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The way to the hotel from the airport was nerve-wracking, in more than one way. I was seated between Alarik and Ezra. It was so hard for me to breathe peacefully when I was squeezed between them. There were times when my wolf fought with me to take control. The biggest downfall of being an omega - the wolf has the highest chance to win in the fight for control. I had to use all my strength to hold her in. If she takes over, it's game over for me. I know for sure that she'll try marking them. That will end badly. When the car stopped in front of the hotel, I couldn't have scrambled any faster than I did. I only sighed in relief when I got into my hotel room. Any more minute in their presence and I would have unconsciously revealed all the secrets. If I so much as lose control of my wolf in their presence, they'll start doubting me. They know everything about mates there is to know. I can't afford to make any slip-ups. I have to make sure to stay out of their sight until this week is over. That is what I decided but failed to accomplish my goal. "Ms. Hart, please," I internally cried as I placed my ass down on the chair. Are they detectives or something? How is it that whenever I'm trying to avoid them, they suddenly pop up in front of my eyes like an unwanted app? They are like that one pre-installed app that is annoying as hell and no matter how much you try to get rid of it, you just can't. That's the most relatable description of the triplets in my life. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked the three with my fakest smile. I had chosen this restaurant because it is far from our hotel, is crowded, and is a place where the three are most likely not to visit. But why do I find them here? What's going on with them? Since when did they like crowded places? "Someone told me the food here tastes good so we decided to try it out," Alarik replied to my question. You don't have to look so intently at me, dude. I averted my eyes from him. I will look anywhere but him. "Hi, I'm your waiter today. What would you like to order?" A starstruck lady came to take our order. I raised an eyebrow at her in question. I know I look hot, lady but do you have to express it so blatantly? "We'd like to change the waiter," Ezra spoke up. "Did I do anything wrong, sir?" The waitress looked genuinely confused. And so am I. "You're rudely staring at the customer as if you'll jump on them any second. And your only focus was on her while three more customers are present. Is this how you do business nowadays?" Ezra, very politely if I may add, explained to her what she did wrong. I mean if you see it from a business perspective, it was indeed rude of her to blatantly ignore the other customers present. In a business that is focused on customer satisfaction, this could tarnish the image of the restaurant. "I will send the other waiter right away, sir. I apologize for staring at your wife like that. It's just that she is really gorgeous," the waitress said. I glared at her when she referred to me as his "wife." Bitch, which eyes of yours saw me as his wife, I would very much like to gauge that eye out. To cool my head a little, I picked up the glass of water and sipped on it slowly. The magic chilled water does to you. Instant calmness! I sighed inside. "Indeed, she's gorgeous but instead of stalling time and staring at her some more, I would like you to send the other waiter. As you can see, my wife is really fragile. Can't have her starving now, can I?" The water I had sipped, shot out of my mouth while the remaining water in my throat almost choked me to death. Ezra patted my back, making my back tingle with sparks. I hate those f*****g sparks! It's more addicting than shopping. I leaned my body to the side to avoid his hand. "Thanks for that. And I'm not his…," I started but the waitress cut me off. "Let me call the other waiter," she scurried off with a weird walk. This time I almost choked on the laugh that was bubbling up in my throat. Was she running or was she walking? She was doing a mixture of both and swimming. "I'm sorry about the inconvenience. I'm your new waiter. What would you like to order?" "I'll have chicken alfredo, roasted garlic potatoes, garlic breadstick, and grilled asparagus," I ordered first. "Caprese Salad with Pesto Sauce," Oberon ordered. "Just that?" Ezra asked. "Yeah, I don't have much appetite." "What about you, Alarik?" Ezra asked. "You order for me," Alarik replied. "Focaccia bread with steamed shellfish on the side for him, and pasta carbonara with sauteed spinach with garlic for me," Ezra ordered. "I'll bring out your dinner soon," saying that, the waiter took his leave. Contrary to my expectation we had dinner in peace. It wasn't awkward between us and our conversation was natural. During that time, I noticed more things about the triplets. Oberon likes crowded places. Ezra hates noisy places and Alarik…. Well, his attention was on drawing the new tattoos on his tab the whole time so I'm not sure, but he didn't look as comfortable as one would think considering his outgoing personality. As for me, I was praying to escape the place. My anxiety would never let me like places with so many people. I don't know why I went to this length to avoid the triplets while I had to have dinner with them. It would be better if I had decided to eat in the restaurant at the hotel. It's quiet and peaceful. "Do you have plans after dinner?" Alarik asked me. "Not really. Why?" "My friend is exhibiting his painting. Today is the last day and we were deciding to go after dinner. There won't be anyone during this time. Would you like to go?" "I would love to," my mouth answered before my brain could fully process his words. I internally cried for being distracted by his beauty. That sly b***h used his beauty to trap me. I gritted my teeth in hatred as he smirked. One thing you should know about Alarik is… no one can resist his charms. And he mostly uses it to make other people do whatever he wants. It's so unfair. It should be illegal to do this trick. Urgh. I freaking hate this male! I screamed internally. The whole ride to the exhibition, I internally cursed myself for being stupid and falling for his charm. I cursed the mate bond to make me weak. And I cursed Alarik for being so damn sexy and irresistible. *** A/N- lol, it's amusing to see her avoid triplets so much while she thinks she has the confidence to reject their advantages. Let's see how far she goes to hide herself.
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