CHAPTER 10: who I'm i

1922 Words
(TRISTAN POV) Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I didn't sleep well last night because I was contemplating my next move. I won't let Callie take away everything I've worked for since birth. Even though I didn't grow up in the Great Pine Pack, my mother has been training me to be an Alpha since birth. After my mother and father's divorce, she took me to her kingdom. You might wonder why my mother should have custody of me since I'm the Alpha's son. I should be with my father, right? Well, in my world, if a child with Alpha blood has parents who divorce, the mother automatically receives custody until the child reaches a certain age, then they can return to their father. And that's what happened to me. I need to act now or never. My father has always made it clear to me that I don't behave like an Alpha to be. If he mates with Callie and has a son, I'm out of the Alpha game. My mother told me to see her today. That's what I was preparing for. I saw my father earlier today sneaking into Callie's room and doing something inside. They came out and left together, leaving me alone with the maids and slaves. My phone rang, and I saw it was my mother calling. I picked up the call. "Hello, son," my mother greeted as I answered the phone call. "Yes, mom." "I told you to see me today, and I still haven't seen you." "Mom, you said I should see you today, right? It's still morning, so please wait a little bit. I'll be there soon." "Son, you should come now. What I have to tell you is really important, and it's already 11:30 am, so be quick." Wait, what the heck? How? Just a few moments ago, it was 7:00 am, and now it's already 11:30 am. Soon, morning will end, and it will be noon. "Okay, mom. I'm on my way now," I said as I hurriedly left without even locking my room door. I went to my car, entered it, and started it with my key. Then, I headed to the hotel where my mother usually stays when she visits the Great Pine Pack. The hotel only accommodates high-ranked werewolves, so low-ranked werewolves aren't allowed in. That's why my mother loves that hotel. My mother hates associating with low-ranked wolves, and so do I. The only good thing I see in low-ranked wolves is their p***y and that is for the female ones. I arrived at the hotel after about 30 minutes on the road. I got out of my car, intending to go into the hotel and go to her room, but then I noticed her standing under a tree. Yes, you heard me right, "her room." She has a specific room in the hotel that nobody else can use. As the ex-Luna of the pack, she still enjoys the privileges of a Luna until my father mates with another woman. According to pack rules, those powers can then be taken away from her. Deep down, I know that, with my mother's help, this problem is just a piece of cake to solve. I walked up to the tree she was standing under. She hadn't seen me yet. When I got closer, she finally noticed me but didn't act as usual. Typically, whenever my mother comes to the Great Pine Pack and I go to visit her at the hotel where she stays, she would greet me with a warm smile and a loving hug, displaying the affection of a mother who hasn't seen her child in a long time. However, on this occasion, she did not do so. I knew something was really wrong, and it had to be connected to Callie and my father's speech. "What took you so long, Tristan?" she said as I finally reached her. "Mom, let's get straight to the point. We have a bigger issue to solve, not fight each other." "If you really know that yourself, why did you come here at this time? We had planned earlier that we would meet and talk, and as a grown-up, you should know that I only have time for discussions in the morning hours." "I know, mom, and I'm sorry for the delay. So what's up?" My mother pulled me closer to her so that we could talk silently without anyone overhearing us. She looked around to make sure no one was near us before she began. "Tristan, the possibility of you becoming the Alpha is at stake now." "Mom, what do you mean?" I asked, although I knew she was right. But how does she know that my father wouldn't allow me to be Alpha if he has a son? "Tristan, it's a very long story that I've been hiding from you for so long. Now it seems that I need to tell you, or all our plans and training will be ruined," she said, looking into my confused eyes. "Mom, please break everything down for me so I can understand. What do you mean by a long story you've been hiding from me?" She took a deep breath. "Tristan, when was the last time you shifted into a wolf?" Well, that question caught me off guard. My mother was the one who told me that the reason I couldn't shift was that I was a late bloomer or that I was wolfless. She even asked me to keep it a secret from everyone. So why is she now asking me when the last time I shifted was, when she knew I had never shifted before? "Mom, you know that I don't have the ability to shift," I said, trying to keep my voice as low as