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As I walked down the office hallway, some of my colleagues greeted me. "Hi, Joyce" I smiled and responded. "Hi" Then I just continued my walk, until I passed by, in the place of one of my close colleagues, also an employee here in the office. “Hi! How are you?" "Joyce" The gay man screamed happily when he saw me. Because he's gay, George who always has lunch with me, sometimes we also go out after office hours. Drinking, while relaxing at the bar. Not all the time, if we just think or we want to breathe, in quantity, of what we are thinking. "It's okay, me!" He replied artfully. He even touched me, then joked. "You, how are you with your evil boss?" He grinned "What's new with you, in the office of our evil boss?" He joked again while laughing happily. "You really, someone can hear you." I disobeyed. "Later, someone will hear you and they will report us to our boss Demon." I said, whispering seriously to him. Then I laughed as well. “I just want you, hello! "Oh, you!" "I'm not kidding you!" He said artfully again. "Maybe he shouted at you?" I nodded, smiling at him thinly. "OMG" he shouted! "Your voice!" I disobeyed him again. “I knew it! Your evil boss shouted at you again." He shook his head and frowned. “Milca's boss, Demon really. Why!” He sighed, with an annoyed look on his face. "With the number of employees here, why are you still, it is recommended, to replace her, while she is on vacation leave." "Milca is really annoying, I'm annoyed with her." Slhe rolled his eyes and frowned. "You're having a hard time right now, didn't she think, your boss has been shouting at you all day." "It hurts, in the head especially if it's repeated!" "I don't really know about Milca, she's annoying." He said stiffly. "Wrong, wrong wrong, her decision, that you be her replacement for her, temporarily while she's gone, as Boss's secretary." I laughed, except for Milca. This gay, one of my closest friends here in Cabreras. "Gay, that's enough of your drama." I disobeyed him. “Let’s have lunch together later?” I asked, smiling at him. I grabbed one of his hands, I squeezed it. I know he's just concerned about my situation with my boss right now. But I’m happy, that someone like him worries me here in the office. “But, let’s talk differently, gay, does Sir Allan come here often?” I smiled at him, as I asked that. I was excited to see Sir Allan, but, in a week I was in Demon’s office. I can't even see, that he's passing by. Why is it? I also wonder, why, they don’t even meet in the office. Maybe Sir Allan is busy? Sure, hehehe .. Sir Allan was the Vice President of Cabreras, he is also the twin and only brother and family member, of Demon. Sir Anthony Cabreras, the President of the company and almost him, runs and manages the entire company. So he was strict, when it came to his employees. It's just, the behavior of the two is far apart. Be what they want and when it comes to work, here at Cabreras. Allan is a playboy, compared to his twin. Demon, on the other hand, is serious about his life, especially when it comes to his job. There is a big difference between the two. If one, always smiling and cheerful. The other one, always frowning and grinning. Allan was calm and funny. Demon was angry and shouted. Allan is kind and close to employees, while his twin, is distant from his employees, due to frequent insults and disregard for its staff in Cabreras. They are both handsome, they look like Richard and Raymond Gutierrez. Hehehe But, I also think, they also look like Ian Veneracion. But Demon, the depth of his dimples. Looks like Allan too. But if Demon is always smiling, is it like Aga Muhlach or Rico Yan? "Joyce, what is it, you're smiling?" Gay joked. "Don't say ..." He said, then pinched my waist. "Ouch! It hurts!" I moaned in pain from Gay's pinch. "Stop that, you really are." “But, you really crushed Sir Allan, didn’t you?” He smiled, joking at me. "Do not be noisy!" "It's just the two of us." "Only you and Milca know." "So, please!" "Be careful, that others hear you." I told him again. It's difficult because and maybe someone else will hear, make it an issue for those here in the office. There are many more of them, scattered. Those who wait for gossip, which they can gossip with other co-workers. Annoyingly, when they hear the news, it's really intense. In gathering gossip, they are all good. In fact, in spreading gossip, they are more intense, than, when they pick up gossip from others. Just minutes, no, just seconds ata, the speed spread. "What are you thinking?" "Joyce" "You've been thinking too deeply for a while." “I just thought of them Sir Allan and Sir Anthony.” I said. “What’s wrong with them?” He asked. "Nothing!" "Nothing, why did you take a deep breath?" He asked again. “Your mind is still flying. I can't even reach the height of your mind." He joked. "Is it high?" I laughed, I joked, at his joke as well. "No, I thought you were swept away by the storm." "So, you might have been swept away by the whirlwind." "Maybe you're drowning, in your illusions, in Boss's twin, Sir Allan." He joked again. That's right, even I laughed at what he said. Actually, this gay man is pure nonsense. All he knew was a joke. "All right, let's talk later, after lunch." I said as I remembered what Demon told me. Maybe if I can't come back, He'll be mad at me again. "Okay, okay!" "Let's continue our story later for lunch." He said happily. After all, only now have we talked again, after I was assigned to the president's office. I will no longer be able to go to him, even if he can keep up with his lunch. I'm always busy and I have a lot to do. My boss is so artistic, I can't get home early, I'm ashamed, say goodbye to him. He might get angry and shout.
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