CHAPTER 2: Interrogation

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(CALLIE POV) I woke up, my eyes still half closed, but I could detect the familiar scent of my surroundings. However, I couldn't remember where I was. I knew I had been here before. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a neatly decorated room with a white mattress on the bed. Confused, I wondered how I ended up here. Memories of being caught while attempting to escape from Alpha Sebastian's pack came rushing back. The thought made me deeply saddened, as all I wanted was to leave the pack for good. Now, my concern shifted to my fate and what the Alpha would do to me for defying the pack's rules and trying to leave without the proper documents and procedures. But at the moment, I had another worry: the fact that I was in the Alpha's home, or rather, Tristan's home as well. I never wanted anything to do with Tristan again, and living under the same roof as him was not going to help me achieve that. I got up from the bed and glanced out the window. It was already nighttime, and I could see people closing up their shops for the day. I realized that I would never get another chance to escape this pack, and the thought terrified me. I looked up at the sky and admired the beauty of the moon and stars. I closed my eyes and silently prayed to the moon goddess, feeling utterly disappointed. I tried to return to my bed when I noticed the clock on the wall. It was exactly 9:00 pm. I felt a pang of hunger, but I knew it wasn't the right time to be feeling that way. My focus should be on figuring out how to leave this house. Going through the window seemed like an option, but I knew I would be caught. The Alpha's home had tight security with numerous patrol wolves, making escape virtually impossible. So, I sat back on my bed and caught sight of my reflection in the wall mirror. Although I had accepted myself the way I was, I couldn't help but be disappointed by the image staring back at me. I was not just chubby, but my neck had fat rings, making me feel self-conscious. Additionally, my red hair was messy since I rarely visited the salon, unlike my peers. You might wonder why I avoided salons. Well, it was because going to crowded places or places with people who mocked others crushed my spirit. I couldn't bear the thought of being ridiculed by my peers or becoming a laughingstock. I preferred to stay at home and take care of myself. Still feeling tired and worried, I decided to lie back down on the bed and sleep. Just as I closed my eyes, the door suddenly opened, and Alpha Sebastian walked in, and I sat up. "Alpha," I greeted, bowing my head respectfully. "How are you doing?" he asked, his voice filled with Concern "I'm fine, Alpha," I replied, maintaining my bowed position to show respect. "Please raise your head," he said kindly and I complied, though my shyness prevented me from making direct eye contact. "Young lady, where were you planning to go with your bags earlier today?" he inquired, but I remained silent, unsure of how to respond or where to begin. "Did you hear my question?" he asked, noticing my lack of response. "I was going to the neighboring pack to visit my aunt," I lied. Alpha Sebastian chuckled lightly, leaving me puzzled as to why he found it amusing. "You know you're not good at lying. Even a blind person can see that what you just said is a lie," he remarked. "But I'm not lying," I protested. "Young lady, I hope you are aware of the consequences of lying to your Alpha." I hesitated before admitting, "I was trying to run away from the pack." "Oh, I see," he said calmly, studying my face for a reaction. I tried my best to remain neutral in my expression. Alphas are known for their intelligence and sharpness, and Alpha Sebastian was no exception. He was smart, intelligent, and good-looking with his tall stature, fair complexion, and black hair. "Can you tell me why you wanted to run away from our pack?" he asked when he received no response from my facial expression. I wanted to pour out my heart to him, but I held back, trying to hold back tears welling up in my eyes. "I understand you might be going through a difficult time, but if you tell me your reasons, I might be able to help," he offered. I was unable to contain my emotions, so I let the tears of bitterness flow freely. "My life has been full of sorrow and pain, Alpha. I was rejected by my mate, my parents, and the entire pack. I have become a laughingstock among children and my peers." I said. "I know how you feel, but why would your mate reject you?" he inquired. "He said I'm out of shape. He called me a she-popotamus, comparing me to a female hippopotamus," I replied. "Hmm, that's strange. And what about your own parents? Did they reject you for the same reason?" he asked further. I nodded, indicating that they had. "Well, that doesn't make any sense to me. Why would your biological parents reject you just because you are chubby? Even if your mate were to reject you, why would your own parents do such a thing?" he wondered. "They are not my biological parents, Alpha," I revealed. The memories of my biological parents flooded my heart. I felt pains in my heart. The ache in my heart was intense, akin to a sharp pin pricking it. I had spent many years attempting to forget them since they are no longer with me. If only they were here, none of this would be transpiring.Even if Tristan and the entire world were to reject me, my biological parents would never reject me.And surely, I wouldn't have planned to run out of our pack, for my biological parents would have been my refuge and support. "Oh, I see," was the Alpha's response. "They adopted me after my real parents died during the war with the Eastern Packs," I explained. "I'm sorry for your loss, but if I may ask, who is your mate?" he inquired. "Your good-for-nothing son," I wanted to say, but I held my tongue and remained silent. It would be incredibly disrespectful of me to say such a thing, and besides, it might anger him since Tristan is his son. "You can feel free to tell me everything. I might be able to help," Alpha Sebastian assured me. He was a kind man who treated all pack members with love and compassion. He treated everyone equally, regardless of their rank. Many admired and loved him for his fairness. There was a time when I wished to be with him as my mate, not only because he was an Alpha but because of his good nature. However, I discarded that thought once I discovered my fate as his son's mate. "I...I... I was rejected by your son. I am his mate," I finally confessed. "His mate?" he repeated, looking away in confusion before turning his gaze back to me. He subsequently approached my bedside and took a seat beside me. "I'm sorry, Lady. You see, Tristan is nothing but a playboy waiting for the day I die so he can take over my position. I'll talk to him and see how I can solve these problems, but I can't assure you that he will accept you. Tristan only wants to sleep with anything that has a hole between their legs. He is nothing but a loser, just like his mother," Alpha Sebastian said, holding me by the shoulder and pulling me closer to his body as I leaned against his chest. I took in his comforting scent and looked up at his face, unable to believe that I had this chance to be with an Alpha. Unlike his father, Tristan was rude, arrogant, and displayed all the worst characteristics. He was the complete opposite of the kind and compassionate Alpha Sebastian. The Alpha was mateless, as he had no destined mate. He had gone through arranged marriages twice, both of which ended in failure, and he had sworn to remain mateless. Tristan's mother was the daughter of an Alpha from the Eastern Pack. Just like Tristan, she was full of herself, arrogant, and rude. It was likely that these traits contributed to the downfall of their marriage. She had left our pack soon after the breakup, taking Tristan with her. However, he returned after some years, possibly to claim his rightful place as the Alpha's son. Did I want Tristan back? No, the answer was clear. He had made a fool out of me in the eyes of my peers, who had respected me once they learned I was fated to be with the Alpha's son. Now, I was nothing but a laughingstock to them. If only I could change my fate. I wished I could be mated to the Alpha himself or someone with his qualities. I rested my head on his chest, eventually drifting off to sleep while still in his embrace.
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