2022 Words
Unknown Pov A black luxury vehicle stopped out on the curb outside of Alexander's company's New York branch. A chauffeur soon exits out of the driver seat and opened and held the door open an elegantly dressed woman stepped out of the car then took off her glasses and looked up at the towering 60-story glass, steel, and gold structure. Walking into the modern exquisitely designed lobby she approached the black and gold front desk. She had light blond hair and was wearing a sharp grey suit jacket and white shirt. She smiled pleasantly at the women who approached her. " Good day, ma'am, and welcome to Steele Industries how may I assist you ?" she asked. ” I'm here to see Alexander," the woman said simply. His secretary was slightly taken aback by this woman's cold response. No one that ever visited Steele Industries called her boss by his first name they all only referred to him as Mr. Steele so whoever this person was must have been close to him to call him that. " Oh might I have your name to see if you have an appointment with Mr. Steele?" she asked. "No I don't have an appointment and I don't need one," she said. " Then I'm" but before she could continue the woman raised a hand and stopped her. " I'm his mother". Meanwhile Alexander's Pov Alexander sat down behind his desk reading from the files that were laid out on the table before him. His front desk secretary soon buzzed him over his office intercom. " Mr. Steele?" he glanced away from the files and then pressed the button. " Yes what is it Grace?" he asked. " Sir you have a visitor in the downstairs lobby that is asking to see you," she said. " Tell them I'm busy and to schedule a meeting," he said. " But sir she says she's your mother". His eyes widened briefly " What the f**k is Victoria doing here?" he wonders to himself once he regained his composure he pressed the button once again. " Send her up," he said. " Right away Sir," she said. Soon a knock on his office door signaled that she was there as his other secretary asked for permission if could enter once he gave his go-ahead she opened the door and Victoria Beckham Thorne stepped into his office. She wore an expensive white suit and a pair of black heels while carrying her signature Luis Vuitton purse anyone who know Victoria knew that she was an admirer of the brand and didn't wear anything else. She took off her glasses and looked at him. " Alexander my dear how are you?" she asked opening her arms wide as if to hug him pretending that the Thornes we're a loving and kind family. But deep down there were snakes and he knew this well so in the face of her fake motherly love he scoffed. " Quite it with the loving act Victoria you aren't fooling anyone," he said coldly. And if looks could kill he would have been dead from the look of subtle fury she was sending his way. But he wasn't intimidated in the least and only glared back. His secretary was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as both mother and son stared at each other with barely held back hatred. " Sir will that be all?" she asked. Alexander turned in her direction and curtly nods after she left and closed the door he turned his attention toward Victoria. " May I sit down?" she asked breaking the tense and uncomfortable silence that had descended in the office. Alexander nods and she pulls out one of the chairs and sits before she turned around and looked out of the office looking outside. Alexander looked outside as well before she breaks the silence. " This is a very beautiful and scenic view you choose your headquarters location well," she said appreciatively. " I know you didn't fly from Chicago to discuss architecture, so why are you here Victoria?" he asked. She blew out a frustrated sigh. " I'm your mother Alexander and you'll address me as such," she said looking at him. " My mother? don't make me laugh, you might have helped raise me. but you didn't mother me so I'll ask you one last time what are you doing here?" he asked. " I'm here to tell you that tomorrow your father and I will be hosting an engagement party for your sister and her fiance, it will be the start of their wedding celebrations, your presence is mandatory since Ariana convinced Sebastian that you should be the best man," she said. Alexander leaned back in his chair as he took in the information was giving him. " Ari didn't mention a party," he said. " Well Ariana doesn't know everything, this event will be featured in the New York Times, It's a surprise gift from your father and I to the happy couple so will you be there are not, and remember you aren't doing this for me but for your sister or do you enjoy disappointing her," she said. Alexander narrowed his eyes as he looked at her coldly his grey eyes like steel. " of course this b***h would bring her into this" As much as he wanted to reject Victoria and have her thrown out, he remembered his earlier conversation with his sister and how she felt he didn't care enough about her wedding. "Yes I'll be there write me down for a party of two," he said. " A party of two?" Victoria looked at him accusatoraly as if he had ruined her plans. " Yes a party of two now if you'll excuse me I have a business empire to run so your dismissed," He said shuffling the papers on his desk. " She had better not be a disappointment," she said grabbing her purse angrily. Alexander raised an eyebrow. " That's funny I'm pretty sure I don't take orders from you anymore," he said before he fixed her with his signature cold and intimidating