
1468 Words
"The car is here, Mr. Oliver," I informed Ezra, who was talking on the phone. Even on his free schedule, he is always busy. Well, he isn't so successful for no reason. Him being so a workaholic, it's no surprise he'll bring some work with him even on the trip to his brother's match. "Let's go," he motioned for me to get into the car first. He followed right after me. The distance between us was close to none. Is it just me or is he sitting too close to me? I discreetly peeked at his side and sure enough, there was plenty of distance between him and his side of the door. I don't want to overthink it into something else. He was busy on the phone so he didn't notice he was sitting so close to me. Yes, that's it. I should stop being so paranoid all the time. He's a human, he'll never know what I'm trying to hide. I glued myself to my side of the car door in fear of touching him by mistake. He may or may not feel the sparks but I would be able to feel them clearly. I don't want to feel that spark because I know my wolf will start again with her "it feels so good to touch our mate. If we lose this opportunity we'll never get to feel it again." I don't want to argue with her again and again on the same topic. We're still not talking so I know the argument might lead to some more hate between us. "Are you okay?" I heard Ezra's voice whisper in my ears. My head snapped in his direction. His face was too close. His lips were just about to touch me. If I were to lean a tiny bit forward, our lips would meet. Startled by the close proximity, I jumped out of my skin. I dared not breathe. When did he get so close? And why is he so breathtaking up so close. "Ms. Hart?" He called out. "Yes?" I squeaked out. "I asked, are you okay?" He asked. I don't know if his concerns are fake or real but my heart started pounding at the thought of him caring about me. "Yes, I am," I turned my face away from him to look out of the window. I hid my burning ears with my hair. Thank god, I let my hair down today. Moon goddess, please make this journey to the airport short. I'm begging you, please. I silently sent my prayer to the Moon Goddess. It seems like Goddess isn't on my side because the journey to the airport was excruciatingly slow. He smells so irresistible today that it's making me horny. I don't know what's wrong with me. What's going on with him? Why did he change his perfume? Is it to seduce the lady he likes? The thought of him liking another woman didn't sit well with me. You sound like a psychopath, Blue. You don't want them but you want to see them with another woman. How is that fair to them? I argued with my brain. If I'm not going to accept them, I have no right to get jealous if they find their happiness in someone else. Even if it hurts me, I have to suck it up. That's the price I have to pay. It's a burden I have to carry on my own. Why can't you just accept them? Instead of going through the pain of losing our mate to another woman, why can't we just make them ours? My wolf whimpered. We are not having this conversation right now. I warned her sternly. Why not? Her being a stubborn ass, asked me with determination to win this argument. Because I don't want to argue with you right now. Saying that I blocked our link. I could feel her seething from our bond. I sniggered at her. How does it feel to get blocked, b***h! "Ms. Hart," Ezra called out. "Yes?" I asked in a fluster. Can he back up and let me breathe? And why is the scent on him getting stronger? *** (Ezra's POV) My nails turned into claws, indicating I'm shifting into my Lycan. I can't have my first transition where there are so many people, and especially not in front of her. I can't let her know about my Lycan yet even though the beast inside me roared to be freed. "Ms. Hart, you can board the jet for now. I forgot an important document back at home. I'll join you after I fetch it," she agreed with my proposal. I ordered the driver to speed up and take me near the beeline of the forest. I roared as a wave of pain hit me. I dug my claws into the seat and clenched my teeth hard. My bones cracked as I took the form of my beast. My clothes ripped into pieces, leaving only shreds behind. Hairs sprouted from all over my body, covering my naked body. My teeth elongated into razor-sharp canines. My mouth and nose shifted into a mouth that resembled a wolf. My ears turned sharp and pointy. I was mid-transition when the driver stopped the car and urged me to go out. I leaped out of the car and fell onto the forest ground with a thud. From my lower hips, my tail burst out. My bones cracked some more, expanded, and rejoined themselves, and then I was fully in my Lycan form. I growled with every breath as I caught my breath. "Are you okay, sir?" My driver asked me. My glowing, yellow eyes met his concerned ones. I growled in assurance. I took a rest for a few minutes before I shifted into my human form. "f**k," I grumbled when I realized I have no spare clothes to wear. I walked out of the forest, naked. After I got into the car, I asked my driver to buy me clothes from the nearest shop. After I changed into new clothes, we hurried to the airport. "Where is Blue?" I asked the hostess. "She is waiting for you inside, sir," the hostess replied. I nodded and greeted my pilot before I got in. Blue was sprawled on the couch and fast asleep. As I took a whiff of her intoxicating smell, my Lycan growled "mine." Which of course, didn't come as a surprise to me. I already had a hunch and now my Lycan has confirmed it to me. Now, we just have to set our plan in motion. And that plan starts now! I picked her head up and placed it on my lap. I appreciated the sparks that flowed when our skin touched. We were about to land in New York city when Blue opened her eyes. At first, she was confused, and then she realized she was sleeping on my thighs the whole time. Her face paled and she jerked away from me. There was a look of terror on her face, which was quite comic. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, her eyes widened into a round shape, and her lips were pursed. She looked straight out of anime. I held in the laugh and raised an eyebrow at her in question. "What… h-how did I end up like that?" She shuttered. "You laid down on my lap while you were asleep," I lied. Her eyes widened even further and she looked away from me. She started cursing under breath for being stupid and lowering her guard. I smirked at her reaction. "Please fasten your seatbelts. We're about to land," the crew member informed us. I held Blue's hand and pulled her to the seat and fastened her seat belt while she was frozen in shock. She was staring at her hand in a daze. Might be the sparks that left her dumbfounded. I smiled in secret and took my seat too. Blue held her hand to her chest with the same expression until we landed. "Ms. Hart, let's go," I snapped my fingers in front of her. "Yes?" She questioned. "I said, let's go. We've landed already," I repeated my words. "I'll follow after you," she said with her head down. "I can't let a lady go after me," I motioned with my hands for her to go down first. She didn't argue and ascended the stairs first. Oliver might be hitting the gym for practice so he didn't come to receive us but Alarik was waiting for us. His eyes flashed bright golden when his eyes fell on Blue. His Lycan must be claiming our mate. Thankfully he regained his composure before Blue could notice his eyes. I wonder how she will react when she finally meets our Lycans. ***
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