He is not suitable

908 Words
    ***CRYSTAL'S P.O.V*** Lily hug me tightly "Ohk baby listen first of all you need to calm down" she give me some water i drink it after a while i stop crying  "Ohk now tell me what's the matter"  "Lily Charles he touched me in wrong way"  "Crystal are you sure its not that i don't trust him its just that he will be your future husband so maybe he was trying to come close"  "Yes Lily and when i tried to push him away he tried to force himself on me i even said that i don't want this but he" i hug myself and start crying  "Crystal please stop crying please baby girl sleep for a while" i lye on the bed i cant forget what he did  I never felt so bad this touch it makes me feel disgusting i feel asleep while thinking  NEXT MORNING  I wake up and did my morning routine Lily comes in with Coffee "Here have it" i turn to another side "Not in the mood" she comes to the side i was facing and give me the mug again  "You will feel better please have it baby" i take the mug from her hand  "Thank you for it" i drink it  My room door opens mom i turn and see mom storming in Lily instantly stand from bed and bow to mom  "What the hell do you think you are Crystal" i didn't said anything i ignore her  "Mam Crystal i mean Princess is a bit in low mood"  "You stay out of it Lily and you here excuse me i am talking to you" i look at her put my mug in the bed side table and stand up "What do you want now" i ask her  "What did you did Crystal why is Charles going so soon what did you said to him"  "I didn't did any thing and you shouldn't ask me you should ask him this question that what he did to me last night he is clearly running away after tge act he performed last night" mom tightly hold my hand  "What are you talking be clear Crystal i am not in the mood of taking your s**t"  "He tried to force himself on me he molested me i never felt so disgusted" mom eyes widen  "He touched you"  "Yeah"  "Crystal i am sorry daughter i will talk to Charles but please don't say anything to dad about it it will spoil his buisness with his father" i nod  "Yes mom" Mom turn and go to lily before going out of my room "Lily take care of her" I sit in the bed Lily comes and sit next to me  "Now everything will be fine Queen will sort out everything"  "I know i want to kill that Charles"  "Crystal now please calm down" "I am fine Lily i just can't forget it its just impossible for me to forget it i feel disgusting the way he touched me" Lily hold my face and make me look at her i have tears in my eyes she made me look at her eyes  "Crystal you are the strongest Princess i have ever seen i never saw you like that love don't break yourself he is not worthy"       ***OLIVIA P.O.V***  I am happy that now Crystal will get married to Charles his parents love her and that's it that's what i want for her she is a bit subborn  I take a cup of tea and was enjoying it with Liza when Charles comes in with man holding his luggage i instantly get up from my seat and go to him "Charles where are you going"  "I have work Queen Olivia and i don't think i should stay here" i know why he is saying it definitely Crystal have done something i hug Charles and told him to wait he nod i go to Crystal's room to scold her but when she told me that Charles tried to molest her that's it how could he I go to my room and told the servant to call Charles in my room he comes in "You called" I direct him to sit i give him aglass of wine "Charles what have you done i heard about it" "Ohh so Crystal told you"  "Yes she did and i am very disappointed from you" he take a sip of his drink and look straight into my eyes  "Disappointed for what i don't think i did anything wrong"  "And why you think that"  "Crystal is going to be my wife so just a simple kiss or touching doesn't means wrong atleast this is what i think that she is going to be my wife" i drink my wine then put it in the table i stand up Charles stand too "You are right you have all the right to touch her don't worry i will talk to her"  "Queen Olivia i also want an apology from her she was very disrespectful to me" i look at him  "Ok she will say it and i hope you didn't mind what i said i was just a bit angry so i am sorry"  "Its ok Queen Olivia i understand what you thought but she is not just your daughter she is going to be my wife too so touching her isn't wrong"  "You stay here Charles i will be back with Crystal" TO BE CONTINUED.....
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