Prank 06

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Sitting on the stool beside the kitchen counter, Timothy quietly watched Jade unwrapping things from the bags. For an unknown reason, he enjoyed watching her in silence. His elbows were pressed on the surface of the counter while his hands were balled as it supported his head. He must be in deep sleep already on his bed at this time if he didn't see Jade and offered her some help. Jade was getting awkward in the situation Timothy put her. She glanced at him and she was shocked when she saw the way Timothy looked at her. It was serious like he was examining her whole being. "T-Tim, aren't you going home yet? It's getting late already," she suddenly asked without any malicious intent. Timothy gave her a pout on his lips. "Are you kicking me out already, Jade?" He made face making himself cute and at the same time pitiful in her eyes. "I-It's not like that," Jade clarified. "Then why are you asking like that? Are you still not comfortable around me?" Timothy put his right hand on his lap. He opened his palm of his left hand and gently pressed it to his left cheek as he tilted his head. "If that's the case, then I will be leaving now." Timothy straightened his back. He stretched his legs, reaching the floor with his toes, taking off from the stool. He stood on his feet. That was the time when Jade unintentionally ran her eyes to his body. Timothy chuckled seeing Jade's face painted red. He just then remembered that he was only wearing a boxer shorts covering his undergarment. "Good night, Jade." He waved his hand in a cool way. He turned his back and was about to walk when he was stopped by a hand on his arm. "T-Tim, c-can you stay here any longer?" The hood of Jade's jacket fell to her back, sliding. Timothy couldn't stop the smile creeping on his lips. He pocketed it as much as possible before he gazed at her. To his surprise, he was taken aback by Jade's fair porcelain skin complexion. She was glowing. He gaped. He knew she has the face that could make any guy fall for her in no time. But, he did not expect that she was more beautiful without the hood covering her head, hiding her alluring facial features. "I-I mean, you can stay if you want to and if your parents are not looking for you," Jade corrected. Then, she made herself busy, back to putting the items she bought to proper places in the kitchen. Timothy gulped a lump. He suddenly felt something weird within himself that he cannot completely explain. He couldn't take his eyes off her. It's as if he was under a spell that was cast by the girl in front of him. "Sure," he muttered without thinking. The time was running real fast with Timothy doing nothing but simply sitting back on the stool. He was at peace just by watching Jade do her thing, waiting for her to finish it all up. He even lost his sense of time. He forgot that it's almost bedtime for him since he still has classes tomorrow. "All done!" Jade hummed right after she placed a jar inside a cabinet. She wiped the sweat on her face using the back of her hand. Her other hand pushed the door of the cabinet, closing it. Abruptly, Timothy stood up. He turned his back at her. "Fvck," he whispered to himself. He found it sexy when Jade was wiping her sweat. He took a deep breath. He relaxed himself as he felt he was starting to get hard down there. He did not understand why he felt it with Jade. There were a lot of hot and sexy girls he met at school. But, he didn't get this same reaction. The only girl that could make him this way was his girlfriend, Shenna. And now, Jade added to the equation appearing from out of nowhere. "Are you okay, Tim?" He stiffened but he composed himself instantly. He did not want Jade to notice that he's having a hard time because of her. He still needed to establish himself to her. "Y-Yeah," he replied. His eyes looked something inside the room for an excuse until it landed on the clock by the wall. "I think I need to get back home, Jade. We still have class tomorrow. See you at school!" he said calmly. "Okay. T-Thanks for your time, Tim. See you tomorrow," Jade replied sheepishly. Timothy started to walk. He was already at the empty door frame when Jade whispered that he could vividly hear due to the deafening silence inside the house. "G-Good night, Tim." He did not dare to respond until he got himself at the front door. He opened it. "Good night, Jade!" he shouted. Then, he quickly closed the door. Dashing, Timothy was already at their door in just a split second. He sighed heavily. He placed his hands on his middle part of his body, groping his crotch. "Fvck," he cussed. Now, it caused him a problem. He needs to make this thing calm or else he will suffer from an ache of his lower abdomen. Timothy rushed himself to his room. Yet, he did not forget to lock the front door. Slamming the door of his room, it made a thudding sound. He stripped his shirt off. Quickly, he snatched a roll of toilet paper on the table beside his bed. He placed it at the side of the pillow as he laid his back on the bed. His imagination drifted to a scene where his girlfriend was riding and dancing on top of him. Timothy slid his right hand into his d*ck and the other at the back of his head, flexing his muscled biceps. He moved his boxers down a bit just enough for his d*ck to come out. He gave himself strokes that could give him pleasure, from a slow pace and slowly speeding it up. His toes curled as his legs stretched with strength. Moans escaped from his mouth. He was almost at the peak of his release when the face of his girlfriend that he was imagining changes into someone else - Jade's face. He wanted to stop his hand but his body did not listen to him as if it has its own life. His moan prolonged as his c*ck spitted a creamy white liquid like a fountain and it landed on his chest. Catching his breath, he picked