CHAPTER 8 : She's about to ruin my plans

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(TRISTAN'S POV) I left the anniversary in shock and made my way back home to my room. I couldn't believe that my father could make such a statement in public. I had always thought highly of my father, considering him a great man because he was the Alpha of the powerful Great Pine Pack. But after his statement, I realized he was nothing. I mean, how could an Alpha mate with an ordinary Omega? Or even worse, how could he mate with a disgusting, chubby, low-ranked Omega? My father wasn't just an Alpha; he was also a Vampire Hunter. He had killed numerous vampires in the past, which earned him a lot of respect in our world. Before coming to this pack , I held a complete disbelief in the existence of vampires or humans. I regarded them as nothing more than mythical tales fabricated by our ancestors for the purpose of instilling fear and bolstering our resilience. However, my perspective underwent a profound shift when I personally encountered my first vampire within this kingdom and observed its demise. This encounter compelled me to accept the undeniable reality of their existence. Although I have not yet had the opportunity to encounter humans, I now hold the belief that they too exist. Slaying a vampire is something other Alphas find difficult. That is to show you how powerful my father is, yet my father chose to mate with someone who had lost everything. Look at her life; she lost the love of her foster parents, her mate, and the love of the entire Great Pine Pack. And on top of that, why would my father mate with a girl I rejected? It's highly inappropriate. I had been in a relationship with her before breaking up, and that should be reason enough for my dad to avoid her. Furthermore, what about my mother? I know she divorced my father, but that doesn't give him the right to mate with another woman. If my dad truly loved me, as he claimed, he should be ready to take my mother back as his mate. Callie pales in comparison to my mother. She can't even stand on the same ground as my mother. My mother is the daughter of Alpha Jack Lake, the leader of the Great Moroko Pack. She has Alpha blood running through her veins. She is royalty and deserves to mate with my father, even though they are not fated mates. Well, to be honest, all of this isn't my main problem right now. My main problem is that my possibility of becoming an Alpha in this pack will be ruined. You might wonder why. Well, my father has always seen the bad in me, never the good. He always tells me that I'm not fit to be an Alpha. So if he mates with Callie, there is a high possibility that she will give him a son, and he will replace me with him. Replacing me would be easy, especially since my mother recently divorced him. In our world, if an Alpha believes their heir is unworthy of the position, they can replace them with someone more deserving, even if that person doesn't have Alpha blood but has the potential to rule. "No!" I said angrily. I can't let this happen to me. But what can I do to stop it? I can't fight my father because he is much stronger than me. I can't fight Callie because she is protected by my father. I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, contemplating what to do next. I had initially planned for Callie to leave my home after this anniversary, and I was looking forward to a good time with Olivia, the only girl in the house I haven't been with. I had been with all the gammas in the house and even some slaves. I wanted to experience Olivia as well. I noticed her looking at me recently, and I figured she had fallen in love with the most handsome guy, which is me. But now, all those plans have been shattered because I have new challenges to face. Having s*x in this kind of situation would be like going on vacation in a country fighting a nuclear war. Since the age of 16, when my s****l desires intensified, I have always had good s*x. I can't go a night without a woman, and I never repeat women. Women are like food to me, and I need to change them every time. After all, a man can't live on bread alone. He needs different kinds of food to stay healthy, and the same applies to having a woman. A man needs to have many of them to feel more fulfilled. You might wonder what s*x has to do with all the problems I'm currently facing. But tonight is my first night without a woman because I asked my girlfriend, Lilith, to stay at her parents' house. Oh, I haven't told you about my girlfriend yet. Her name is Lilith, and she is the daughter of Beta Anthony, the Beta of the Great Pine Pack. Now you understand why I can't mate with Callie. Callie is worth less than a grain of sand. I was still contemplating all of this when a thought flashed in my mind. I needed to call my mother. She's the only person who can help me solve this problem. She was also present at the anniversary, having come all the way from the Great Moroko Pack. Maybe she wanted my father to catch a glimpse of her new self and possibly ask for forgiveness. I picked up my phone and dialed her number, knowing she must be in her hotel room and probably not sleeping due to my father's speech. After the third ring, she answered the call. "Hello, Tristan. How are you doing?" she asked. "I'm fine, Mum." "So why are you calling this late at night?" "Mum, it's about the statement Dad made today regarding mating with Callie." "I've been worried too, not because I want your father back, but because this could ruin my plans," she said. "What plan are you talking about, Mum?" "The plan of making you the Alpha." "So how is this going to affect that plan?" I asked. "I'll tell you later, son. We need to meet in person and talk." "Okay, Mum. But is there a plan to send Callie out of this home?" "Like I said earlier, all plans will be discussed in person and not over the phone. But rest assured, we do need to get rid of her." "Who is 'her'?" I asked to confirm. "Callie," she replied, and a smile formed on my face.
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