#Chapter 5 Writing Professor

1510 Words
Tessa’s POV In an instant, it felt like my entire world had crumbled down around me and I could no longer breathe. It was Joseph. The same Joseph from last night.   “I heard he’s super famous and very rich!” “I saw him in the hallway. I couldn’t believe he was so handsome!” “I hear he looks so young for being 40!” I remained frozen in my seat as I stared at Joseph.   All the whispers from the students were not exaggerating. Joseph was rich, handsome, and young. That was why I had no idea he was Joseph Evergreen. I was on pins and needles. I slept with my Professor? My favorite writer? And thought he was a callboy? As he scanned the room, his gaze met mine. But as quickly as he looked at me, he looked away. Maybe he didn’t recognize me. I was sitting kind of far away and I was wearing different clothing. “I am Professor Joseph Evergreen, a fantasy novelist. I’m sure you are eager to get started. Firstly, I’d like to start off by explaining that I only accept the best writers and those who work the hardest to participate in this course.” He scanned the room briefly before continuing. “With that being said, I’m only allowing 15 students in this course, so only about half of you will make it. By the end of today’s class, you’ll have everything you need to construct a 1000-word sample due in two days, which is Wednesday. From there, I will choose 15 of you to be my students.” A knot formed in my stomach. Despite last night’s venture, and knowing that Joseph was the professor, I still really wanted to take this course. But I worried that I had already screwed things up. “Before we discuss that further, I’m going to speak about a few different fantasy authors whose works we will discuss in class. Kenneth Regan, I will talk about first. He was born in the early 1900s and wrote some of my favorite books. He was largely known for blending complicated historical issues in Fantasy novels, but he himself was quite funny and light-hearted.” The way Joseph spoke about Kenneth Regan was like he was talking about a friend. His knowledge of not only his professional life but also his personal life was astonishing. “Another author born in the early 1800s was none other than Christopher Moore. If you are anything like me, Chris was probably the reason you took an interest in writing,” Joseph continued. “Chris grew up as a poor boy. His family abandoned him when he was a child and he found himself orphaned. His only escape in life was writing. He wrote everything you could imagine but his main passion was, of course, Fantasy writing. Chris didn’t go to college like Ken did. Chris felt as if he already had all the knowledge he needed. He spent his entire childhood into his adolescence writing. Even when everyone doubted him, he never gave up….” Joseph’s voice trailed off as he got lost in thought. “I always admired that about him,” he said fondly. “He went on to write a number of books that are still number-one sellers to this day. Unfortunately, his life was cut short, and he isn’t able to see the difference his writing made in this world. The hearts he had touched and the inspiration he had created.” I could tell from Joseph Evergreen’s writing that he loved Christopher Moore just like me and was influenced by him, but I didn’t expect the way he talked about Christopher was full of…nostalgia? He shook his head at the very thought and then proceeded to talk about a couple more authors before changing the subject. Later, he discussed the assignment in more detail and handed us worksheets to go along with the samples to write. As he reached my desk, I kept my eyes from looking up at him, but he stood beside me for only a moment, keeping his hand on my desk with the paper underneath it. I thought he was going to say something, but he didn’t. He continued to pass out the papers before standing at the front of the class. “We have time for a Q&A. If you have questions now is your time to ask.” Every single person in the room had their hands raised, including Ruby, who looked as if she was about to burst with excitement. Joseph chose a girl from the front row. “Professor Evergreen, I’m a huge fan. Your books are an inspiration to me. Which brings me to ask you, who’s your main inspiration?” “The main source of my inspiration came from my personal life experiences,” he spoke without hesitation. Everybody seemed perplexed by his answer. He was a fantasy writer. How many personal real-life experiences could have happened? “How is that possible?” The same girl asked, mimicking my thoughts. “You’re a fantasy author, so your writing is fiction.” “It depends on your definition of fiction. I have a broader sense of the word. What makes something fiction? Just because you can’t see something with your eyes, doesn’t make it not real.” “Like air…” I found myself talking softly from the back of the room, getting Joseph’s attention. His eyes found mine and held them for a moment. “Like air,” he agreed. “We can’t see air, but we know it exists.” “But there’s research that proves air…” that girl said, turning his attention back to her. “Scientists have—” “In literature, you must have an open mind about everything. If you think too logically while writing, you might not make it as a fantasy novelist. Learn to think outside of the box and have faith in things you can’t see or have no proof of being real.” More hands rose and he chose a boy that sat nearby me. “Not a question, just an observation. I’ve noticed your writing is very much like Christopher Moore.” Joseph nodded his head once. “That author greatly influenced me,” he explained. “He’s an incredible writer,” I found myself saying in agreement, causing Joseph to look at me once again. “What is your name?” He asked me. I felt blood rushing to my face as everyone turned to look at me. “Tessa,” I answered, trying to compose myself. “Tessa…” he repeated my name out loud, and it sounded so incredibly sexy coming out of his mouth. “Do you mind waiting here for a while after class?” I was shocked by the proposal, but I managed a head nod before he turned to the rest of the class. “That’s all the time we have. Make sure to have your samples sent to my email by 10 am on Wednesday. I look forward to reading them,” Joseph turned around and announced to the class. “If you don’t have anywhere to be this evening feel free to stick around and I’ll answer any extra questions you might have.” Quite many students, including Ruby and myself, stayed behind. Who didn’t want to have a face-to-face conversation with the mysterious writer Joseph Evergreen? “Wait until we leave before you throw up,” she whispered teasingly. “I’m just worried this is going to affect my chances of getting into his class,” I told her honestly. “Just do the best you can,” she said. “If he’s professional, he won’t let your relationship affect his true evaluation of your writing.” “Why did he specifically ask me to stay then?” “To warn you not to tell anyone about last night? But I already knew it…” I looked back in his direction and noticed he had left the room. Everyone who stayed after class stared at the closed door, wondering where the mysterious author had gone off to after promising he’d answer further questions. Joseph returned moments later, only this time when he walked into the room, he ignored everybody and walked directly over to me. I stared up at him with an alarmed expression when I noticed he was holding a bag. “You forgot something.” Joseph handed me the bag. “You are free to go now.” “What—” I began to ask, but he was already walking away once I had taken the bag from him. The other students in the room were staring at me questionably, wondering what Joseph had just handed me. “What’s in the bag?” Ruby asked, raising her brows. I glanced inside the bag and instantly shut it, feeling the blood draining from my body. Inside the bag was the bra and money I had left at his place.    
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