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Kayla's Pov " Hey Mom," Kayla said with tears in her eyes as she looked down at her mother. She sat down beside her bed and held her hand, She felt as if her heart was in her throat, it was painful to see her like this. She lay on the hospital bed with tubes attached to her arms and chest, machines beeped beside her and an oxygen mask covered his face the shallow rising and falling of her chest was the only indication that she was still alive. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she wiped them away for what must have felt like the thousandth time she then forced a smile on her face. " I paid your bill in full which means another month in the hospital where they can take care of you, I did my part now it's your turn to do yours I need you to get better ok". Tears started flowing freely again as she looked at her remembering what the doctor told her earlier. " The doctor told me there's no reason for you not to be waking up, he said all the internal damage has healed and according to all the results from their tests you are as healthy as a horse, the neurologist is considering taking you in for some more tests, they're worried that the internal damage was just too much for your brain waves". As she looked at her mother she couldn't control the torrent of tears from slowly freely ruining her makeup but she didn't care. " But I know you'll prove them, wrong Mom, you always do," she said wiping away her tears. Her phone vibrated in her pocket causing her to look down she opened the phone and then noticed that she got a text from Mia telling her that she had some important business she needed to discuss with her. " Well looks like that's it for our visit, today mom, I have something I need to sort out at work, I love you Mom more than anything in this world," she said standing up. She placed a gentle kiss on her mother's forehead like how her mother used to do when she was a little girl when she was putting her to bed. " See you later Mom," she said hurrying out of the room before she started crying again. It was painful and difficult to see her once cheerful, spiritual and loving mother laying there almost lifeless, but Kayla couldn't find it in herself to let her mother go, she knew her mother was a strong woman that never gives up, even when their father died leaving her with two children she didn't give up and worked hard to make sure that they were taken care off. She just knew that her mother would survive this and would wake up one day, As she stepped outside Kayla quickly hailed a cab and directed the driver to Mia's Novella's headquarters. She arrived fifteen minutes later and after paying the driver walked inside. She saw the receptionist's Mindy sitting behind her desk using a nail file as she saw Kayla walking towards her she stops what she was doing and smiled. " Hey Mindy" Kayla smiled back at her." Oh Kayla you hear great, the madame would like a word with you in her office immediately," she said. " uh.... okay," Kayla said worry creeping into her voice. Kayla walked past Mindy's desk and knocked on Mia's office door. " Come in!" she shouts not bothering to ask who it was. Kayla opened the door and saw Mia going through some files in her filing cabinet. Mia was a beautiful woman in her late forties to early fifties despite her age her body was still curvaceous and tight, it was the best that money could afford, sometime gentlemen callers would request her but she rarely accepted. She often said she'd given up that life when she opened her business." Kayla my dear please sit down" she smiled at her as if Kayla was her prized possession. "Mindy said you wanted to see me," she said. " Yes dear child but first how are you?" she asked Kayla. " I'm doing fine madame," Kayla said to which the madame smiled. " That's good to hear and yes I requested you dear because I have a very tempting for you," she said. " What kind of offer would that be?" Kayla asked cautiously. " Our most lucrative business opportunity yet, and you my dear will be a central part of it," she said. " But before we begin how much do you know about Alexander Steele ?" Mia asked. She paused as she thought about Mia's question. She didn't know much about him as she's not one to read tabloids she's only ever heard the name once when there were protests on the news by activists and politicians against his company tearing down an orphanage to build a hotel. As far as she knew his company got their way and where the orphanage once stood now stands a luxurious five-star hotel. As far as Kayla was concerned anyone billionaire or not would purposefully destroy a place that was dedicated to taking care of kids was a heartless and vile excuse for a human being. " I don't know much about only what if heard from the tabloids and gossip channels," she said. Mia nods in understanding then steepled her hands on her table as she looked at Kayla. " Well, the reason I asked was because today he called and said he needed an escort for his sister's wedding but the strange thing is he asked for you specifically". Kayla blinked in surprise as she looked at Mia. " He asked for me? why would a billionaire Ceo tycoon ask for me?" she asked to which Mia shrugged. " I'm not exactly sure either but he asked for you only," she said. Kayla frowned in confusion and then spoke again. " What's the job?". " As I said before he needs an escort to his sister's wedding, the job is three months long but could be extended depending on the situation, he wants you solely contracted to him which means you'll have to cancel any other obligations". Kayla sat back and thought about what she's heard so far, she liked the idea of only being with one person instead of being with multiple persons a day, but she also wondered what his offer was. " How much is he willing to pay?" she asked curiously. Mia leaned back in her chair and regarded Kayla coolly.She was quiet for a moment before she responded. " After the house cut of 60% you'd be making $ 80,000 a week," she said. " A...w...a week?" she finally managed to stammer out feeling completely caught off guard by the figure Mia just presented her with. " Yes our client requires extra privacy that's why he's paying this much, he also doesn't want someone who appears to be an escort, which is why he's chosen you, you'll accompany him as his date to his sister's wedding in Florence do you accept the job? Mia asked. Kayla was practically jumping up and down in her seat in excitement, with that amount of money not only would be able to pay off her debt but she would also finally be able to open the wine company she had been dreaming of opening since she was a little girl. " Yes I agree," she said. Mia smiled at her. " Good I thought you might," she said passing the contract that arrived over to Mia. " You'll just need to sign this none disclosure agreement first" Mia said. After she signed the contract and handed the contract to Mia, She spoke again. " So what's next?" she asked." Now you need to get yourself together, here's your cover story, read it, memorize it, and live by it after that you'll go for a full-body wax and get your brows and lashes done, then you have an appointment at the salon, Friday night Mr. Steele will be sending a limo to pick you up to take you to his house, you'll be staying with him for the entire three months and at some point, you will be flying over with him to Florence and witnessing his sisters wedding". " Kayla this is the biggest client the agencies ever had, Alexander has paid for VIP treatment and I expect him to receive it do I make myself clear?" Mia said. Kayla hesitated for a moment before she nods. " Crystal clear," she said. " Good then go and see Jasmine she will be helping to prepare for friday night" Mia smiled silently dismissing Kayla. Kayla got up and left the office to search for Jasmine with a slight bounce in her step.
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