CHAPTER 5: Warning ⚠

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(CALLIE POV) "I was just leaving the room when you walked in," Tristan said, attempting to exit the room, but his father called him back. "Why did you come here, Tristan? You explicitly stated that you wanted absolutely no connection with her, yet you persist in entering her room," his father said, his voice resonating with anger. "But, Dad..." he hesitated. "But what?" "But you instructed me to visit her when she wakes up and apologize, and that's what I was doing," he lied. Glaring at him with anger, AlphaSebatian retorted, "Well, I might have actually believed that lie if I hadn't been present throughout. I stood by the door, attentively listening to every conversation you had with her, so there was no necessity to lie." Tristan's eyes widened, and I could discern the shock in his facial expression. However, as quickly as the shock emerged, it swiftly dissipated, making way for another emotion - fear. I could tell this by noticing his trembling leg, as he attempted to maintain a facade of toughness by suppressing it. "Tristan, since you have decided not to apologize to your mate whom you have offended and have also chosen not to have any involvement with her, I have decided that you no longer have access to this room. Please leave!" Alpha commanded. His facial expression revealed the seriousness with which he spoke. Tristan obeyed his father, though he hesitated at first. He muttered something before he left, closing the door behind him, but I couldn't make out the words as it was just a whisper. As I mentioned earlier, his presence brought me immense joy. I found myself yearning to move closer to him physically. I also felt a strange sensation, an unfamiliar feeling I couldn't quite pinpoint. I avoided eye contact with the Alpha, as his anger still seemed present. I noticed him closing his eyes as if trying to calm his anger. He opened his eyes, and it appeared that his anger had subsided. "Um... What is your name again?" he asked, rubbing his hand on his head, as if trying to remember something. "I'm Callie," I said, still avoiding eye contact. "Well, Callie, you should start preparing for the Anniversary," he said. I remained quiet, not because I didn't want to respond, but because I truly didn't know how to answer him. "Okay, since you don't want to reply to me, at least get dressed for work," he said, attempting to leave the room. "Work? What work, Alpha?" I asked, my voice interrupting his departure. "What do you mean by 'What work'? Don't you have a job or something to do?" he asked, and now I understood what he meant by work. "I had a job, but not anymore," I answered, avoiding eye contact. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. Still avoiding eye contact, I replied, "I lost my job. I was working as a librarian, but I was fired." "If I may ask, why were you fired?" "Because... because I'm... chubby," I said. The look on his face showed confusion and disbelief. "How is that possible? How can you be fired from work because of your appearance? What's wrong with being chubby?" I wished all the pack members were like the Alpha, not in a position of authority, but in terms of reasoning. In my pack, being chubby was seen as being ugly, disgusting, or not taking care of one's body, but it shouldn't have resulted in being fired. I knew that Tristan must have had a hand in my dismissal. "I'm also confused, Alpha. I have done nothing to the pack, Tristan, or my foster parents, yet they treat me like I'm trash or something disgusting," I said, trying to hold back the tears. I tend to be emotional in even the slightest situations. Crying has always been a part of my life. "It's okay. Since you don't have a job right now, that means you'll be staying at home today until I sort things out. I want you to go out there and join the pack members in decorating. You might meet a new friend out there instead of staying alone inside here all day today," he said. Even if I wanted to go, the mention of ' New Friend' was enough for me to reject the idea. I find it difficult to make new friends, and I also don't like being in crowded places. "Alpha, I would prefer to stay indoors. I mean, I would prefer to stay in this room," I said. "It's okay, dear. I'll call Olivia to come keep you company since you don't want to go out," he said, continuing towards the door before pausing. "Oh!, that reminds me, you should also start preparing for the Anniversary tonight. I know you don't have clothes, so I've made arrangements for that. Olivia will go out and buy you some clothes. When she arrives, inform her of your clothing size and preferences, and she will get it for you." "Thank you, Alpha," I said, offering him a smile. He nodded and left the room. I stayed on my bed, staring at the plate of food that Tristan had thrown to the ground. There was no way I could be with Tristan again, even if he were to come back and apologize. After everything that has happened, I could never accept him. As for the Alpha, I felt a strange connection. It seemed like a mate pull. I could hardly believe it, considering that Tristan is my mate, not his father, the Alpha. Based on my feelings, I would say this is a mate pull. I felt the same way towards Tristan when I first met him. If this is truly a mate pull, then I am in danger. How could I have a romantic relationship with a son and now his father? What will the entire pack think of me? It's all so strange. I continued pondering on this when the door opened again, and Olivia entered. She was smiling as she walked in, but her smile dropped when she saw the food on the floor. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I know this was the doing of the Alpha's son," she said, pointing at the food on the ground. "It's okay. It's not your fault," I said, waving her off. "I'll go get you some food," she said, leaving without waiting for a response from me. After what felt like 20 minutes, she returned with food and placed it on my bed. I opened the plate and started eating. Olivia continued to stare at me as I ate until I finished. "Thanks," I said, placing the empty plate back on the tray. "Did you enjoy it?" she asked. "Yeah, I did," I said, giving her a smile. She smiled back but seemed to forget herself, continuing to stare at me as if I were some kind of tourist. "What is it?" I asked. "Ma'am, can I talk freely with you?" "Of course, you can." "Ma'am, I think the Alpha likes you. Judging from the way he is protecting you and the way he ordered me to assist you." What does she expect me to say to that? I was speechless as she continued, "Ma'am, I think the Alpha is a good person and deserves a better mate. I overheard their discussion last night, and I know you are Tristan's mate." I remained speechless. "I'll go keep this plate and come back so we can discuss the size and type of clothes you'd like to wear," she said, seeing that I wasn't responding, and then she left the room. Olivia seemed like a gossip, which is not the type of person I like, but that's not my concern right now. She returned later with a pen and paper. "Ma'am, tell me what kind of clothes you prefer and what size. There's no need to mention colors since you know our dress code will be red and white," she said. "I don't have a favorite clothing type, so just buy whatever is available in the market. As for my size, I wear size 18," I replied. She chuckled. "Oh, okay. That's a large size to wear. If I wore that size, I would get lost in the clothes," she joked, then stood up and left the room through the door. I couldn't determine if Olivia was a nice person or not since she seemed to change her behavior frequently. One moment, she was caring, and the next, she was mocking me. Regardless, the main issue here is why I feel these strange feelings for the Alpha. I know I was rejected and should find a new mate, but is the Alpha my second chance mate? If so, it would only add to the problems I already have. Why would the moon goddess make the Alpha my second chance mate after witnessing my rejection by his son? Why not choose another mate from the pack? At least then, there wouldn't be any complications. Would the Alpha even want anything to do with me? He has rejected many beautiful women who showed interest in him after his second failed marriage to Tristan's mother. So if he rejected those women, why would he want anything to do with a chubby Omega like me?
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