CHAPTER 9: A visit to my work place

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(CALLIE POV) I woke up the next day feeling a little bit sad. I hadn't gotten enough sleep the previous night as I was still thinking about what the Alpha had said. I had thought that he was genuinely in love with me, but now it seems that he was only doing all of this for his son's happiness. I felt the need to tell him about my feelings for him, but I knew it would sound desperate and stupid. Just look at me. I'm an Omega without biological parents. I only work as a librarian, and now I have no job. Meanwhile, he is an Alpha known for his great deeds and cherished by his people. There was no way he would feel the same way for me. The thought of it all made me feel sad. Once again, it was a beautiful morning, and I was still in bed waiting for nothing. I heard a knock on the door, and I told the knocker to come inside. He entered, and it was the Alpha himself. I bowed my head and greeted him. "How are you doing, Callie?" he asked, his gaze focused on me. "I'm fine, Alpha." "Yes, I can see that," he said as he moved to my bedside and sat beside me, crossing his hands over my shoulder. The touch of his hand gave me a strange sensation. I felt tingling all over my body. This was the feeling I would love to enjoy if I were to be with him. I felt that he was my second chance mate, but I wanted him to make the first move so I wouldn't appear desperate. I wanted him to be mine. I wanted to sleep next to him every night. I wanted to have a s****l relationship with him. All I wanted was for his lips to touch mine, and I would have him all to myself. I rested my head on his chest as we remained in that position for a while before he broke the silence. "Callie, you told me yesterday that you lost your job because of some issues you had with my son, foster parents, and the pack, right?" I simply nodded. "I wouldn't want you to stay in bed all day long. I want you to keep yourself busy, so I'm going to help you get your job back. Or do you want a new one?" I would have loved to, but the issue here is that I'm not good at learning new things. Throughout my life, I have lived in isolation, constantly being the subject of mockery. I avoid new places and usually feel nervous when I'm around new people, so I wouldn't want to look for a job elsewhere. I would love to get my former job back. "I would love to have my former job back, Alpha," I said, catching the sweet scent coming from him. "Okay, then prepare yourself. Let me also go prepare myself, as we are both going there together. When you're done with your preparation, you can call Olivia to get you some food," he said. "Okay," I said, and he removed his hand from my shoulder. I had to take my head away from his chest, which made me feel a little sad, as I wished to stay in his embrace for as long as possible. He stood up and left, closing the door behind him. My current feelings were a mixture of sadness and happiness. I was sad because the Alpha was showing me all this love because of Tristan, whom I no longer needed. All I needed to do was open my mouth and tell the Alpha that I didn't need his son, and all this would end. But I felt a little scared. On the other hand, I was happy because I would be getting my job back today. It was certain that I would be reinstated in my job because once the Alpha commanded the librarian management to restore my position, they would unquestionably comply. They would not risk going against the Alpha's command, fully aware of the severe consequences that would follow for defying the Alpha's authority. A smile formed on my face as I remembered the new clothes Olivia had bought for me. I went to where they were and picked out the best outfit I wanted to wear. Then, I moved into the bathroom and took a shower before coming out. I put on the clothes I had chosen to wear. If I was going out with the Alpha, then I had to look my best, and that's what I did. I didn't apply any makeup, as I wasn't used to doing that. I also avoided looking in the mirror because it always brought down my self-confidence. Whenever I dressed up, I felt like a princess, but as soon as I saw my reflection, it always showed me the opposite. So it was best to avoid looking at mirrors. I called for Olivia, and she entered immediately, bowing to me. I told her to get me some food, and she ran out to do that. Olivia bowing to me was a little strange, considering the fact that I was just an Omega. But it made me feel a bit happy. I mean, who wouldn't love to live a life of royalty? She came back with my food, and I ate it, finding it delicious. As usual, Olivia stayed beside me while I ate, giving me her usual gaze. The way she looked at me always made me worried. It was as if she wanted to say something to me but was afraid to do so. Well, she shouldn't be afraid to say anything to me, as I wasn't even up to her standard. I know I was fated to mate with Tristan, which means I was of a higher rank than her. But given the current situation, she is higher than me. "What?" I asked, as I was done eating my food. "I can't help but wonder what the Alpha and his son see in you that I don't have. Please don't misunderstand, but just look at me," she said, standing up and turning around to show off her curves and nice figure. "I'm all that any man would want to be with, but I don't have a rank in this pack. According to the Alpha, we are all equal here, so why am I treated as the lowest? How can