500 full moons

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Erin leaped onto Axel hungrily, he closed his eyes and gave in to his mate. I wanted to feel sick seeing him with another woman but I was receiving pleasure that I had only ever dreamt of my ‘chosen one’ behind me. I watched Erin push Axel onto his back and climbed on top of him. She pulled her dress over her head and rode him like her life depended on it. Suddenly, a hand was intwined into the back of my hair holding my head up to get a better view of the clearing. The smell of the trees and fresh air was taken over by sweat and pheromones. ‘I am Lycaon, my Aphrodite. Tell me what you need, now!’ My head filled with the man’s introductory demand. ‘Watch them!’ I looked around, taking in the free-flowing orgy before me. ‘I…I… I’m going to’ Before I could reach the climax, I was rolled backwards, now lying with my back onto his bare chest. My heels were still on my feet and they were now buried in Lycaon's thighs. He was still inside me but my legs were open wide enough that the other mating couples could see every stroke I was taking. I didn’t care, my head tilted to face the full moon and I raised both my hands to grip my fingers in his hair. Maybe a bit too hard, as he growled so loudly that his chest rumbled against my back. I couldn’t get enough of him. His hands held my thighs open to reveal his dominance of me as I reached an all-time high to release and pulsate around his perfect member. It took me a few minutes to catch my breath as I stood up to release us from one another. I don’t know when everyone else had finished or how much they witnessed my full frontal debut, but the twins were marking their mates and Axel was looking at me once more while Erin had her lips on his marking spot. I turned to face Lycaon, and he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. As our eyes were levelled for the first time, I knew this was my fate. I could get lost in the darkness of his eyes. They were mesmerising. I was still convinced that Axel was to be my mate but he was forever bound to Erin and Lycaon made me quiver inside. I couldn’t be upset. Could I? The new bond was magnetic. I licked Lycaon's neck to prepare his mark and tilted my head to receive his. ‘I Stella Jackson of the Arcadian Pack shall mark.’ ‘No!’ ‘What!’ He was saying no to me! He’s just f*cked me in the woods like his destined wh*re and now he won’t let me mark him? ‘What do you mean NO?’ He placed me down on the ground as I heard gasps from behind me. They could all hear this conversation. The joy of sensitive hearing. Raising my chin to keep our focus upon each others faces, he furrowed his brows. ‘Stella, you are my chosen one. I am not to be marked. You can not mark a god.’ A god?! ‘A god?’ I retorted. I almost laughed out loud. ‘Great! I’ve lost my wolf and lost my virginity to a god that doesn’t want me all in one evening. What a night to remember!’ ‘Your the one I’ve waited for Stella. For 500 full moon cycles.’ Lycaon gestured to the sky with his hands. He looked like a god, but gods are myths, legends, tall tales made up to keep kids in line. They aren’t real. Surely? ‘I don’t know what your saying to me?’ ‘She can’t be, you’ve got it wrong!’ Axels' voice was raised behind me. It was a mixture of anger and helplessness. ‘On this particular full moon, my vessel is delivered to me. That is you Stella, my vessel.’ He disregarded Axels disapproval like he hadn’t heard it and continued. ‘The wolfless she-wolf shall host my dominions offering.’ ‘What kind of offering am I supposed to be? Where is Amara and what the hell did Erin do to me?!’ Pointing in her direction. ‘My name is actually Eris, chaos is my calling sweety! Amara will be with me until your done.’ ‘A god and a goddess?’ Nina whispered to Darcy. ‘This body was supposed to be the offering but I liked it far too much. Your body is better suited to the job, you should be flattered!’ I was lost at what Erin I mean Eris was talking about. ‘So let me get this straight, you stole my wolf to turn me into a vessel for HIS so-called offering to his people?’ ‘Sums it up perfectly!’ She giggled and wrapped her arms around Axel's motionless face. He had been tricked into mating this charlatan using MY wolf. If I could find a way to get her back, then hopefully, he would be my mate and we could forget all this craziness! Lycaon held his enormous hands either side of my face and levelled his gaze at mine once more. ‘You, Stella Jackson of the Arcadian Pack, are my Aphrodite. You will serve the unmated and uninspired leaders to fulfill their destiny and find the Zeta.’ I told myself to remain calm and suppressed my anger to accept my fate. I didn’t know how I was supposed to serve and inspire anyone, but deep in my gut, I knew he was telling the truth. I closed my eyes and accepted the gods' will. ‘Yes sir.’ His lips met mine and a rush of energy transferred through his mouth into mine, welcoming an entity beyond words. My blood fizzed, my senses heightened and my internal need for this kiss to last much longer ended abruptly when all went dark. Blinking a few times, I realised I’d blacked out, no more than a few minutes though, as the moon was falling and the evening was nearly at an end, but the noise around me was deafening. ‘She doesn’t know what you're using her for!’ Axel called out. ‘Boy, you’ll have her when she is done! That is enough!’ ‘How long will it take?’ Lycaon and Axels' voices were raised to a frightening level and if this was to turn ugly. Axel wouldn’t have stood a chance, even though he was an exceptionally trained future beta, he was no match for a god! ‘The next full moon shall be black. No observance, just wait here. It will be her decision if she is to return to you or remain with me.’ He was clear in his statement, this was not a request from Lycaon. ‘Come on, lover boy’ snorted Eris, and she led a reluctant Axel away. The twins were muttering amongst themselves, gossiping about the drama unfolding before them. Nina and Darcy had since put their dresses back on and quietly introduced the blonde twins to us as Jacob and Johnathan before politely excusing themselves from the woods opening. ‘It’s just us now, what would you have me do?’ I bowed before him submissively. ‘This month has two moons, Stella. This is the first. You have until the next full moon, the Black Moon, too..’ he paused and took a breath ‘to unite the triad in my dominion and deliver my message.’ ‘There was a treaty signed by the three pack leaders to remain separate without interference. How am I supposed to break the treaty and unite the packs?’ It was a question that seemed impossible to answer. My father died in that war four years ago and the treaty was signed in his honour. So many lives were lost and it was said that my father cried upon the hill and howled to the moon gods themselves to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Some dirty rogue wolf stood behind him and sliced his throat. The other packs did not claim the rogue and they agreed there and then that no more blood would be shed as long as the packs remained apart. ‘Isn’t it obvious my new Aphrodite Stella?’ He looked at me quizzically with a soft luring smile and gently kissed my forehead. ‘With the power of desire,spalling and grammatical of course.’
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