#Chapter 4 First day of school

1629 Words
Tessa’s POV “You didn’t order a callboy?!” I asked, feeling my stomach sinking. “No…” she confirmed. “I mean, I was going to. But by the time I found one and returned to you, you were already gone.” Then, she gasped. “Did you find a man and go home with him?!” “Ruby, I’ll see you at home,” I said quickly before hanging up the phone. My heart was racing against my chest at a rapid speed. That man, Joseph, in the dining room right now, was not a callboy. How could I have made a mistake like that?! I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and returned to the dining room, trying to hide the pure embarrassment on my face. “I’m so sorry,” I said, meeting his curious eyes. “I thought last night was just a one-night stand. I never—” “A one-night stand?” Joseph asked, raising his right brow. “And what exactly gave you that impression?” His voice lowered slightly, and I could see the annoyance on his face. “My friend last night went to find me a callboy and I thought you were who she ordered for me…” I admitted, feeling my face growing warmer. “You thought I was a callboy?” He asked. “I’m so sorry…It was an honest mistake considering the bar we were at,” I went on to say. “What were you even doing there if you aren’t a callboy?” “I saw something I was interested in and went inside,” he said in return, narrowing his eyes at me. “And I was mainly looking for a conversation.” “Well, you should have been clearer about that last night,” I said. I was trying to hide my embarrassment. He leaned back in his seat, keeping his eyes locked on mine. “Are you always so frivolous?” My eyes widened at his words, and I couldn’t help but feel annoyed. “Excuse me, but there’s nothing wrong with having a one-night stand in this day and age.” “I didn’t say there was,” he said in return. “I just didn’t think that’s what this was. You don’t seem like the type to—” “You don’t know me like that,” I said quickly, folding my arms across my chest. “We’ve only just met.” “Yes, and during this time you thought I was nothing more than a callboy,” he said without expression. “Why exactly were you at that bar?” “That’s not your business,” I shot back firmly. He took a deep breath and looked at me for a moment longer, silently, until he finally composed himself enough to speak again. “You should probably get going. I wouldn’t want your friend to worry any further.” He must have heard me on the phone with Ruby. But he was right because I was also going to be late for school if I didn’t hurry. However, I found it difficult to get my legs to move. My eyes remained on his and I thought I saw a slight ping of hurt. I could have been mistaken, but maybe he was serious about developing a relationship. There was no humor in his tone when he brought it up and he’s been so proper that I was starting to think that maybe he was a bit more conservative. Joseph’s sigh brought me back to reality and I realized he was waiting for me to leave. I was about to apologize again, but then I thought it would be better if I just left. I grabbed my purse and quickly scurried out of his home. As soon as I got outside, I realized I not only left that money on the table, but I also forgot to put my bra on. It was still somewhere in his room. I turned back to his Villa, but I was way too embarrassed to go back, so I turned back around and continued walking away. Thankfully, my hoodie was thick enough that it was not noticeable. Once I gained enough distance, I called an Uber to take me to Ruby’s house. She was already dressed for the day when I got there, and she looked relieved to see me. “I’m glad you made it here in one piece,” she said, giving me a hug. “I have clothes for you to wear. Hurry up and take a shower. After classes later, I’ll swing by your apartment to grab your stuff.” “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I said, giving her a fond and relieved smile. “Thankfully, you’ll never have to find out,” she said in return. I went into the bathroom and quickly showered. It felt good to allow the hot water to warm my frigid body. I didn’t notice how badly I was trembling until the water hit my skin. The bite mark on my neck stung as the water washed it, but not before long the pain went away. I made such a fool out of myself. I was glad I was never going to have to see that man again. Ruby was waiting for me by the time I finished showering and dressing. “So, tell me about last night,” Ruby said with wide and excited eyes. “There’s not much to tell. I had s*x with a complete stranger,” I said, shaking my head at her. “We should have never gone to that bar.” “Are you seriously going to tell me that you didn’t have fun?” Ruby teased. “Didn’t it get your mind off that jerk?” I couldn’t even deny the fact that I had fun, and she was right. I barely thought about Brian the entire time I was with that stranger. Joseph. My heart skipped a beat when I spoke his name in my head. But then my face grew warm when I remembered he called me frivolous. The audacity of that jerk. I shuddered at the thought. I didn’t want to talk about Joseph anymore and decided not to answer any more of her questions. She was annoyed by this, but eventually Ruby dropped the subject as we left for school. Ruby lived close to the school, so it didn’t take long for us to get there. We went directly to the registration office to sign up for that new writing course. “I’m sorry ladies, but the professor asked that all interested students attend his course and prove their writing before he accepts anyone,” the receptionist said, staring between the two of us. "Okay...when is the class scheduled again?" I asked. "Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Today is Monday, so make sure you are there on time." As we left the office, Ruby was muttering under her breath, “Why would he schedule a class at night?” I tuned her out though. I was more nervous about not being chosen to attend this class. If Joseph Evergreen didn’t like my writing, it would break my heart. However, I knew I wasn’t nearly good enough to impress the famous fantasy author. But I still thought I had some talent. “Tessa? Are you still with me?” Ruby asked, waving her hand in front of my face, and bringing me out of my head. “I said we will meet at the Literature wing tonight and go to the class together.” “Sounds good,” I agreed. Later in the evening, I met Ruby in the Literature wing of the school. As we began walking toward the classroom, I paused when I saw a familiar man walking amongst the students. My heart fell deeply into my stomach and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. Ruby paused when she noticed I had stopped walking and she followed my eyes to the man across the hallway. “He looks familiar,” she pointed out. “Where have I seen him before?” “The bar last night,” I breathed. “He was the man I left with.” “Woah! Seriously?! Tessa, he’s insanely hot!” “Keep your voice down!” I said between my teeth as I grabbed her arm. “I can’t believe he’s here. I had no idea he was attending this school.” “He must be a transfer,” she asked, glancing in his direction. “Whatever, I just hope his classes don’t correspond with mine,” I said, hiding behind Ruby as we continued walking toward the classroom. “I don’t really need that kind of mess during our last semester before graduation.” Ruby only chuckled as we went into the room and we met with a bunch of other students. I instantly grew nervous as I found an empty seat beside Ruby. This moment could make my dream of becoming a writer a reality. I looked around the room at all the curious students and was thankful that Joseph wasn’t among them. At least I could relax knowing we weren’t going to share this class together if I were to be accepted that is. However, there were also signs of Professor Joseph Evergreen, and the class was just about to start. Not before long, the door of the classroom swung open, and everybody silenced as the Professor finally arrived. “Oh God,” I heard Ruby whisper. It felt as if the walls had closed in when I looked up at the Professor. Joseph Evergreen. My one-night stand.          
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