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Kayla's Pov " God someone save me, hit me with a car, run me over I don't care I just need out," she thought to herself as her client for the night walked beside her towards the limo that would be taking her home. She's been working as a high-end escort for seven months now, she knew that clients grow fond of their escorts and will flirt with them and ask them out, it's because it's happened to her before. She's always turned them down and they all respected her wishes well most of the time and tonight was one of those nights. " I can fly us over to Macau...or Marrakech or if gambling isn't your scene maybe Hawaii," he said. She rolled her eyes internally then looked at him. " This always happens, they always think I'll spend extra time with them after the job is done, " she thought to herself. He was easy on the eyes but he's also known in the tabloids as an irredeemable playboy and she didn't want to lose her virginity to a man like this, she thought of different ways to turn him down that didn't threaten her paycheck. " Look our time together is done, you paid me to escort you to a work event and the events are over and so is what you paid for," she said. He smirked, " I can always pay you for more" he waggles his eyebrows suggestively and she grits her teeth while shaking her head polity in refusal. But he wasn't fased " Oh come on I read on your file that you're a virgin, I've never f****d a virgin before, and besides, don't hookers always want more money," he said. Her eyes widened before they narrowed " Ok that's it I've had enough of this asshole" she thought to herself as she turned around and glared at him with her hands on her hips. " As if told you repeatedly all night sir I'm not a prostitute I'm an escort". Not saying another word to him she turned on her heels and strode away towards her waiting limo. He called out to her " Hey wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way" he pleaded but she didn't stop until her chauffeur opened the door for her and she sat down in the limo. She breathed a sigh of relief as the limo started and drove away from the event. " Rough night?" her driver asked as he looked at her through the rearview mirror. " You have no idea," she said crossing her arms over her chest while pouting, the driver chuckled " Don't worry Kayla as soon as you see the money in your account from tonight it'll wipe that frown away," he said. She smiled at him then rested her elbow on the seat arms and breathed in silently admiring the view behind the tinted glass. Outside the vehicle, New York City was alive and scintillating with street lights and pedestrians. The weather was rather fine, so she didn't have a jacket whatsoever she absent-mindedly watch the streets going by. Mia was the owner of the agency she worked under contract with. She was a good employer who always made sure her associates were well above all safe and taken care of. The profits the Agency made were dived in half for that sole purpose. The limo soon arrived at her apartment complex. Her driver opened the door and held it open for her. Kayla stepped out carefully and gracefully. " See you tomorrow," he said before he closed the door. Kayla watched as the limo drove down the street until it disappeared around the corner. Kayla was exhausted as she closed the door of her studio apartment. As she walked inside she kicked off her heels then placed her purse down on the coffee table she then sat down on her couch with a sigh. Her feet were a bit swollen and sore from being forced into wearing high heels for seven hours. She messaged her foot gently and then leaned back looking at the ceiling as she reflected upon her life until now. She's been an escort for seven months now after her breakup with her high school sweetheart Luke Preston a famous and well-known businessman who after seven years together cheated on her with her sister, she went through a lot of pain after being left by him to recover a normal life. After the breakup, she was left stranded and if it wasn't for her mother she didn't know how she would cope. She thought her life was finally returning to normal after she got a job working at a little restaurant downtown, but then her mother was hit by a drunk driver and put in a medically induced coma. All her plans of starting her own business were abandoned she had to pick up extra shifts at the restaurant but before she knew it she was up to her eyes in medical debt and behind on the mortgage. Kayla had to sell their childhood home to help and pay off some of the debt, but it only lasted so long. Especially when they went upside down on the mortgage waitressing at a table just wasn't bringing enough income to pay her rent as well as to buy groceries and take care of her mother. She had broken down crying one day and Mia found her and offered a job working for her, she explained what she would be doing and told her the amount of income she could start bringing in. Kayla desperate for a way out accepted. During her training to be an escort Mia explained what she would be doing, in the beginning, she thought she would just be escorting men to events but she quickly learned about the dark side of the business, that simply escorting the men alone doesn't pay the type of money she needed, you had to do them favors but despite the temptation, she's stayed true to herself on not having s*x for money and Mia respected her greatly for that. Hearing a ping from her phone she took it out of her purse and then read the message. Her payment for the evening had been made. " Great at least one good thing came from this f****d up evening," she thought to herself making a mental note that she needed to visit the hospital to pay for her mother's most recent medical bill. Deciding that she needed a shower she stood up and began changing, she took out her earrings and placed them down on the dresser along with her silver necklace. She then unzipped her dress causing it to pool at her feet. Now in nothing but her underwear and bra, she pulled the pin holding her hair up causing the golden locks to cascade down her back. As she stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water on full blast ignoring the cold she embraced the water as her skin soon turned red Kayla closed of her mind knowing that the water would only last for a moment she sighed blissfully as the water helped to relieve some of her aching muscles. And that's how she stayed until she felt she ready to face the world again.
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