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(CALLIE POV) I was awakened from my slumber by the sound of two deep voices. At first, I couldn't quite place where I was, as I was still new here and groggy from sleep. However, after fully waking up, I remembered that I was still in the Alpha's apartment. I had fallen asleep in the Alpha's embrace, but now that I was waking up, he was nowhere to be found, and I was lying in bed alone. I noticed that the clothes I was currently wearing were not the same ones I had on when I arrived. Someone must have changed my clothes, and that made me concerned because whoever did it would have seen my naked body. Could it have been the Alpha? I highly doubted it, but that was the least of my worries at the moment. The two voices that had startled me from my sleep appeared to be engaged in an argument. It was still early in the morning, around 3am. One of the voices said, "Callie, the fat b***h?" Wait, that's Tristan's voice. That means the other voice must be the Alpha's. What could they be arguing about? And why was my name being mentioned? My instincts told me that the argument was somehow related to me, as I had shared with Alpha Sebastian everything that his son had done. I needed to confirm this, so I remained quiet and listened attentively to catch every word they were saying. Although their voices were sometimes hushed, I tried my best to hear them. "I need a reasonable answer from you now," I heard the Alpha say to his son. What answers was he seeking from his son? I heard his son respond, but his words were indiscernible as his tone was low, and I struggled to hear him clearly no matter how hard I strained my ears. "Well, son, whatever problem you have with her can be resolved. All you need to do is go back to your fated mate. The Moon Goddess knew she was chubby and still made her your mate. She knows better than both of us, and she doesn't make mistakes. Son, the first thing I want you to do when she wakes up is to go and apologize to her," the Alpha explained. "Father, I can't do that. My friends will mock me, dad. We're in the computer age now, and no one should look as Chubby as her. Just look at her from head to toe; she's disgusting. Dad, I can't be with a fat b***h," Tristan responded, and this time I could hear him clearly. I would have preferred not to hear those hurtful words from him. Even if he were to apologize, I would forgive him, but I wouldn't want anything to do with him anymore. I tried my best to stay strong and listen to their conversation. "Son, are you saying that you won't have anything to do with your mate because you're afraid of what your peers will say? Do you understand the meaning of a fated mate? Go and inquire about those who rejected their mates, and they will tell you the pain they go through. They regret it," the Alpha admonished. "Well, Dad, I don't care about that. She's just an Omega, Dad. Can't you see that? I can't be with her. Even if I were to overlook her disgusting appearance and mate with her, it still wouldn't work. I am an Alpha-to-be, and she is nothing," Tristan replied defiantly. "She is your mate, son!" I heard the Alpha say sternly. "Don't you feel anything? I thought the mate bond was the strongest force in our world. Why is yours different? Well, since you've made your decision, I won't force you, son. But you will publicly announce it tomorrow evening at the 100th anniversary of the Great Pine Pack. You will let the whole pack know that you, Tristan, want nothing to do with her. Everyone will hear it," the Alpha declared. "That's not an issue, but first she must leave this house immediately," Tristan insisted, and I could hear his footsteps getting closer to my room. I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep. "Son, come back here!. Don't you dare get close to her. If you try it, you'll have to deal with me," the Alpha warned. "Fuck... I don't understand why you're protecting that b***h, Dad. The whole pack has rejected her. Why are you the only one going against everyone?" Tristan muttered as he walked away, and their voices faded. I strained my ears, hoping to catch any further discussion, but it seemed that they had stopped talking. The entire conversation kept replaying in my mind from the beginning to the end, making me feel incredibly sad as I succumbed to sleep. ************* (SEBASTIAN POV) After the discussion with my son, I returned to my room. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with Tristan. How could he reject his mate simply because she was chubby? Or was it because he was afraid of what his friends would say? She was incredibly beautiful, and all she needed was some support to take care of herself. Her hair was unkempt, her skin appeared unclean, and her clothes were worn, yet I could see that she had the potential to be a great Luna, unlike my useless son. If only I had the chance to mate with her, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. Tristan was fortunate to have his own mate. In my 45 years of life, I had never encountered a fated mate, and now here was my son rejecting his. If I were to be honest with myself, I would admit that I had wanted her from the moment I saw her trying to escape our pack. However, that seemed impossible after she revealed that she was destined to be with my son. Under normal circumstances, I would have thrown her into the cell for violating our pack rules. Instead, I brought her home with me. "That's because she is our mate," my inner wolf Boone said in my head. "That's not possible, Boone. She is our son's mate," I replied. "But he rejected her?" "That's why we need to help them reconcile and bring her back." "No! No!" Boone growled angrily. "Shut up, Boone," I said angrily, and he retreated to the back of my mind. I had never felt this way in my entire life. Boone had never shown such concern for any of my previous mates when I first met them. It was really strange and new to me. There was only one thing that could make a wolf feel this way, and that was a mate pull. But wait, this shouldn't be happening to me. It should be Tristan feeling this pull, not me. Perhaps it was just because Boone needed some good s*x. It was my s****l desire needing satisfaction playing in. However, if I were to be honest, it felt more like a pull. But I chose to believe that it was merely my s****l instincts acting up. Could this be the Moon Goddess blessing me with my own mate? I wasn't sure yet, and I needed to figure it out. And I needed to suppress these feelings. There would be an upcoming anniversary celebration as the Great Pine Pack reached 100 years of existence. Our pack gained independence from a neighboring pack a century ago, and we would celebrate it the following night. At the gathering, I planned to ask Tristan to officially reject Callie so that everyone in the pack would hear and know about it. If he rejected her, I would pretend to be in love with Callie. I would make it public. I needed to discuss this with Callie. Some might think I was doing this because of the pull I felt. But the truth was, I was doing it for Callie and my son. I was doing this to make my son jealous. Making him jealous would make him want his mate back. He needed to change, and for that to happen, he needed Callie. As for the pull I felt, I would fight against it. I glanced at the clock on the wall, and it read 4am. I continued pondering this matter until I entered the realm of dreams.
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