His purpose?

1608 Words
All the wolves' eyes looked upon the clearing, observing the four of us in the centre. It felt like an eternity for the moon to fall over us. We just all wanted to begin. As the reflection of the moon shone above, I could feel the atmosphere shift in anticipation. ‘We’ll go first.’ Said Nina ‘I’m so nervous!’ She looked at Darcy, nodded and they stepped forward together, arms linked. These young women were about to change their lives forever. At least I wouldn’t have any surprises when Axel stepped forward to me. Those girls had no clue who would call them back! Darcy closed her eyes and released a howl raising in pitch. I could feel the nerves in her voice but it was returned with a short, low toned howl. A grey wolf sauntered towards her and bowed. She nodded her head back and her eyes sparkled towards the majestic beast. Nina followed suit and, with a little more confidence than her twin sister, she let out her own call. I had to blink a few times to take in the next wolf stepping out. It was like de ja vu, an almost identical wolf bowed at her feet. Twins for twins! I was overjoyed for them. I’d never heard of such a thing before. This ceremony was so respectful and tasteful I felt privileged to witness it. Ava was alone for her observance so I only had her word about what to expect. She told me it was mystical and that the gods of our ancestors gifted our mates to us and not the other way around. She-wolves were far fewer than wolves themselves, so they are the lucky ones to have us. The entitlement would escape her lips effortlessly every time. I’d just roll my eyes at her. Erin looked at me from the floor upward, finally meeting my eyes, she smirked her red lips and narrowed her eyes in my face and said ‘thank you dear Stella.’ and stepped forward. OK, I guess she’s going next then! Her arrogance and b*tchy behaviour took me aback. I really didn’t mind the order we stepped out to be fated, but did she have to be so darn rude? What had I done for her to look down at me like dirt! I just repeated a new mantra in my head ‘Stay calm, stay confident, stay quiet!’. Standing in the clearing centre with one of her bare legs out to one side and a hand on her hip, she howled. It was naturally confident and luring with every wolf pointing their ears forward. She was standing there like a true femme fatal and I’m sure every wolf wanted to be the one that claimed her. If she wasn’t such a b***h I would even have drooled over her, but a brown wolf slowly and if I didn’t know better, hesitantly headed her way. As he arrived head down towards Erin’s feet, he turned and looked at me. She was going to rule that poor guy, he looked weak beneath her. But why was he looking at me and not her? Was he trying to tell me something? His eyes were familiar, I must have known him from somewhere, but until he turned back to human form I had no clue! He bowed to Erin and she petted his head whilst the smirk remained upon her ridiculously stunning face. Back to the task at hand, ‘Ok Amara, time to call Rafe!’ I opened my mouth ready to call my mate. Nothing came out. I cleared my throat and put it down to some kind of hidden nervousness. I tried again… Nothing! ‘It’s OK sweety, take a deep breath!’ Darcy reassured me with a kind smile. ‘My wolf is..’ I stuttered ‘I think she’s gone!’ ‘Probably stage fright.’ replied Nina, but I felt a hollowness in the pit of my stomach. ‘Or..’ Erin came over to me and rather than talk to my face she brushed her finger over my necklace and leant into my ear. ‘She’s my wolf now!’ She whispered so softly I could only just hear her. Gasping at the realisation that Amara was no longer inside me, it was haunting. I clutched at my necklace with one hand and pointed to Erin with the other. What did she do?? I suddenly looked like a disoriented mess as I started to stumble around the clearing not knowing what to do or who to turn to. I had so many questions but right now it was just humiliation, I couldn’t feel Amara! The twins were trying to help me stay on my feet and just looked sorry for me. I’m sure they will get over their secondhand embarrassment soon enough. Everyone but Erin looked concerned. My mouth was opening but nothing was coming out. What was happening to me?! ‘I can not complete my Observance!’ I managed to whimper. The tears were glazing over my eyes, turning everything around me into a blur of outlines and I fell to my knees. ‘She will be unmarked until my purpose of her is fulfilled.’ Bellowed the giant of a man that had emerged from the back of the pack. ‘We are done here!’. He stood nearer to 7 feet than 6 and did not look at me. Instead, he glared at each set of eyes that edged the clearing to make sure they left. Each bowed to him before turning away. Who was he and what the hell was he talking about to fulfill HIS purpose? My wolf is gone. I’m 100% human right now! He was like a big scary Adonis. I struggled to stand up but I dusted off my dress and dabbed the remaining tears from my eyes to look at the man standing before me. ‘Stay calm, stay confident, stay quiet.’ I internally chanted. I just needed to have faith that this was meant to happen and maybe I was over reacting. God, I hope this is right. His eyes now looked down his nose to mine with laser sharp focus-not even tilting his head. His eyes were almost black, his hair was short and scruffy and also as black as night with a matching full beard that framed his strong jaw. The man was far from unattractive with his defined muscles and broad shoulders, but he didn’t feel like he was my mate. It confused me so much. The man called out to the three newly paired sets of wolves. ‘Now we are going to feast..’ The wolves were notified to transform into human form. ‘Turn around and watch them, my chosen one.’ Pfft, “my chosen”, that nickname will not be sticking. I did as he asked and turned my back to him. He placed his hands upon my shoulders, massaging them slowly and repeated ‘watch them.’ The grey wolves turned quickly into pale, blonde men with sweet and smitten faces. The girls mirrored them and each twin set embraced in their first kisses. It was weird that the man I was with was not in wolf form, it was something I would have to ask him after. His hand reached into my dress and cupped my breast. That was unexpected. I don’t even know his name but it felt good and dare I say ‘meant to be’. Whilst Erin’s wolf was taking his sweet time transforming into his human counterpart, the twins were heating up. Nina's dress had been torn off and Darcy was already on her back on the floor. It should have felt wrong to be watching this but it was empowering and sensual. The giant behind me reached into my dress and tweaked my n****e wrapping his other hand around my waist. My mind assured me this was right and the temperature between my thighs concurred. Erin continued stroking her wolf to tempt his change, leaning her breasts into its face to entice him further. The twins at this point were in the full throws of consummation and were a heap of hot-blooded animalistic bodies. Their desire fuelled my own heat and my instinct kicked in. I dropped to my knees and hitched my dress. Drugged by lust and desire from the ceremony. My eyes fixated on the twins on the other side of the clearing. The stranger behind me followed my lead and lowered himself to my behind. His enormous hands brushed my cheeks and his thumb hooked my underwear to one side. He inserted what felt like a finger into my wetness, then another. Oh my god!! I was crying not 20 minutes ago, and now look at me, the picture of confidence. Darcy’s breasts were in her mate's mouth while he thrust himself upon her. Her moans were high pitched and enviable. The fingers inside me matched their rhythm like we were part of their act. Every stroke Darcy received, I felt a push between my legs. I looked over at Erin out of curiosity. I still didn’t know what she meant about having my wolf, but at that moment I couldn’t think about that. Her mate finally changed but I closed my eyes as my tall dark giant plunged his member deep inside me. I screamed out with what breath I had left as he filled all the available space I could offer him. It was a pleasurable pain receiving him, but as he pulled back for his next stroke, I opened my eyes and saw Erin’s mate staring back at me. Axel?!!
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