Kassandra vs Ms. Nerdy

890 Words
Kassandra cannot stop thinking about Kristian. She can't forget him. She was very happy that he is her partner at the wedding and they spend time together. They talk about so many things that day. It seems that she already has told Kristian her entire life. (Maybe not everything, She didn't mention anything about Alvin). Anyway, that's enough thinking about Kristian. We all know that he is a novel writer, handsome, with dimples and all. But wait! Who is Ms. Nerdy to his life? Why is there a Ms. Nerdy? She was wondering about Kristian's message in w******p. She doesn't want to bother to tell Kristian that he sent a message to the wrong person. But maybe he realized that he send it wrongly. She saw it getting deleted immediately although it was too late because she already has read it. The good thing was she didn't reply immediately but he can see Kassandra is typing a message. She was thinking if she would reply or not. But then she decided not to reply. She will just tell him that she wrongly press something if ever he asked about it. Kristian was so annoyed as he wrongly sent the message. He intends to send the message to Gwen but he wrongly sends it to Kassandra, which was a big mistake. He was thinking of what will Kassandra think about it. He worried so much so he decided to call Kassandra. "Hello, Kristian! Good morning! How are you?" She awkwardly asked because she feels like it was about the wrongly sent message. "Hi, Kass! Good morning. About my deleted message..." Kristian said but he cannot continue what he wants to ask because Kassandra stopped him. "Oh, that one? Is it about what?" Kassandra pretended not to know anything about the message. "Ah Well, Uhmm, It's... It was about... Remember Gwen?" Nervous Kristian said as he couldn't directly say what he wants to say. "Okay, What about Gwen?" She asked while she already guessed what Kristian was trying to say. "Okay, I'm sorry, I wrongly sent the message earlier. Ms. Nerdy is Gwen. I saw her last night and she was my neighbor. ". He continuously explained wherein there no reason to explain because he is not Kassandra's boyfriend. "Okay? So?" She sarcastic said while got jealous of Gwen. She remembered Gwen so much. She is pretty and got fair skin. She felt like Gwen is prettier than her. But if you will look at them they are both pretty only that Gwen got fair skin. "Oh... nothing... I just want to let you know that I accidentally send the message to you. That's it." Kristian felt a bit disappointed by what Kassandra said. He even exerted an effort to explain but it's useless. Kassandra has no feelings for him. They both put down the phone. Both felt sad. Kristian felt disappointed and Kassandra felt jealousy. Meanwhile... "Why didn't he reply anymore? He was already typing..." She sadly told herself. She couldn't understand why he suddenly did not reply. Anyway, she just greeted him good morning and nothing special. Ever since she had a conversation with Kristian, she stopped stalking him. And Kristian already knows him anyway. Good thing that he didn't call her Ms. Stalker and instead call her Ms. Nerdy. Because she forgot to remove her eyeglasses maybe that's why Kristian call her that. To make it even with Kristian from stalking she invited Kristian together with Kassandra. Kassandra and Kristian went together. They helped Gwen cooked for their dinner. Kassandra knows how to cook well because she studied how to cook well so as Kristian. They eat together after cooking everything and they had a good conversation. "Why did you call me Ms. Nerdy, Kris? Do I look like a bookworm?" Gwen said pretending that she doesn't mean anything but the truth is she wants to know why he didn't reply. "Why don't you ask your eyeglasses? Your huge eyeglasses... Isn't it just right to call her Ms. Nerdy, Kass?" She said while she winks at Kassandra. She agreed with Kristian and felt excited about Kristian's wink at her. She slightly felt jealous because Gwen called him Kris while he never called him Kris even if she's the one who met Kristian first. They laughed together and play some games. While they were conversing Gwen told Kristian that she was her stalker. She knows everything about Kristian while Kassandra knows few details. Kristian was really entertained by Gwen's cleverness. Kassandra notice that Gwen looks attracted to Kristian. The way she talks to Kristian. How she gazed at him. She doesn't want to lose with Gwen. When Gwen gave Kristian some water. Kassandra gave juice to Kristian. When Gwen asked him if she cooks well then Kassandra fed Kristian with food. She looks crazy competing with what Gwen was doing. Kristian noticed everything and he secretly smiled. He smiled because he knows that someone already won his heart. Well. She won ever since he met her. They happily cleaned everything. Kassandra put all the plates at the sink and Kristian wipe the table while Gwen washes the dishes. After cleaning they gathered in the living room and do a movie marathon. Of course, it was about a romantic story as they were all having the same interests. They all enjoyed each other's company. After watching the movie they decided to go home. Kristian offered to send Kassandra home and Kassandra agreed to it.
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