glare. " You don't control me anymore Victoria, you lost that privilege the day I walked out, if it wasn't for Ariana I would have my security throw you out the minute you stepped inside my company". " The dinner starts at 7 p.m. sharp, black tie event don't be late!" she said storming out of his office and slamming the door on the way out. Alexander rubbed at his temples already feeling a migraine coming on before he presses his office intercom. " Yes Mr. Steele," his secretary asked. " I'm going out for the rest of the day cancel all my meetings and appointments," he said. " Right away Sir," she said. Alexander picked up his jacket before he makes his way toward the office garage where a black sports car waited for him. Alexander climbed inside and started driving toward Mia's office. He knew he had told Mia that he needed Kayla for this weekend but because of the party happening tomorrow night , he needed to convince Mia to let Kayla go earlier than they had agreed. Kayla's Pov When Kayla was first hired by Mia she was filled with uncertainty about what she would be doing, that was until Mia paired her with Jasmine. Jasmine was a beautiful and curvaceous girl of Asian descent with ruby-red lips and long black hair. She was one of the top escorts in the agency and was envied by almost everyone but despite this, she grew close to Kayla to the point of them becoming best friends. And now the two best friend's where busy walking down the street sipping on lattes as they gossiped about Kayla's new assignment. " Oh my God I'm so jealous I mean have you seen that man," she said fanning herself. Kayla smiled as well despite knowing nothing about Alexander she could feel her excitement growing as well as they both stepped into the hair salon. "What do you think I should do with my hair," she asked as they both sat down in the seating area. " Hmm leave it as it is, I love the natural blond, maybe just add some platinum high lights and some caramel low lights to frame your face," she said. Happy that the decision had been made for her she sat down in one of the hairdresser's chairs as Jasmine began reading a fashion magazine. As he began working Kayla couldn't help her rising curiosity and took out her phone and searched her the man who was supposed to be her latest assignment. There wasn't much on the internet about him so she switched over to a gossip blog and began reading. The article reads " Who is Alexander Steele you might be wondering, well Mr. Steele is the current founder and owner of the Steele and Nexus group of companies as well as many other businesses. Thanks to his companies he's become of the most wealthy and influential billionaires in the world with an estimated net worth of over 200 billion, he amassed his impressive fortune at the young age of 29. Sources close to Mr Steele claim that he's a cold and ruthless businessman that doesn't care about anyone else as long as he gets what he wants claims many of the former owners of many of the smaller companies he's bought. " If the devil was real then his name would be Mr. Steele, in my forty years of business I've never met someone as heartless and calculating as him" quoted the former Ceo of Aayed Financial that the nexus group of companies bought for an estimated 150 million when the multi-billion dollar company fell on hard times and was about to liquidate instead of helping a fellow company in need Alexander bought of their debt and bought all the shares in the company making him the sole owner. It was rumored that the former owner was strong-armed into selling his company to the Nexus group of companies. Some of you readers might think that Alexander sounds completely heartless but he does have dozens of charities worldwide as well as Steele Industries are currently working on three mega projects that are estimated to help millions in need once they're completed. One thing is for sure whether he's a cold-hearted billionaire or just misunderstood we can all agree that whichever woman he's dating will be very lucky to nab New yorks most eligible bachelor. Here's a photo of our favorite cold-hearted billionaire at one of his companies' annual Children are the Future annual charity balls. Kayla's mouth fell open briefly as she looked at his picture. Alexander wore a sharp black suit, his short curly black hair shines under the light of the crystal chandelier, his chin strap beard and mustache were well groomed with not a hair out of place and he had his hand wrapped around the waist of a very beautiful woman that Kayla recognized as one of Mia's escorts. That's all we've managed to gather but once we have more of our favorite billionaires we'll post more until next time. Kayla turned off her phone and placed it back down into her purse. Soon the hairdresser was done and spun her around to look at herself in the glass. " You look gorgeous love," he said as she smiled pleased with the results. As she made her way towards Jasmine she placed down her magazine and whistled. " Damm girl slow down are you trying to give him a heart attack," she said as Kayla giggles as they both made their way out of the salon. They continued shopping and visiting stores that was until Kayla got a text from Mia telling her that she needed to see her urgently back at the agency. Later The agency was empty as she made her way towards Mia's office as she knocked on the door and stepped inside she came face to face with a pair of steel-like grey eyes.
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