possible. "Well, that's the thing I want to tell you about," she said, releasing a heavy breath, probably to relieve herself before continuing. On the other hand, I was still confused and eager to know what she was trying to say. Yes, I don't have the ability to shift, but now she is surely about to say something I've never been aware of in my entire life. "Son, you are not a werewolf," she finally revealed the truth. This revelation left me even more confused. It wasn't possible for a werewolf and a werewolf to produce an offspring that is not a werewolf. My father is not just a werewolf, but the alpha of our pack, and my mother is the daughter of an alpha. So, what she was now saying made absolutely no sense. "Mum, how is that possible? Dad is a wolf, and you are also a wolf, so how am I not a wolf too?" I questioned. "It's a long story, son," she replied simply. "Then tell me the long story, Mum. Who am I?" I insisted. "Years ago," she began, "after my marriage with your father, we faced some difficulties. Your father was unable to satisfy my s****l desires. I have a high libido, and I needed someone who could fulfill that. So..." She hesitated. "So... what?" I urged her to continue. "Son, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not a prostitute, and your father wasn't good in bed. He also couldn't get me pregnant after our marriage. So, I did what I did for the greater good," she explained. "Mum, please continue with the story," I said, wanting to hear the rest. "So, during a time when your father was hunting down vampires and killing them, his patrol captured a vampire named Kameroon. I fell in love with him at first sight and bribed the patrol team to release him to me without your father knowing. I made them believe that I would handle him myself. The other vampires were killed, except for him. I started a s****l relationship with him, and you are the result of that," she finished, her voice trailing off. "Is that all? So, where is he?" I asked. "I don't know where he is now. After my divorce from your father, I left the pack and lost contact with him. I assume he must have been killed by now," she answered. "Mum, how could you? How could a werewolf like you mate with a vampire?" I questioned, a mix of anger and confusion in my voice. "I'm sorry, son. I had my reasons. As I mentioned before, your dad wasn't satisfying me in bed, and Kameroon gave me what I needed. He was also the reason for our divorce," she confessed. "What do you mean he was the reason for the divorce? You told me before that you caught Dad having affairs with his first mate," I said, recalling what she had previously told me. "I lied, son. It was your dad who suspected I was involved with another man, but he never knew the man was a vampire, and he never got to meet him. He just suspected me. Due to the lack of trust between us, our marriage couldn't hold, and we divorced," she revealed. "Mum, if I'm not a werewolf, then who am I?" I asked, seeking to understand my true identity. "You are a Were-pire, son. And you possess powers stronger than your father's. It's time for you to embrace those powers," she said. A smile formed on my face upon hearing that my powers were stronger than my father's. "So, how can I unleash my powers?" I inquired. "For now, you need to free yourself. The powers will manifest on their own. All we have to do is plan how to get rid of Callie," she replied. "Mum, Callie is easy for me to handle. You can go back to your hotel room, and I'll go back to my house to think. I'll get back to you," I assured her. She hugged me, and I made my way to my car. Opening the car door, I stepped inside. Now, everything made sense to me. Now I knew why I hadn't been able to shift, even though I had alpha blood in me. Well, now everything would be easy. If Alpha Sebastian isn't really my father, then all I need to do is kill him and take over as the alpha. I would also mate with Callie, but it would only be temporary before I killed her and married my girlfriend, Lilith. You might wonder why I would want to mate with Callie and then kill her. The reason is that to become the alpha, I need to have a mate. But once I am an alpha, I can let her go. You may also wonder why I wouldn't just marry Lilith and let Callie go, but that wouldn't be in line with what alphas are known for in our world. Alphas are known to love and cherish their mates, not reject them. So, to become an alpha, I have to start a new life, and Callie must be a part of it. After becoming alpha, then I can let her go. I am a were-pire, and were-pires are the strongest beings in our world. We are the offspring of vampires and werewolves. We possess the powers of both vampires and werewolves. We don't need blood to survive like vampires, and we don't shift like wolves. We can walk in the daylight, unlike vampires who can only walk at night. So, all this means that I am truly capable of eliminating my father and taking over as the alpha.
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