CHAPTER 1: Rejection

1280 Words
(Callie pov) I cried, then whimpered softly as my bag containing my clothes was being thrown out. I gave up crying a few minutes ago, as the only sound that escaped me was a few whimpers, and my uneven breath was the only evidence that I was still alive. I crawled on the floor like a baby, unable to comprehend how my life had become so filled with sorrow. One might think that I should be used to this by now, but how could anyone get used to a life filled with so much pain? Did I make myself chubby? Did I create myself? Why all the rejections? Who would hear my cries? I looked down at my scattered belongings on the ground. I was leaving my family home, or rather, being forced to leave. I was also leaving this pack for good. Life has never been fair to me, not even once. I never expected to be rejected by Tristan. I feel like I am cursed by the moon goddess, as many wolves have said. Tristan had made promises to me in the past, promising to be with me forever, no matter what. But now he was the first person to reject me. Being chubby was never a crime, but in my pack, the wolves living in it made it seem like one. This puts immense pressure on young wolves, making them strive for an ideal shape. They called me fat, chubby, a whale, and other painful names. While those names were hurtful when others called me them, what hurt me the most was hearing Tristan call me those names too. Tristan was the son of Alpha Sebastian. He had everything he needed in life as an Alpha's son. He mistreated women as if they were rags, yet so many women still fawned over him. Tristan was my fated mate. He claimed to love me and promised to make me his one and only mate. Unbeknownst to me, I was just one of his side chicks. He used me and then discarded me like trash, just as he did with other women. I now hate him so much. I could never think of going back to him. The thought of him angers me. In my world, rejecting a mate is very uncommon, and wolves who have done it in the past have suffered for it. My worries don't just revolve around being rejected by my mate. My worries extend to the entire Great Pine Pack, including my parents, rejecting me. As a result, I lost my job as a librarian. My parents claimed that I didn't take care of my body, which made me hate myself. I tried everything to lose weight, but no matter how hard I tried, it felt like I was gaining weight instead. There was nothing I didn't do to try to lose weight. I went on diets, exercised, and more, but it felt like a waste of time. My parents even enrolled me in a gym, but it didn't change anything about my body. I always felt body-shamed when I walked around, but now I have accepted my body the way it is. I can't keep trying to please others when it hurts me. I picked up my belongings scattered on the ground, which my parents had thrown out of the house. I wiped away my tears and left my parents' home. I was determined to move on to the next pack, even though I didn't know anyone there. It was my only option. As I walked through the pack paths, anyone who passed me would be forced to look back because I looked very different. I felt incredibly nervous. I could hear the murmurs of gossip and laughter from some girls who mocked me. I pushed my legs to move faster. I needed to leave this pack before the sun set. Nights were always the best for me, as that's when I felt free. But to move out of this pack, I had to do it in the morning hours. Crossing the border at night could be dangerous, as rogues might attack me on the way. "f**k you, Tristan," I muttered bitterly to myself as I moved faster than my legs could carry me. I could feel my fat stomach and cheeks bouncing with each step. My blue eyes snapped nervously around, and my body attempted to shake, but I held myself together. After what felt like an hour of walking and running, I realized I had reached a restricted boundary. There were no wolves here except for the patrol wolves—it was off-limits. I knew that if I moved a little further, I would finally leave the pack's territory. The idea of not seeing any wolves or people on my way to the boundary might scare anyone, but to me, it was perfect. At least I wouldn't feel body-shamed, and I could walk without feeling nervous and shy. It was quiet, but that's how I wanted the world to be. After walking for more than 20 minutes, I could see the tree line, indicating that I was close to achieving my goal. I increased my speed, but it still felt slow. At the pace I was going, it would take me over an hour to finally exit the Great Pine Land. I needed to get to the other side as soon as possible. "Hey, stop there," a masculine voice called out. It must have been the patrol team, I assumed. I knew they wouldn't allow me to cross the border without the necessary documents, which I didn't have. The last thing I wanted now was to stop; all I needed to do was keep moving, even if it meant going against pack law. I was willing to do that. I took off, heading towards the woods. If I could get to the woods, there was no doubt that I would finally leave this worthless pack. The man shifted into a wolf and charged towards me with incredible speed. Shifting had always been difficult for me; in fact, I had only shifted once since birth. Most people hadn't seen me shift, so they assumed I couldn't. Some said it was because of my weight; others said different things related to it. It wasn't even two minutes of running before the man caught up with me. He knocked me down, bruising my leg. I tried to stand up but couldn't, as his wolf was much bigger, stronger, and heavier than mine, or, should I say, than my human form. Well, I can't shift, so there was no way for me to know the size of my wolf. The last time I shifted, which was also the first time, I wasn't able to shift completely. So, I decided not to attempt shifting anymore. "Leave me, leave me," I fought back. His wolf was massive, unlike any other wolves I had seen. His wolf was black. It might look scary, but not to me. "Let me go, please," I pleaded, trying to stand. He shifted back into a human, and I was shocked to discover that it was none other than Alpha Sebastian, Tristan's father. What was he doing here? His clothes were torn from shifting. He held me by the arm and tied me up with a rope. He then went to a nearby shelter to change his torn clothing. You might be wondering how he got the clothes. Well, those clothes were kept for situations like this, after shifting. He came back to me and slung me over his shoulder. I was tired, and my eyelids felt heavy as darkness veiled my vision.
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