room with a towel hanging on his messy hair. The light coming from the lamppost at the pavement beside the road was the only thing that illuminates the inside of his room as it passes through the thin fabric of the curtain of the window facing the road. The outside was in complete silence like there's no one is residing in the place. Timothy roamed his sight to the house in front of the window where he stood like a lookout. The lights of the house were out too. He wondered where Jade's room was located on the said house. Timothy rubbed his fingers to his chin as he looked at the visible windows, thinking what's on the other side of it. The bedrooms must be on the second floor just like theirs, he thought. The houses in Fontana Heights were designed similar to one another in which everything was placed on the ground floor excluding the bedrooms. He lifted his head to look at the first window of the second floor at the leftmost side from his perspective. He hummed questioningly. It will be much easier for him to do their plan if the window he was staring at would be Jade's bedroom. He could do things from his window just like the scenes in the romantic movies he watched. He heard a car pull over which made him travel his eyes to the road instantly. He opened the window for him to have a clearer view of it. He peeked his head out a bit. A cab parked right in front of Jade's place. The backdoor opened and the girl he was just thinking of came into sight, still on her black hoodie. Jade no longer had her bag. Instead, she had plastic bags on her hands which she placed at the pavement after she closed the door by her hips. The compartment swung open as the driver jumped off the cab. He went to the compartment and pushed it up, opening it wide. Jade walked near at the back of the car as the driver carried out some paper bags. Jade pointed to where she placed the plastic bags as she spoke which Timothy couldn't hear. Timothy quickly closed the window. He dried his hair with the towel for a second before he threw it to a chair. He snatched a shirt in his closet. Then, he stormed out of his room. He wore the plain colored shirt as he went downstairs. Bearing in mind that this might be a chance for him to unofficially start his acting, Timothy rushed his way to the door. He needed to be a good neighbor and friend in the eyes of Jade. He did not bother to get a pair of shorts since he was already wearing an undergarment, and boxer shorts that was a three inches higher from his knees. Timothy stopped at the door. He composed himself as if he coincidentally saw her. He took a deep breath. Let the show begin, he said to himself. Then, he twisted the doorknob calmly and stepped out to the porch. The cold wind of approaching autumn instantly kissed the skin on his legs. He gently kicked his legs alternatively, shaking the cold away as he shivered. Timothy jumped from the porch. He skipped the steps to the cemented walkway. He was just on time when he approached Jade. The cab roared and left. He walked on the neatly cut grasses on their lawn. "Hey, Jade," Timothy called in a not so loud voice. He put his hands on his waist. Jade turned her head to his direction as he moved closer to her. "Oh, Tim? What are you doing here?" surprised, she muttered. "Did you forget that I live here?" Timothy pointed to their house. He emphasized that they live next door. "Ohh." Jade looked back at the things she needed to carry to their house. Timothy smiled secretly as he realized that the situation was siding him. "Need some help?" he offered which made Jade glance at him. He waited for her to answer but it looked like Jade got her tongue stuck in her mouth. Jade awkwardly smiled. "Nico need, Tim. I can handle it," she turned down. Looking away, Timothy sighed. He moved closer to where the bags were placed. Jade couldn't carry it all by herself, he thought. He grabbed the bags that he can lift with his hands, only leaving two plastic bags - the ones that Jade carried from the backseat of the cab. "I think you need a hand, Jade. I'll help you." "But-" Jade resisted but he cut her off. "It's too heavy for you. For a girl like you. Let me bring this to your house." Timothy moved his hands upward, feeling the weight of the bags. To his surprise, it wasn't that heavy. Well, at least for him. Jade tried to get the bags from Timothy's hands yet he did not give it to her. She bit her lower lip. "A-Am I not taking your time? I-It's dark already." "It's okay, Jade. Really. And you're not bothering me if that’s what you think." Timothy gave her the most charming smile he could do. The smile that no one could resist whenever he shows it. "O-Okay." Jade grabbed the remaining plastic bags. "J-Just follow me." She walked through the rectangular hardened cement that serves as a walkway from the sidewalk to their porch. "Sure. You lead the way, Jade." Timothy followed Jade. The bags he was holding were no match for him. With his toned arms and shoulders, and an athletic body built, he has the strength to carry heavy things. In fact, he could carry Jade without straining. Timothy noticed how Jade moved timidly and was very careful on her every step. It's as if she's not comfortable being with him. He observed her until they arrived at the porch. He put down the bags to the wooden floor of the porch as Jade unlocked the front door. The porch was a lot bigger and wider than theirs. In fact, there was a set of wooden chairs and a coffee table at one end. The railing was also made of hardwood. His eyebrows furrowed when it came across to his mind why Jade bought so many things at this hour. It's dark already and even though it was safe inside their subdivision, it was not an assurance that outside the boundary is safe for a girl like Jade. He ran his eyes to the bags. The bags were almost in the same sizes. He was holding three on his left hand and four on his right hand. Timothy lifted his head causing their eyes to make contact. Jade was staring at him a second already when his mind wondered at the bags. "Do you want to come in for a while?" Jade invited, hesitating. She was holding the