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Hahaha I wanted to laugh at Demon’s appearance. The redness of his face, except that it turned pale with his intense shock. Hehehe Earlier because of what he did, I was so surprised, I couldn't believe that he would do that. Now, he was the most surprised and pale, because of what I had done to him. That's what you thought! Did, he even try me? There he was wrong! For him to think, he can try me. I smiled! While staring into his eyes. I wanted to challenge him, but he was the one who was quick averted his face as I brought my face even closer to his face. Our lips were almost touching. Who won? I smirked! Of course I am! I was the winner of the two of us. He quickly withdrew his gaze, he also quickly withdrew his face, from its bow in front of me, as both hands rested on the table. He almost lost his balance! He almost collapsed, too, in front of me. Fortunately he was fast. He is weak! Coward! He challenges me, he also takes back his face, he would have been handsome, if he had just smiled. He challenged me, I’m good, when it comes to that. And now, he now regained his face! He stood straight in front of me, he adjusted himself. I really want to burst out laughing, because of his looks. To this day, he is still unable to recover, his face is still red and pale in appearance. I almost kissed him. Hehehe! He should thank me, because I did not continue to completely apply the lips of the two of us. I'm not crazy yet, to do that to him. I looked at him, shrugged my shoulders and spoke. I sneezed before I opened my mouth and spoke. "What, sir?" “Will you order or not?" He was even swallowed! "Maybe, you just want us to stare at each other?" "What, sir?" "It's okay, but I still have a lot of work I want to finish." I said, one after the other. "Will you just stand there too, Sir?" "Maybe, you want to sit, here next to me." I pulled up an empty seat. I removed the stacked folders from the chair and then pointed to him. "Here, Sir, sit down first." I invited him, then smiled. "I'm tired of staring at you." I teased him first and frowned because Demon's face, because I told him one after another and without stopping. ****************** ANTHONY’S POV’S What is this woman's problem? Is she laughing at me? “Hey, Miss Imperial, are you laughing at me?” I asked her, in her series of teasing. She doesn't seem to know who the boss of the two of us is. This woman is also trying to seduce me. But she's not like the woman who can bring me down. I will never like her. "Are your expectations too high, Miss Imperial?" "Not like you, I like, when it comes to a woman!" “Are you kidding?” I insulted her. Her face flushed again, not with shame, but with fury at what I had told her. "I'll just clarify, I'm the boss, you're just an employee." "I hope you remember!" “Sir, I know, I’m just one of your employees.” She breathed, she said. "Even though I'm an employee here at your company, I know where my place is." She stopped speaking for a moment. "But hopefully, as a boss, you also learn to respect your employees." "If you don't have anything to order, leave." I'm the boss, am I being kicked out? I asked myself. This girl is okay too! It really makes me laugh! "Is that right? "Are you driving me away?" "Are you crazy?" "I'm the boss here, are you driving me away?" "You make me laugh so much, Miss Imperial." "You said so, you know where your place is in this office." "Learn to respect your boss!" "You're just an employee, I'm the owner of the company that pays you, remember that." I strongly reminded her. "I know that, Sir, don't worry." "But, if you want your employees to respect you and if you want to be respected." "I hope you also learn to respect an employee like me." "That's all, Sir!" Then, she bowed. “It's up to you! In your life!” I shouted at her. "I don't have time, to argue with you" "Please, zero it." "I need a copy, immediately." “Ten copies, each. Just hurry up." I was disgusted, handing her, the papers I was holding, that I needed a copy. ***************** JOYCE POV'S This Demon really bothers me. It was as if the eardrums of both my ears would explode with the intensity of his insult. I was even defeated, if he could speak. Direct to the point, no turns. It hurts, it's like he slapped me for what he said. With the amount of men, he just can't appreciate, how nice I have. He has already insulted me, really! Why is my boss like this? Is he gay? Sometimes I wonder, often, if he is gay. As of now, he cursed my beauty. He was the only one to criticize my beauty. I couldn’t really understand him and he was furious at the look on my face. Haist! I sigh, I have to hold back, and since he’s still my boss, here at the company. But in all he behaved today. I'm surprised! I didn't expect, after I was scolded and insulted. He said what he wanted, just ZEROX COPY. Zerox of the documents he held, all he needed so went to my desk. He said so much more, before saying what he would order me to do. But, one thing I was very surprised at all, of the last, with PLEASE, was the utterance of the command he mentioned. "Please, zero it." "I need a copy, immediately." “Ten copies, each. Just hurry up." Miraculously, there was a plea at his command. So, I just lowered the voice of my answer. Instead, let me notice, his insults to me. Even his shouting command and falling down the documents on my table. Even being my boss’s weird habit, I replied calmly. "All right, sir!" I picked up, the documents he was holding that he dropped on my table, that he needed a zerox copy. Ten copies, each, he ordered. Hurry up, I need it right away. Hahaha Hurry up Joyce, and he needs it right away. What he said kept playing in my brain. Like he said, I’m slow. Hahaha He insulted me again with the last thing he said. This Demon is really weird. There was never a moment that he didn’t step on my character. As I did with what he said, I just ignored what he said. I calmly replied and said. "I'll just deliver it to your office." I told him. I just waited for it to disappear in front of me and then I quickly left. "Okay!" Finally, he turned his back on me. But he spoke first again. "Please, just hurry!" Demon ordered again. "Okay, Sir!" I replied, he went back to his office. I thought he was going to walk again, into his office. But he stopped first and spoke. Hahaha .. He reminded me again, before he finally left and entered his office. That's really Demon. It's up to him. I laughed! I just laughed, when Demon disappeared. When he disappeared from my sight, I immediately stood up from my desk and left.
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