I am sorry Prince Charles

252 Words
***CRYSTAL'S P.O.V*** I go to Charles room the women i use to call mom we are now in front of his room mom knocks his rooms door  "Charles we are here"  "Come in" mom smiles and glare at me we both go in  "Hello Crystal why are you here"  "Charles she understood her mistake she learned that what she did was wrong"  "Really Queen because I can't see it Crystal really you are sorry for misbehaving with me" he smirk "Yeah she is am I right Crystal tell him" I look at mom with tear in my eyes and then at him  "Yeah I am sorry prince Charles for what I did"  "Yeah Charles she is sorry son you have all the rights on her she is yours after all you both will be married soon" I look at mom and now I am feeling disgusted that I am born from her that I was in her womb for 9 months and this is what she is saying  I turn and come to my room I throw everything in front of me and scream as loud as I can "Ahhhhhhhhh uhhh ahhh"  "Crystal get up baby get up" Lily comes and make me stand and then sit in the bed  "Crystal drink some water baby please" she make me drink some water I throw the glass on the floor "I don't want anything I don't understand it why why she is so disgusting why she is doing it why"  TO HE CONTINUES.....

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