doorknob preventing the door to close on its own. Timothy nodded and he lifted the bags on his hands. Jade swung the door widely for Timothy. Her hand instantly searched for the switch near the door. She turned the lights on. Timothy stopped on his steps the moment he got inside the living room. He looked at his back. "Where should I put this?" he uttered. "I-Is it okay if you put it in the kitchen?" "No problem," smiling, Timothy replied. Jade avoided Timothy's eyes. "I-It's that way." Jade pointed to an empty door frame. Timothy gently nodded his head. Then, he looked at the direction where Jade's hand was pointing. He immediately proceeded to the kitchen in silence. His eyes couldn't stop scanning the room without moving his head as he made his way to the kitchen. The inside was way different from the outer facade of the house. Looking from outside, it only looked like a normal residential house. But, it has a modern interior design anyone could never imagine just by judging it from its outside look. His mouth formed into a circle in awe of what he was seeing. He never thought it will look like this. "Y-You can put it on the counter," Jade said at his back. She was following him all along. Timothy did what Jade said. Jade did the same after he safely placed the bags on top of the counter. A moment of silence had passed between them. Timothy was simply watching Jade who was standing at his side, enjoying the sight of Jade emptying one of the plastic bags. Pressing his hands at the edge of the counter, Timothy leaned his back at the counter. The coldness of the surface of the counter spread to his palms. Jade was busy checking the items she bought. "Ah, Jade, can I ask a question?" out of nowhere Timothy voiced out. Even though there was just a few inches gap between them, he could feel Jade’s aloofness toward him. Timothy saw Jade's shoulders stiffen on his sudden query. Jade placed the fruits in the basket at the center of the counter with care after she checked it. Slowly, she twisted her body, facing him. "O-Of course. What is it?" she asked back, shyly. Her hands crippled the hem of the hoodie on her hips. "Are you alone now?" Timothy asked. His eyes were fixed to her face, intently looking at her as if he’s reading her mind. Jade biting her lower lip did not escape from Timothy's eyes. "Why did you ask?" she whispered. Her eyes couldn't stop running from one spot to another. Timothy moved closer to Jade which caused her to stiffen a bit more. He gently tapped her shoulder using his right hand. "Hey, you don't have to be nervous. Loosen up, Jade. We should be friends since we're just apparently living so close to each other. So, don't stiff yourself," he comforted her. Then, he smiled. It was a genuine one, with no other intentions in mind. "And to answer you, I just noticed that the house is in total silence since we got in here. Where are your parents?" Jade heaved a sigh, releasing the weight she was holding. "T-They're on a business trip. They’re usually out for a trip every last week of the month just like now, as you can see." Timothy tapped her shoulder once again as if showing her that there’s no need to worry whenever he’s close to her. He glanced at the bags. "By the way, you buy a lot knowing that you're just alone for a week. And aren't you scared shopping all by yourself at night? You know it's not safe for a girl like you going out alone at night." His hand left Jade's shoulder. He turned his head to the counter, scratching the back of his head. Yet, his eyes were focused at the corner of his peripheral vision where he can still see Jade. "Ahmm." Jade shyly bit her lips before she opened her mouth. "W-Well, I'm used to doing it anyway. A-And it's not a big deal, I can handle myself, and it's just," she paused. She turned to see the clock at the wall. "It's just eight in the evening, T-Tim," she reasoned out. Timothy's face went serious, turning his head back to Jade, facing her. "Still, it's not safe for you to go by yourself," Timothy insisted. "Next time, I'll go with you," he said with finality. Surprised, Jade instantly waved her hands in front of him. Her head shook in a moderate pace. "N-No. It's okay. I'm oka-" "I won't let you go next time without me, Jade. I'm just making sure that you'll be safe. We're friends, right?" Timothy cut her off. Jade's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what Timothy had said. They're not even that close to begin with. They are simply neighbors and seatmates in some of their classes. "A-Are you serious?" still stuttering, she muttered. She intertwined her hands, fidgeting. Timothy chuckled seeing Jade's reaction. He rested his elbow on the counter while his head tilted to Jade's side. His forehead creased as his eyebrows raised whilst his eyes seriously talking to her eyes. "I'm serious. Is there a reason we can't be friends?" he asked. He showed his puppy eyes. Jade gulped a lump. "O-Of course, we can be friends. B-But, I think it's too bothersome on your part if you will tag along with me," she insisted. Timothy heaved a sigh. He thought it was easy to make her trust him. "Okay," he gave up. His shoulders dropped. Jade straightened up. "H-Hey, don't think about it that much. Don't misunderstand it. I am just not used with anyone." She bowed her head. Her eyes fixed on her hands. Timothy held her chin, making her look at him. "Jade," he hushed when he saw her eyes still looking down. "Jade, listen. I just want to know you since we're friends from now on. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm harmless." His eyes met hers. "Relax yourself. I am not going to harm you. Besides, what are friends are for, right?" Timothy let out a no-teeth smile. "O-Okay." Jade didn't know what to say and how she will react. This is all new to her. This closeness with a guy she just met - someone she barely knew - is making her feel that her personal space was invaded. Timothy let go of her chin. "So, friends?" He then showed her his pinky finger. Shaking, Jade locked her pinky finger with Timothy's. "F-Friends."
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