One after the other after the other

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Stella POV I knew the basics of the myth but Axel used to look so cute when he would enthusiastically help me with my history homework. How was I supposed to concentrate when he would sit so darn close to me! I would pretend I couldn’t see the books so he would be as close physically as possible. My flirting game was weak but I would like to think appropriate for a young teen at the time! How far I’ve come in just a few short days! It was near lunch time that my eyes decided to open. I looked down under the mink coloured Cotten sheets that wrapped around me. I had no clothes on in a bed big enough for at least four people. Taking in my surroundings was a feast for the senses. The comfort of the mattress beneath me had moulded to my form perfectly, the smell of the Cotten sheets were fresh like a crisp spring morning and the sound of soft classical music played beyond the large double doors that faced the foot of the bed. The bedroom was three times the size of my own room back home. This must be Lycaons home and I can’t wait to explore every inch of it. To my left a bay window almost the length of the room was precisely draped in a white voile that glistened in the light, and to the right of me another double door. Hopefully a bathroom, I need to freshen up after last night! I made my way over to the doors and as I pulled them open was faced with rails of clothing, dresses for every occasion, casual to sequinned cocktail dresses, mini to maxi lengths. A column of floor to ceiling shelves were home to the most beautiful shoes. Sandals, pumps, boots. Had I died, was this heaven?! I found a cute wrap around pale blue dress but there was no underwear in sight! Luckily my girls were pert enough to stay in place under the dress. I was a little paranoid that I had no panties on but the dress covered enough and I didn’t have to worry about a pesky panty line! I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to look as presentable as I could before facing Lycaon. From what I can recall from Axels tutoring, Lycaon uses the essence of another god to get what he wants. I clasped my necklace and took a minute to savour such a calm moment in time. Despite the list of a thousand questions, I felt safe and relaxed. I made the bed and travelled out of the room, down a long narrow white hall way towards the origin of the classical music. As it got closer I could smell him. My head was not quite my own and the part of my mind where Amara had resided was now inhabited with a higher presence. ‘Come my Aphrodite. Let me admire your beauty.’ His warm and enticing voice was hypnotic. He was standing in a large open plan kitchen of white marble. Everything was either white or gold, it was very luxurious. He made his way over to me staring intently. Grey suit trousers and white shirt stretched over his thick thighs and broad shoulders. ‘You shouldn’t blush at such a statement Stella.’ I didn’t realise my cheeks were flush. ‘It must be the bond. Is that what have? A bond?’ I wanted to play it cool but my switch of curiosity was turned to the on position. ‘More of an intimate symbiotic relationship.’ ‘but I can’t mark you?’ ‘No’ ‘You won’t mark me?’ ‘No’ ‘You replaced Amara with the something inside me? How is that even possible? Whats Eris’ role in this? Where am I? How am I supposed to help you fulfil this purpose you mentioned?’ The questions were firing from my mouth one after the other after the other until I could draw a next breath. I wanted to know everything! ‘That is a lot of questions and we don’t have to address them all right this second. Come.’ He lifted me onto the kitchen island and wrapped my legs around his waist. ‘The three packs in this state need to be United Stella.’ He said seriously with his hands stroking my bare arms. ‘I need you to help me breakdown their boundary walls and come together. If not I won’t be able to return to my gods.’ ‘I can’t fight if that’s what your asking? I won’t either. After the War.. and what happened.. i’ I bowed my head reflecting on the hurt it caused remembering that time in my life. ‘There will be no fighting Stella, I’ve tried it that way many times but this time, i take a new approach…WE take a different approach!’ ‘You mentioned desire?’ I remembered his wicked smirk when he said the words to me last night. I could feel my cheeks fluster a little at the thought! ‘Correct. Now look into my eyes.’ I obliged. ‘Beauty, desire, s****l love, they are all powered within you. You are carrying the essence of thee Aphrodite herself, a true goddess.’ His lingering voice had a slight European accent with certain words and he was so unbelievably handsome. ‘When do we start?’ The pull from inside me to serve him must have been Aphrodites essence. I wanted him so much, no matter how short our time together would be. ‘How do I tap into this thing inside me?’ It was a valid question, but he laughed. ‘Open your mind baby, she’s there’ ‘So if I just…’ I leaned back slightly on the work surface, counter balancing by holding onto his waist with my thighs. ‘Flirted and seduced…’ I continued ‘and used my feminine charm. I could bring everyone closer together?’ A slow rumble made its way from deep into Lycaons chest. With one hand he undid his belt and pulled it through the loops of his pants. I tried to show him that I could be what he needed me to be. I had an idea of how I could help his cause but I needed to test out my theory. I unbuttoned his fly and dipped my hand inside. He raised in my grasp and his attention was mine. I needed to come up with some kind of strategy to unite the pack. ‘So if I could seduce the leaders or at least the influencers of the pack..’ I said. My words and my strokes timed perfectly with the classic and calm music surrounding us. ‘I can help them understand the importance of them coming together?’ ‘Yes baby!’ He let out a gravelled moan. ‘and once United, you know what to do them all?’ He nodded, trying to prolong my touch but it was no use. ‘Oh Stella, you will be magnificent!’ He unwrapped my dress letting it drape open to reveal my naked breasts. ‘We start with The Red River Pack in a few days, but for now I want to make the most of you and fuel the flames of Aphrodite inside you.’ This was going to be fun!
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