Of chaos and discord

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Traditionally, newly mated couples would take the male home and ‘honeymoon’ for seven days. No work, no duties, just learning how to manage and adjust to their new-found bond. With something so all-consuming, especially those first few days, there would be no point in trying to focus on anything else. Where was I going to go and what kind of so-called honeymoon does this destiny allow for? Lycaon swept me from my feet and silently carried me into the woods. The pines reached so high I could not see the tops and the clicks and rustles of the insects were a classical music masterpiece to my ears. I inhaled the scent around me, tasting the great out-doors, hoping my mind would clear and make sense of this night, but my eyes were far too heavy. I buried my head in his warm chest and fell asleep. I knew I was safe, my questions would have to wait until I could wake up, but for now, sleep. Axels POV I moved out of my parents' place and into one of the pack house apartments as soon as I turned 18. Having a crush on Stella since I was 10 years old and then having her live with us was too much. One time she needed help in a Pack History class. Next thing I know, I’m acing my own studies just to help her out. I wanted to know everything there was to know about all of her subjects just so she could turn to me for help. When she would ask a question, I’d answer straight away and my favourite part was when she scrunched her pixie-tipped nose, ruffled my hair and said ‘cheers nerd’. On her 18th birthday, I could smell her scent before I even entered the house like a beacon. She looked phenomenal as I watched her enter the study, her golden blonde hair waving down her back and the way her silky green dress draped over her peachy behind. I knew we were going to be mates. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I didn’t care if she kissed other boys before me or showed off her body in a tiny swim suit. It didn’t make me jealous one bit. I just wanted her to be happy. The confusion when Amara, Stella’s wolf, called out to me at the observance tore through my mind. Rafe was pushing me towards her but it wasn’t Stella! Amara inhabited another woman’s body. She was stunning, her hair was black right down to her waist and she had piercing golden eyes. Rafe wanted to run to her but I held back and tried to catch a glimpse of Stella. ‘Baby I’m Eris, everything’s going to be alright, he’s coming for her.’ The woman linked to me and ruffled my head. ‘Why do you have Stella’s wolf? How is that even possible?’ ‘Are you familiar with the first wolf?’ She asked. ‘Lycaon? He’s a myth!’ Where was she going with this? ‘It’s his cycle, he has a mission to complete and he needs her, all will be clear baby.’ She tilted her head and crouched down to my level. Being a history geek, I knew what she was saying was true as soon as he walked amongst us in the clearing. He towered above everyone and his energy was that of a king. It was pretty intimidating. I withheld changing to human form as long as I could withstand it so Stella could understand what was happening. Although I told her this story before, I can’t say she paid much attention. I had to give in, and I had to perform my duty to Rafe and Amara. When Stella gets Amara back, she will know I have not abandoned her. Stella was forced to watch the twins and I could feel Lycaon's presence wanting me to begin with Eris. The second I changed, he pushed into her from behind and seeing her so primal and thirsty only turned me on. She radiated an arousing aura, she was magnificent. Eris jumped on top of me, she was what I needed, what Rafe needed, but Stella’s pleasure was what I wanted and watching and hearing her moans was enough for me. After our consummations she had no idea why she was chosen and I wanted to shout the answers to help her, but Eris said she was a descendent of the goddess of her namesake. I studied her in the second year history of the gods and where there is chaos, Eris is usually at its centre! The bond we now had was addiction and I felt weak under her unpredictable presence. Taking her back to my place, she said no words until the door shut behind us. ‘Baby you’ve only got me til the Black Moon, relax, we’ll have some fun.’ She sauntered around the apartment studying her new surroundings. Inhaling deeply when she got to my bedroom. I watched her intently with one question on my mind. ‘So if he needs Stella for his grand plan, why are you here?’. I couldn’t help myself. ‘Hahaha, you think I tricked you into this, don’t you?’ Shaking her head and tutting at me. ‘He wanted me to find him a body for Ahrodites essence, but this one suits me too much don’t you think?’ Turning slightly for me to check out her full behind and shapely hips. ‘That girl was born for greatness, you’ve felt it and I know you’ve tasted it yourself!’ ‘I just..’ She placed her dainty hands and perfectly manicured nails on my shoulders, ‘you just need to trust her baby.’ Stepping on her tiptoes she kissed my cheek. ‘Trust me too’. Her eyes bore into my own and deep into my soul. It calmed me, but I could still sense a wickedness behind her smile. She was going to be trouble and I was going to have to play my part to keep her from any kind of discord. I can play whatever game she throws my way, I can handle her. As legend goes, the cursed King Lycaon would appear on the cycle of every 500th Full Moon. He would bring the essence of one god of his choosing to conquer and harmonise conflict. If successful, he will return to remain amongst the gods for another 500 cycles. If, on the other hand, he doesn’t reach his goal on earth, he will be sent to hell to be tortured for eternity, destroying the aiding gods' essence forever along with their vessel. ‘Aphrodite?’ I stated rather than asked. ‘Goddess of desire, fairest of them all, and now she’s back in the flesh with a job to do.’ throwing a wicked golden wink in my direction ‘won’t it be fun baby!’.
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