you date the Alpha's son and now the Alpha himself, when I've been in this house for so long without them noticing me?" "What are you saying, Olivia? And who told you I had something to do with the Alpha?" "Well, everyone in this house knows. The way he sneaks into your room makes me wonder why. Just look at me," she said as she turned again to show me her backside. "Or look at me in the mirror and compare yourself." Well, my initial observations about Olivia were correct, and now I have discovered more. She wasn't just a gossip, but she was also jealous and a bragger. I had never wanted to speak to her rudely, but it was time to show her where she belongs, mostly, in the kitchen. "Olivia, please, I will be leaving to a place with the Alpha, so please go back to your duties and don't forget to take these plates with you so you can wash them later," I said, giving her a stern look. With the look on my face, she knew I wasn't in the mood for nonsense, so she obeyed and left. After what seemed like 30 minutes, the Alpha came in and took me with him. We proceeded to my workplace. We drove into the library compound and got out of the car. All the pack members in the compound bowed to greet the Alpha, most of them being my peers who usually mocked me. The Alpha and I made our way into the library. There were kids running around in the library, and it seemed at first that there was no adult to control them. But there was an adult, and she didn't even seem to care about what the kids were doing. "Good morning, Alpha, and good morning, Miss Chubby," Scarlett greeted, bowing her head not for me, but for the Alpha. Scarlett is my boss and the manager of the library. She often calls me "Miss Chubby." She is very beautiful, with a full figure and nice curves. Her long, shiny red hair goes well with her pretty oval face, and her fair skin looks bright like the sun. She really represents what beauty means. "Good morning, dear. I came in regards to Callie, who was a previous worker here and was sacked by you." "Okay, Alpha, so what can I do for you regarding her?" she asked, pointing towards me. "I want you to give her this job back." "Oh, sorry, Alpha, but this job can't be assigned to her again. I mean, she can't even take care of herself, let alone a whole library. She disgusts me," she said, waving her hand in front of her nose as if there were a bad smell. I could see the Alpha getting angry, and he was trying to control himself. I noticed his fists balling at his side. Since we were standing side by side, I placed my hand in his to calm him down. "What do you mean by that? Are you insane!"The Alpha said, now in an angry tone. "Alpha, this decision wasn't made by me. It was your son Tristan who asked us to sack her, so I did what I did to protect my image." Well, my suspicions were right all along. I knew Tristan must have had a hand in this. I couldn't believe that the whole pack would reject me just because I was chubby. The only thing they could have done was mock me, not reject me. "I asked you to take her back, and you are busy telling me that it was an order from my son not to let her in this library again. Are you mad? Between Me and my son, who is your leader? Do you want me to banish you from this pack?" The Alpha's anger was growing stronger, and Scarlett knew she would be in great danger if he lost control. To the Alpha, she was just like a biscuit, and he could break her into pieces in less than a second. "I'm sorry, Alpha. She can start her work tomorrow," Scarlett replied, her face showing clear fear. "Apology accepted, but as for when she should start work, I think that choice is hers to make," the Alpha said, turning to me. "When would you like to start working?" he asked. "Today," I answered, without hesitation. Facing back towards her, the Alpha said, "Then that's how it's going to be. She will start working today. Just take a look at the whole library. Because she's not here to control these kids, they've made a mess. I've been to this library before, and it wasn't like this. It was always neat and organized." Oh, I forgot to mention how littered the library was when we first entered. The books were all over the ground, and kids were stepping on them. The little ones were tearing the books and destroying them with their saliva. "Well, Callie, I'll see you later at home. Goodbye for now," the Alpha said, placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving. This really felt good, although I knew he was only doing all of this to make it seem like we were truly mating and to make his son jealous. But it felt so good. My only wish now was to mate with the handsome Alpha. I could see the people in the library pause for a moment as they observed me and the Alpha. As soon as I looked at them, they resumed their activities. "I would like to take my son now," a lady who had come through the door said, and I pointed out her son, who was playing in the corner of the library. His son was a very stubborn boy who often caused disruptions in the library, even when I was working there. Oh, that reminds me. I haven't told the Alpha about Lord Kameroon and his threat regarding his son. I didn't tell him about it last night because I was scared he wouldn't believe me, as he trusts his patrol team immensely. But tonight, I was going to tell him, even if it meant sounding insane. No problem. All I knew was that I would tell him everything as soon as I finished work.
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