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ANTHONY’S POV’S That woman is really shameless! After I tried her, when I brought my face close to her face. Awakening of her eyes, she almost kissed me, after approaching, no, she almost glued her lips to mine. She was also staring into my eyes and when our eyes met, it was really just a little distance away, no, because there was no more distance away, her lips were really glued to mine when she tried, which was right to kiss me. Her breath, I could almost smell, she even smiled at me as she lifted her face slightly as she stopped what she was doing. When she opened her eyes again to look at me, I noticed her looks, as if she was teasing and she was seducing me that I should ... Shit! What are you thinking Anthony? Are you disappointed? Are you disappointed because she didn’t continue her kiss on your lips? As if you said, that you expect? And you want her to kiss you and you expect her lips to stick, to yours, the lips of your weird secretary who seems to be soft and red. Why do you think that's weird? You seem to be going crazy because of that crazy woman. Why are you thinking about that woman? Looks like you're crazy! She just attracts you! She is just like the others who have been your secretaries. She is a Gold Digger! She's only testing you, if you give in to her temptations. Don't be weak. Don't go back to your past, where you became weak just because of the seductions of a woman. Don't let them turn you around again and get hurt, after you fall for the beautiful things they show you, it will just repeat what happened before. You will only be hurt, cry, hope for nothing and eventually, be left behind. They are all the same, they have no differences. As she did to you .... Shit! Why do I remember her again? Is it because of my weird secretary? They are almost alike, so maybe, my blood is really heating up with that weird woman. Because she looks like .... Shit! Forget her forever, Anthony. She's just part of the past, forget about her. ********************** JOYCE’S POV’S "All right, gay!" "I'm leaving, later." I smiled, I told him. "Wait" "Where are you going?" He stopped me from turning around, he also asked. "We've been talking for a while, but I didn't ask, where are you going now." "Why did you come here, you're always in the office, Boss." "Since you moved there, you haven't come here." He said again and asked. I laughed, he was right. The two of us had been talking for a while, but, I couldn't tell where I was going. I also forgot because Demon ordered me, I lost my mind, when I saw Gay. "In the Copy Room" "Boss ordered me to zerox there." "I also forgot, I was ordered." "You, because!" I joked with him. But that's true! It's his fault, why did I forget what Demon told me. "Why?" “Me?” He pointed to himself, using his finger. "Isn't it, you?" He joked again. “Me?” I answered, asking him. While laughing, the two of us laughed at joking with each other. It took me even longer to stop in his place. "All right, Gay!" "Maybe later, Boss's nose will smoke again." "Demon" I whispered in his ear, as I brought my face close to his. We laughed again, because of what I whispered telling him. It's good that we're both being careful, that no one knows or hears. It's just a secret! A big secret that no one else should know. "You're smiling there again." He joked again, noticing my smile remembering what I said to Gay. Hehehe... "No" I replied. "Nothing?" "Sure?" "Why does it seem ..." "Wait" “Come here.” He said, pulling me closer to his side. "All right, later" "Oh hey, get out of here, go to the copy room and zerox what Boss ordered you." It looks like he still doesn't want to let me go, he said. Gay even pushed me. "Go away" He said again. “Are you addicted?” I joked, I told him. "You, the addict!" "If" "You're not leaving yet." He laughed, said and pushed me away from him. "All right, bye" I still waved goodbye to him, I said. "Later!" "Let's meet!" “At lunch break!” I shouted at him, moving away from his seat. I'm already walking towards the copy room, to zerox the documents I'm carrying that Demon ordered. ******************** ANTHONY’S POV’S I did nothing. My mind flies too much thinking about the past and my secretary. At least one, of the piles of work, on my desk, I did nothing. Because of the mess, of my weird secretary's because of what it did to me. If this continued, I might go completely crazy, before Milca could return. I stroked my forehead, because my head hurt. I sighed, as I unfolded one by one the jobs I hadn't done. Looks like I’ll have to, chase, just finish it. What the heck! I said as I felt my eyes fall. One of my elbows was resting on the table when I suddenly remembered something, which brought me back to my senses. I almost fell asleep. I yawned, as I thought of my weird secretary. Wait! What time is it? I said, looking at my wristwatch. Lunch is coming soon! It still hasn't come back, since she left, when I told her to go to the copy room to zerox. Where did she go? I already told her! I still command her! I reminded her again, before I left and came back here to my office. How many times I repeated, reminded her! Hurry up! I need it right away! Haist .. She's crazy, she's really heating up my head! I sighed first and then quickly stood up at my desk. I will follow her, I will look where she went, after I command her and remind her. That woman is really reprehensible! I first rearranged the scattered folders I had opened, before I could, almost fall asleep. When I had everything in order, my footsteps quickened, walking out of my office. I will go to the copy room, to see her there, to see if she has done what I commanded her. She was vaguely lost, in the building I owned. I know, Milca said, she has also been working here for a few years, as one of my clerks on the designing team. So vague that she was still lost and didn’t know, where the copy room was.
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