the toilet paper and ripped some of it. He wiped his fresh milk that scattered on his chest and stomach. When Timothy already cleaned his body, he threw the crumpled pieces of toilet paper in the small trash bin under the study table. He fixed his boxers as he sat on his bed. His hands at the back of his head as his elbows pressing on his lap. And his eyes on the floor. "Why did Jade's face flashed in my imagination all of a sudden?" Timothy uttered, disbelief. He scratched his head. Timothy raised his head when a faint flash of light came through his window. He went closer to the window and moved the curtain to the side. He was momentarily stuck. The window at Jade's house that was directly facing from his room was lit up. A silhouette came into his sight stripping a piece of fabric upwards. He gulped. What are the odds doing in favor of him? He grinned. He was just thinking awhile ago that it will be a good catch if the window belonged to Jade's room. And now, it looked like the destiny was confirming it. A curse came out of his mouth as he watched the silhouette change clothes. Timothy tried to take his eyes off from the window yet to no avail, he failed to do it. His eyes got stuck at the window until the lights were out. "What the fvck is happening to my body?" Timothy muttered. Timothy took deep breathes, thinking of happy thoughts that could ease the sensation that was crawling in his nerves. Yet, it was a wrong move. His thoughts were conquered by the alluring face of his neighbor that he had been staring at for a while. Stopping himself was just making him think about the girl more that made him harder. After a few minutes, Timothy ended up on his bed releasing the sensation of his body for the second time around. Timothy stared at the ceiling, thinking of a rational reason why his body acted that way. His hands brushing his hair up from his temple. He just then found himself staring until midnight stroke. He closed his eyes, trying to have some sleep already. The night was weird for him. It was not the outcome he was expecting when he approached her. He opened his eyes once again. Sleep was not coming to him. Now, he was regretting that he got out of their house. He was ready to sleep after he took a bath. He rolled his body on the bed, searching for a comfortable position that could make him fall asleep in no time in which was a success. *** Timothy grumpily searched his phone with his hands on the bed. It was ringing loudly and disturbing his sleep. His eyes were still closed. When his hand got a grasp of the phone, he moved it to the side of the pillow, in front of his face. He squinted due to the brightness coming from the screen. Slowly, he opened his eyes, adjusting to the light. The room was still dark as it was outside. He couldn't stop to spot the time first before he took his attention to why his phone was ringing. It was still four in the morning. His eyes spotted the word calling. He blinked his eyes because he felt a sudden pain in it as the light struck it. Who on earth would call at this early? He asked himself in his mind. Without even looking at who called him, he swiped the answer button to the right. He then pressed the phone to his ear. "Hello," he groaned sleepily. He yawned. "Hey, bro, I'm at your front door already," Milo on the other side of the line said. That was the only time Timothy knew who’s calling him based on the sound of the voice. Timothy straddled on the softness of the pillow under his head. "Huh? What are you doing outside our house?" Timothy mumbled. He heard Milo chuckled. "The fvck, bro. Did you forget that we planned to have a jog this morning?" Milo tsked. "Did we?" Timothy asked, trying to remember if they really planned it or Milo was just having a good time with him. "We did," Milo stated flatly. Timothy laid on his back. He softly scratched his neck. "Huh? When? I don't remember we talked about it." "Last night." This time a bit of irritation was evident in Milo's voice. Timothy's eyebrows curved as it connected to each other. "Are you kidding me, bro? We haven't talked yesterday since you left here." "Yeah. I know we did not talk. But I texted you last night about it and you did not give a reply. So, I assumed you're up to with it. And besides," Milo paused making Timothy urged to know what's next. "Besides what?" Timothy's voice toned high. Milo held his laugh but it still broke through softly that Timothy heard on the phone. "It's better you see it with your pair of eyes." His laughter continued teasingly, fading out the irritation he felt a second ago. Timothy blew loudly which added to Milo's laughing. "Just spill it, bro. I think I will pass for the jog today. I still feel sleepy." "Are you sure you won't jog today? What if I tell you that Jade was at their porch? I think it's a good time to start what the girls have planned," Milo fueled up Timothy's interest. Timothy jumped, sitting on the bed with legs crossed upon hearing Milo's words. His whole being suddenly got wide awake. His mouth gaped and his eyes opened. "Hey, bro, you okay? What was that sound?" Milo asked which Timothy did not bother answering. Like it was a go signal, Timothy's head turned to the window as he crawled down from bed. He moved closer to the window where he could see Jade's house. His eyes quickly checked the porch area as what Milo said where Jade was. And the sight didn't disappoint him. Jade was standing there, facing the road. Her hands were on the wooden railing. Milo was not having a good time with him. He's really at their front door, waiting for him. "Bro? Tim? Are you still there?" Milo asked when Timothy has been quiet for a minute. "Yeah. I'm still here." Immediately, he grabbed the shirt he wore last night. "You coming? Or I'll have to jog on my own?" "I'm coming. Just wait for a second."
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