You have to apologise

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***CRYSTAL'S P.O.V*** I sit in the couch and start reading my favorite book Cindrella Yes yes I have grown up but still I want this not some prince charming but someone who will actually love me am I asking a lot  My room door opens and mom comes in "Crystal" I turn my gaze from my book to her  "Did you send that douche bag out" "No and he is not going any where" I put the book in the table and stand up  "What do you mean by he is not gone why is he here" "Because he didn't did any thing wrong" "Didn't did anything wrong means what huh were you deaf when I told you he tried to molest me damn it"  "He try to love his yo be wife and he have this right" I throw the vase in the floor "CRYSTAL" she shout on me "Don't shout you are saying that him trying to molest me is fine how is it he hurt me and you are saying it's fine"  "Crystal don't forget that he is the richest prince around and he have his eyes only on you" I go close to her  "No he don't have eyes for me he have eyes for alot of women he is a womanizer"  "Crystal don't test my patience ypu are going to be his wife and it was just a gesture of love I have talked to him he will never try it again"  "You are saying that that douche will not touch me again I don't believe it and he have to leave I can't tolerate him here I will not marry him"  "You have to Crystal or you will regret"  "How I will regret"  "You love Lily right were you be hurt if I will throw her out of this palace" I glare at her  "What rubbish she is not involved in all these drama then why you will do that" "Because I want you to act as I want and here you are getting on my nerves"  "Ohk so for making me do things now you will blackmail me"  "Crystal I am doing it for you later you will understand it" "Understand what that you are ok with a man r****g your daughter" she raise her hand to slap me  "She is going to be your husband and every husband have the right to sleep with his women either by love or by force understand and now you have to apologize from Prince Charles for what you did for hurting his sentiments"  "What kind of women you are not a mother but can you act like a women but here you are acting like a selfish botch who just care about herself"  "Its not about me Crystal it's about you I am doing it all for you not for anyone else and here you just blame me for everything don't forget that I am your mother I gave birth to you"  "Giving birth to me was like a formality you never understood me damn it" "Apologize crystal you have to Apologize"  "I will never apologize from him I hate him I hate him the most can't you understand it"  "Why don't you understand it that he loves you" "You are blindfolded I am not apologizing"  "So you really what Lily to be thrown out of this palace if that's what you want than cool it will happen"  "Lily Lily" she shouts her name Lily instantly comes in  "Yes mam"  "You are fired"  "Fired but mam I didn't did anything or if I did then do tell me it will never happen again" tears start flowing down her eyes  "Your mistake is that you are manipulating my daughter and I won't tolerate that she is against me in every single thing so now you have to leave" Lily look at me with tears in her eyes  "Mam please I beg of you that I had never anything to Princess that will be against you mam please mam" "Don't say please mam it's done you have to leave by choice or by force" I go and stand in between Lily and mom  "Just because you want me to apologize to that douche you are doing this for her she served her entire life here took care of your daughter how could you"  "I can now move aside this maid is good for nothing" I hold my mom's hand before she can hold Lily's hand  "I will do it now stay away from her I will do what ever the fuc* you want" she smile "Good girl now I accept you to apologize from him"  "I will now please leave" she left I turn and look at Lily "I you ok" "I am good Crystal but what you have to do if it is something that will hurt you then please don't do it let me go"  "No Lily I can't let you go you are the only one I have here" she nod I hug her  "Thank you" "Now I want my favorite coffee can I have it" "Sure" now I have to apologize to that Charles because of my mom huh I hate her alot  TO BE CONTINUED....
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