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I knew it! When I looked at her, I was still far away, I could hear her voice, a man's voice was talking, no, the gay man who was one of my employees here in my company. She was happily laughing at her gay officemate's. They are busy talking, and I am the one they are talking about. Crazy employees! They are stupid! They no longer respect me! They even laughed at me, as they talked. I want to approach them, disobey their gossip, during work hours. And scold them, for their insults to me, as their boss here at the company. They have no respect! Then? What? What did they two say! So! More and more people are getting lazy here in my office, because of people like them. If I will punish them, so they can both learn to respect me, and they will know the wrong things they are doing here in my office. What, Anthony? I'm thinking! ********************* "Hi" To my surprise, a handsome man, now, is in front of me. "Hi" I replied, shocked when he arrived. I was dumbfounded! He is handsome. "You're new here?" I could not answer immediately. I can’t take my eyes off him. My chest beat faster, my heart beat faster. He's so handsome, he's driving me crazy. "Yeah" I was shocked to be answered. I was lost, my mind traveled because of him. He laughed, this handsome man laughing at me. "You?" I asked him. He sighed, laughing. "Actually" "No" He replied with a smile. "I said it!" "You're just new here." He laughed and said, scratching his head and then grinning. I saw, both his dimples appeared on his cheeks. He became even more handsome in my eyes. Then his eyeballs, like color, brown or blue, like green as well. Hehehe He looks like he has a contact lens, in the look and color of his eyes. When he laughed, his eye bags, brought even more to his handsome face. He was like Tom Cruise, not Aga. Hahaha What the heck! "Sorry!" Then he smiled again. "I'm bothering you." He said again. "By the way" he said again. OMG, get acquainted, ata him? Oh, he’s familiar! Oh my gosh !!! I laughed, no, I burst out laughing, when he looked at me. Shit! Why, I didn’t immediately remember his face. "I'm sorry, Sir!" I said, I was the one who scratched my head. "I didn't know you right away!" I told him again. I apologize for not immediately recognizing, that he is a Cabreras. Sir Allan Cabreras, the brother of the notorious Evil boss here at the company. “It’s okay!” He said, smiling again, looking at my face. "Its fine, that's okay!" "I told you, you're new!" He said with a smile "So, I'm just approaching you" "Hehehe" He laughed at me again. "You didn't know me right away, because you're new here too." "There are a few new ones like you, they didn't even know me, when I approached them and asked." “Is that so?” I said, embarrassed. I feel like my face is blushing. Omg, maybe he'll notice. There’s a percentage, which I’m fascinated by what he said. The grains are jumping inside my body. Hahaha .. With the force of the whip of my heart. From that day on, I could not get Sir Allan out of my mind. I was talking to Milca, but she just seemed to ignore me. She advised me, beware of Sir Allan. “Not a good man, Sir Allan.” She said. "Just choose someone else" “Just don’t be him!” She said again. "You'll only get hurt!" "Believe it!" "You will only be hurt, in the end, you will just think that one day he will love you too." “And you’ll just line up, with so many women chasing him.” She said to me again, after I had said that I wanted Sir Allan. "Milca" I said her name, I wish I could not contradict what she said. But I couldn’t help but, ignore the slanders she said to Sir Allan. "Looks like, not really" "It's like I see him differently." "Although, he's just a playboy." I agree with what she said on that matter. "As you said." "You're right, when you said she was a playboy." I answered her. In that regard, there is no denying, because Sir is handsome, many women will definitely chase him. I see, his companion is different, every time he enters the office. Oh, so! Sometimes! No! Is often! Every time, all of a sudden, women come here to the office, to visit him. They also stay here almost a whole day, with his women here. They locked themselves in Sir Allan's room, once, in his twin's office, when it wasn't there. “But I think, you’re wrong in conclusion, when it comes to the behavior he has.” I said, smiling at her. Milca laughed, she even grinned. "What are you, Joyce!" "Where do you often look?" "In the habit?" "In appearance?" She said again, asking. "Don't look at the outward appearance." "Especially, with the good things that are just shown to you, find out first, before you admire someone." Milca advised, she also preached to me. "Your basis, his inner character." "If there is anything special about him and if he suits you." She said again. "Not with his physical appearance, like his handsome face." To my surprise, Milca said. Everything else he said seemed to be mixed with annoyance or anger. END OF FLASH BACK At what Milca said, I was also very surprised. Couldn't they get along, Sir Allan? After all, it was often, in front of her, the way of Sir Allan, with his woman. Hahaha Who wouldn't be annoyed by that? Then! Maybe, she also often, sees a nud scene in Boss Demon’s office. If anything, in Milca's stories, the twins are really different. Sir Allan has a rebuke, compared to his twin Sir Demon. It's just a demon of habit! No one can beat, in its ferocity, especially when he starts to get angry. But Milca endured! In the few years she worked for Demon’s company, she endured her boss’s bad behavior. Milca was really patient, I don’t know how she was able to tolerate, in a few years the ugly habit of the boss. It's rude, rude and doesn't care how his employees feels.
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