#Chapter 3 Misunderstanding

1322 Words
Tessa’s POV                                      I just had a one-night stand… with a callboy. I woke up and was told by the faint sunlight that beamed through the window shades, it was morning. My entire body tingled at the memory of last night. It was certainly incredible, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve been touched like that. This man definitely knew what he was doing last night. At least I’m not crying over Brian. As painful as his betrayal was, I feel like I could actually move on from him. Maybe the best way to get over somebody really is to get under someone new. My face reddened at the very thought. Sitting up in bed, I frowned at my surroundings. This was obviously the master bedroom with the king-sized bed. It was a vast space, however, it was veiled and gauzy. The curtains dimmed the natural lighting from outside, making it almost dreary. I felt a slight sting in my neck, making me reach my hand towards my neck and feel a small swollen patch. I quickly slid out of bed and dressed in my jeans and hoodie before making my way to the bathroom. My face grew warm as I remembered how passionate we were on that sink. I looked at the ground and saw that the crystal soap dish was cleaned. I frowned when I saw the bitemark on my neck. As fun as last night was, that callboy certainly left his impression on my body. However, it was strange that it didn’t hurt last night when he did this.  I remember him licking and nibbling on my neck, but I remembered it feeling good. It wasn’t until this morning that it started hurting. It was also red and a little swollen like a bug bite. “Ouch,” I muttered to myself with dismay written all over my face. I left the bathroom and stood in this man’s bedroom. I didn’t like how dark it was in here and I wondered where exactly I was. I went to his window to open the curtains. As the sunlight started seeping through and I got a glimpse of what looked like a garden, a pair of hands pulled the curtains shut. I quickly turned around to see the callboy staring down at me. He was frowning and I noticed that his eyes were no longer red. Maybe they were never red. It could have been my drunken brain playing tricks on me. That was the only thing that really made sense. He stood only inches from me, and he stared down my body until his eyes landed on my lips. My heart was thudding violently against my chest and for a moment, I worried that he could hear it. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until he took a step away from me. “Join me downstairs for some breakfast,” he said, reaching his hand out for me to take. I stared at it questionably for a moment before taking it. I allowed him to guide me out of his bedroom and down a long and wide set of spiral stairs. I was in awe of how big his home was and incredibly confused as to how he was able to afford such a luxurious home on a callboy’s wage. We went into a dining room area, and I saw the large wooden table with a couple of plates of delicious-looking food, orange juice, and coffee. As soon as I saw the food, my stomach instantly growled. “I wasn’t sure what you liked to eat or drink for breakfast, so I made an assortment of things,” he said, pulling out a chair for me to sit. He was certainly a charming callboy. I had to give Ruby some credit for choosing such an elegant guy. “It’s perfect,” I said as I sat down. He sat across from me and stared at me for a moment as I started eating. Then, he slowly started to eat as well. “I hope you slept well,” he said to me. It was such a casual opening statement that it caught me off guard. “Yes, your bed is incredibly comfortable,” I answered. It was like he didn’t know what to say in response to that, so he just looked at me quizzingly. I could tell he was trying hard, but what he was trying to do was unclear to me. “And your home is very beautiful,” I added. “How were you able to afford something like this on your salary?” As soon as I asked that question, I regretted it. My father had taught me that it was rude to ask about one’s financial situation, but I couldn’t take the question back once it’s been spoken. “A lot of the money I have is due to the investments I’ve made,” he answers casually. “I just recently moved here.” So, I was right about him being new to this callboy stuff. I wondered how many other women he’s had while he was here and how I ranked in comparison to them. But I quickly brushed that thought out of my mind, not wanting to think about it. “Your service has been incredible,” I said to him, meeting his eyes. He furrowed his brows at me. It was at that moment I realized how rude I was being. I didn’t even know his name. “I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I never got your name.” “Joseph,” he answered. He had the same name as Joseph Evergreen. How strange. “I’m Tessa,” I said in return, and I wondered if he even cared what my name was or if I was just another customer to him. Which reminded me. I grabbed my purse. “I’m not sure how much she already gave you, but let me give you a tip—” “Why would you give me money?” He asked, just as I pulled a 20 out of my purse. I raised my gaze up to his. “For your performance…” My face grew warm. “My performance?” “Yes—” I went on to say, but then I paused when I saw just how confused he truly was. “Do you know what we were last night?” Realization soon flashed through his eyes, and he ran his fingers through his dark mass of hair. “I’m sorry, I know having s*x on the first day we meet is fast. But we can get to know each other quickly and I can try my best to be a good enough boyfriend to you…” I nearly choked on my coffee. “Boyfriend?!” I gasped, staring up at him. What was he talking about? “Yes,” he answered. “I would never just toss you aside after having s*x with you.” “Isn’t that your job?” That confused look returned to him. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean,” he said, eyeing me carefully. “Can you excuse me for a moment,” I said, grabbing my phone from my purse. “I should probably tell my friend where I am.” I felt his eyes on the back of my head as I scurried out of the dining room. As I stared at my phone screen, I frowned when I saw that Ruby had called me at least three times last night. “Tessa! Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you last night. You just disappeared,” she went on to say as soon as I called her. “I’m sorry. I went with that callboy you ordered me—” “What? Tessa, what are you talking about? I never ordered you a callboy.”        
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